A RAT A PEE STR A : Ys any 3 ey pa PR Nb 14 - PORT PERRY STAR ~ Wednesday, Feb. 2, 1972 Blackstock News Sincere sympathy of the community is extended to . Mr. and Mrs. James McLeod (and family on the tragic >i passing of their 19 year old son and brother Leonard _ McLeod as a result of a traffic = accident early Saturday morning. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Jim' Swain, Mr. Harold Swain and Miss Helen Swain, Mr. and Mrs. 'Neil Werry travelled to Dundas where the Swain's visited Mr. and Mrs. Swain and family while Neil+ and Eleanor were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Marlow and family. Congratulations to Mrs, Ruth Wilson on the arrival of her first grandchild, and to Mrs. McQuade on becoming -great-grandma- it's a girl - Valerie Lynn Wilson wee daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wilson. . Mr. and Mrs, Ferguson and boys were weekend guests 'of Jean's mother, Mrs. Harry MCKee at Norwich. They also were guests of her brother Mr. and Mrs. -. Hugh McKee and "family, AT the mixed Bonspiel at Port "Perry on Saturday Blackstock = was - represented. Mr. and Mrs. R. Turner and Mr. and Mrs. - Roy Cordon won the 'Spiel by defeating ~ another Blackstock foursome, Mr. and Mrs. "Brian Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bailey by one point. The Turner- Corden team won first place- silver trays and marble desk sets while the Hamilton- Bailey team took third prize - Bill well' Rev. Clarence kK USN. Don Mills called on his sister Mrs. O. Hill 'durifg- the weekend, "Winners at the regular Wd. card Party on Wed- nesday evening were Ladies High - Second - Ella Venning, Men's High - - Everet -Watsoh. «Second Percy VanCamp: Door Prize -- Elizabeth Skelding. Next W.I. card party to be Wednesday," February 9th, Quite a number of local snowmobile fans attended and enjoyed very much the snowmobile party of Mr. and Mrs; Harold Martyn on Sunday afternoon at their farm at Bethany. Many of the local farmers attended the annual . Machinery Show in Toronto during last week. Mr. 'and Mrs. Harry VanCamp were . Sunday guests of her brother, Mr. - and Mrs. Wilson Heaslip of Janetville. T he annual Congregational meeting of the United Church was held on Wednesday evening among the many. other events that night. Regular reports given by. the secreataries of the various groups of the Church in- dicated a favourable year. Rev. V. Parsons an- "nounced that our congregation, like 'many others, will: have a Church Directory this year. Family pictures will be taken in the spring. Weekend visitors of Mr. --cleetric-clothes-brushes-and----and--Mrs;- Bob Bryans-and- inantle cloeks. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mc- Menemy, Christine, Stephen and Paul, Oshawa were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. Gerald Kelly and girls. 'and Mrs. family was Nancy's sister, Miss Debbie Brown. On Sunday they took her home and enjoyed a visit with Mr, and Mrs. Wilf Brown at Courtice. Mr. -and--Mrs: Bryans and family were then GCOCLASS GORUPP "1972 Specials" Rogue - 25 h.p. © regular price $995.00 Yankee - 25 h.p. regular price $1125.00 Yankee - 30 h.p. regular price $1295.00 Yankee = 40 h.p. regular price. $1395.00 American - 40 h.p. Wide Track - Electric $1595.00 $75. 