12 - PORT PERRY STAR = Wednesday, Jan. 5,1972 Communion was observed at last Sunday morning service. The evening unit. of the U.C.W. will hold _ their and Mrs. Ivan Hubbert and Bethany. were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Uxbridge and Mr. and Mrs. Sunday. : i meeting on January 12 at family on New Years Day, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baird' McLaughlin and family of Roger McKnight of Leask- : 7 3 8:15 in the church. George Beare's Merry and their family, Mr. and Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. dale wére New Years day Mr, and. Mrs, 'Alan -Ball The annual congregational = Makers played to a large Mrs. Wilbur Baird of Sun- Joe Waldinsperger. of 'Port : guests with Mf. and Mrs. and son were Sunday guests 1 meeting will be held in the crowd at the holiday dance in' derland, and Mr. and Mrs. Perry, Miss Helen Rahm and. Geo. Beaton. with her parents' Mr. and "church on January 24. : Centennial Hall on Alan Stirling and family = Mr. and Mrs, Ray Rahm and Mr.:and Mrs. Bob Snoddon Mrs. Frank Lee, = Holiday visitors with Mr. December 21, Everyone formerly of Scotland, 48 in family, Mr, and Mrs. of Valentia visited with Mr, The Len Wright family of' and Mrs. Howard McMillan reports good music-and a all gathered for their Frank Lee and Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs, H, McMillan on Mount Albert were at Mr, & were Mr, and Mrs. Keith very enjoyable evening. Christmas family party in Henry Thomas were Néw Saturday. and Mrs."Ed Bain's on New Ferguson of Lethbridge and Thanks to a hard working Centennial Hall on' New Years Day visitors with Mr. Mr. ard Mrs. Elwood 'Years. i Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mc- Millan of Orillia. Don and Trevor Blakely reenbank spending the holidays at their homes, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Innis visited in Peterboro with Mr. committee who planned the dance." Christmas guests with Mr. News Orono, Miss Anne Woodyard of London, Miss Helene waddell of Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. George Waddell of Years Day. A reminder to Institute Members that the Ontario bridge. "Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilson of Brooklin were Christmas guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Dearborne, "Mr. and Mrs; Geo. Rahm entertained their family on New: Years Day. Included it Church Services : | Norman Wilson of Prince Albert and and Mrs. uel hans. 2 Mr. an urray 2 ens Hope with: Mr. 'and Mrs. on New Years, and fami were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Heron at Cannington. = Mr. and Mrs, Bruce 'Beaton and boys, Mr. Murray Beaton and Misses - Mildred and Mabel Beaton of 'Clements and Mr. and Mrs. 'H. Howsam and family were Satyrday guests with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. St : and family Visite Albert You Mr. and Mrs, Ken Rodd visited in' Haliburton during the. holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tobin had dinner with "Mr. and Mrs: Henry Thomag on "Mr. and Mrs. Tom Soomre: 'and family of Port Perry ; visited with th Per réturied to Guelph and Mrs. Mel McGee in- Fruit Course Summary Day PORT PERRY PASTORAL and Mrs. Lloyd Somerville in during the holiday. sys University and Reg Foster to cluded Mr. and Mrs. Ted is on January 11 at 1 p.m. in , ~ CHARGE Columbus, : : University of Toronto after ~~ Woodyard and 'Edward of the United Church in Ux: The United Church of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Perry Mr. Bill Pearson and Mr. POST INN POR TINT GL00050 Canada and family spent New Years Pearson Sr. were Sunday {BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY For AUCTION SERVICE. Call - Wm. A. Collins 208 Queen St. PORT PERRY Farm Sales, Household, Real Estate, etc. PHONE 985-3071 EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED General Insurance -- Port Perry - 985.7306 PTOLEMY and GRIEVE , Gulf Service Station: Rev. W. Mark Reeves ¢ Minister SUNDAY, JAN. 9th-- Services will be held at Port Perry at 10 a.m, and Conway Gardens at 12:30 - SUNDAY, JAN. 8th-- -. Epiphany I 9:30 a.m --Morning Prayer . Church School ST. JOHN'S BLACKSTOCK SUNDAY, JAN. 9th-- . Epiphany 1 11 a.m.--Morning Prayer Church School PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. William Black, F.R.G.S. with Mr, and Mrs. Reg Perry in Sunderland. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Midgely and daughter were New Years visitors with. Mr. and guests with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Young visited with. Mr. and Mrs. Fish & Chips and : Pie "in Port PORT uto 146 QUEEN STREET PERRY Supply 985.2347 ® 20000500200000 a Prince Albert at 11:30 Mrs. Norman Meek in Jim Young in Port Hopelo on : : ~The Minister's topic, Sandford. New Years, : : both Churches, will be % Complete Sales & J § z SES mal A : bis sR slit katy | | For In€ome | | qq consmucrion | "sue st iamethintor: [0 oY { R.R. 4, Port Perry ' Henry Kahn Tax BUILDING & ated Church School will "E M IE E LS P L AC {4 fietionser & Bookkeep fn Sores: REMODELLING meet at 10 am. and the © 2 - $80 / ott a ng 3 A ¥ tat Cakturs Room 2 Foundation Work, Ete, | Prince Albert Community | Where Good Food is on the Menu Everyday : ! : Post Office Buildi Church School will meet at Wao 3 'Get' Action By Auction' \ ny For any of your con- \ y Phone 985-7031 struction needs call 4s. the Church at 7 p.m: T A K E OU T ; Call at my expense Specializing in Business 985-2979 The Port Perry Board of --- : i nh 24 Farm Operations a Session will convene: at : 2 a DUFF M ~ RAY WHITAKER & pm. ti : urra ; : Electronics Burnfield RR. 2, Port Perry BAPTIST CHURCH "ADMIRAL PLUMBING & ort Perry 985-7559 ~ Rev. D, C. payne, Pastor : : SN 19 Water St. - Port Perry General Machine Work SUNDAY, JAN. 9th-- Vs TELEVISION. PHONE 9857980 . | | "sang Blasting 9:50 a.m. Bible School R OXY T T : A T R E SALES a FERVICE Forced Air Furnaces Plastic Coatings." '| 11:00 am.--The Church 8 985-7 Pressure Systems Steel Fabricating ~ in' Action UXBRIDGE 852-6033 PORT PERRY New Work Repairs el xa g os = mi ie rea a lat J} | Shearing & Welding J. 7:00 p.m--A lonely life |FeS--= - : g " , "Wednesdays: 7:30 p.m.-- Ne Yon ; re ee------ rr ---- S Ca Family Prayer and Jan. 6.7-8 "WHEN EIGHT BELLS TOLL" 705, Re Soni) ; 'Brothers Construction ® | |[>wamp Garage | sible Howr = ° | Morley, Jack Hawkins, "WILLARD" 9.00. Adult. | | ; Auto Bod Entertainment. Sat. Matinee 2 p.m. "When Eight Have your house built by experts. Also no . Body CHURCH OF ASCENSION Bells Toll". Sunday Only, Jan. 9th "SOUL TO SOUL" | ; General Repairs, Cottages Raised, Doug Robinson : .. ANGLICAN 7.15, Ike and Tina Turner, Santana (adult Entertain- : Foundations el... . Brice JcCreight THURS., JAN. 6th-- _ ment), "ZACHARIAH" 9:00, Country Joe and The . For free estimates call Harvey 985 - 3203 bc ed Epiphany Fish, Doug. Kershaw, .Next Thurs. to Sunday -- EE Ey i 10 a.m.--Holy Communion "LAWRENCE OF ARABIA*,. PEN AARTIRR IY; A als ; " GENERAL REPAIRS --' Port Perry - 985-3182 SNOWMOBILE KITS CUSTOM SNOW FLAPS Septic Tanks - we During the month of Janu. (Both Metric and LUBRICATION KITS - Cleaned By 3 : "ary a series of sermons will Regular wrench sizes) sport) Pent EQUIPMENT ° M YLES | ° be given on 'Snapshots of || SNOWMOBILE SHOCKS 1 RRORS: = BOOTS : eptic Tanks an 8 = 4 2 -the Bible'. This is a con- : Complete CARBURATOR ob Weeping Beds Installed Y L E S KING : densed study of the Bible 7 Nantes for. 30 & IGNITION SETS ! Reg. Auctioneer and Valuator and designed as a 'Starter' Jl sNoWMOBILE FIBREGLASS KITS i Armstrong FARM SALES - FURNITURE and ANTIQUES ae Bible understand- || cnemIcALS SPORTLINE FIBREGLASS OSHAWA - 725.5751 or 723-0501 (De:Icer, Starting Fluid. HIGH PERFORMANCE Port Perry -- 985-2226 : : br SUNDAY, JAN. grt Track Delcer, etc.) 'BELTS ' ion a E-- Snapshot I--"The Grand y ; Vestibule". BOB \ Jisicolm 11:00 a.m.--Sunday School CG : : WIM IRENE BUN NER N Philli ip So The minister' will be glad, Now Is The Time \ ALL PHASES OF CARPENTRY ONTAR fuestions are subn T ; Courtesy, Imagination and Estimates LAND SURVEYOR | conceming dittiewt texts {| To Order Your E = 157 Main Street W. or problem areas. Members \L, jz FRE x Stouffville, Ont. are invited to drop such in Wi N T E R BOB Bere ~ Seagrave, Ont. 985-7027 ~ Phone 6404031 the offering plate with no - -- name attached. F U E L ? SEE 1 United Church of Canada : : i OUR ° SCUGOG Pastoral Charge SE fee d shoes? FULL LINE OF Jack Weyrich Rev. B, R.'Pogue 1% ye on Bramium J Rev. P, C. Brown : ual uel Oi TOP QUALITY: MEN'S Cartage & Waste] i \pav. jan. oth Call Collect 668-3341 F and TEENAGE BOY'S ~ ~ Removal 9:45 am. --SCUGOG : 11:15 a.m.---MANCHESTER x TIE renew Shoes & Boots 985-3312 ®* WE FIX OLD SHOES PENTECOSTAL CHURCH ® WE SELL NEW SHOES Rev. R. Batten, '® SKATES SHARPENED Rev. I. MacLean CALL US TODAY 10 a.m,--Family Bible Hour FOR PROMPT, COURTE V Port Perry Shoe Repair & Sales Ty SHS bio i ; OUS SERVICE i) 233 QUEEN STREET ~-- PORT PERRY 1 7:00 p.m.--Evang. Service en