4975. $1095. $1195. $1295. Beare Motors Chevrolet 268 Queen St. 985.7351 Lorna Richards, Sunday night supper. guests of Mr, and. Mrs. Jim Morrison of Courtice. '. On Tuesday night a good crowd enjoyed the O.N.O. Skating * Party for members, their husbands and families. Several games and" skating was enjoyed, 'The evening concluded with a "lunch of hot 'dogs and coffee. The O.N.O. girls are : reminded that the February meeting has been changed to this week at the home of Dolly Lee. January Meetings of the Thursday Guild and A.C.W. were combined to take form of a Pot Luck supper at the Parish Hall. The delicious pot luck- dinner was con-* cluded with a birthday cake in_honour of Catherine Corden's birthday. Mrs. ° Harry McLaughlin presided and welcomed everyone, She il Church Services PORT PERRY. PASTORAL ~~ CHARGE The United Church of : Canada Rev. "W. Mark Reeves Minister. SUNDAY, FEB. 6th-- Services will beheld at Port Perry at 10 'a.m. and at Prince Albert at 11:30 'am. Mr. R. A. Marston of the Alcohol and Drug Con- ~cerns;-Inc, will-be-the guest J speaker and present an appeal on behalf of the work of his organization, =The Port Perty Amalga- mated Church School will meet at 10 a.m. and the Prince Albert Community | Church School will convene at the Church at 7 pm. PORT PERRY + _ BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. D. C. Payne, Pastor. SUNDAY, FEB. 6th-- 9:50 a.m.--Bible School 11:00 a.m.--"Nephew Lot He Lingered": - 7:00 p.m--""Remember _ Lot's Wife" Wednesday 7:30 p.m.-- . Family Prayer and Bible Hour --CHURCH-OF ASCENSION ANGLICAN | SUNDAY, FEB. 6th-- Sexagesima 9:30 a.m.--Holy Communion and Church School ST. JOHN'S BLACKSTOCK ~ SUNDAY, FEB. 6th-- Sexagesima 11 am.--Holy Communion «and - Church- School PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH "Rev. William Black, F.R.G.S. SUNDAY, FEB. 6th-- 10 a.m.--Sermon--Bible Snapshots (5) Deuteronomy--Com- munion Service--Sermon 'The Peace of Obedience' 11:00 a.m.--Sunday School, United Church of Canada SCUGOG Pastoral Charge Rev. B. R. Pogue Rev. P; C. Brown ' . SUNDAY, FEB. 6th-- 9:45 a.m.--SCUGOG 11:15 a.m. --MANCHESTER PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Rev. R. Batten. Rev. I. MacLean © 10 a.m.--Family Bible Hour "11 a.m.~Morning Worship 7:00 p.m--Evang. Service was "fin charge' of the Devotion on thé Calendar | theme, Jesus sald, "Let the children come to me , for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such-as- these." Taking part in the scripture readings, 'prayers and "meditations were Edna Heaynes, :'M.Argue, E, Bailey B. Staniland; B. thur, I'reasurer 'B. Staniland handed copics of * the financial report which was adopted. Thank you notes 'wore read and suggested painting job was tabled. 'Plans for 'the Spring Supper and Make Believe Tea are to be completed by the girls of the Thursday . the [wm Molaughlin and L. McAr- 3 tulle I: was decided to accept the kind invitation to hold a garden party at the home of Mr: und Mrs. Donneral, Nestleton. 'Committee to check choir & gowns is. C. Corden; Mrs, Lomax and L. McLaughlin, Nex¥ meeting of the: A C:Wis to be a quilting: io "Bonediction ¢ was® pronounced by Mrs, (continued on page 16) come Jack Weyrich| | "Tax Cortese & Waite) | & dpb ifcHiks wi CA 985-3312 Specializing in Business and Farm Operations v F & G CONSTRUCTION RR: 4, port perry re Raising Foundation 'Work, Ete. For. any of your con- struction needs call us. 985-2979 EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED : General Insurance -- Port Perry - 985.7306 "PTOLEMY and GRIEVE Gulf Service Station GENERAL REPAIRS - -- Pont Perry - 985 .3182 2 YET KING : Auctioneer and Valuator FARM SALES -' FURNITURE and ANTIQUES ~OSHAWA -- 725-5751 or 723-0501 | Malcolm | Phillip ONTA Lp 9 LAND SURVEYOR | Hottie. ont. touffv Phone bons Septic Tanks Ne Ea0IPME MENT a Septic Tanks an Weeping Beds Installed Reg. Amsiony * Brothers Construction 0} Have your house 'built by "experts. Also - General Repairs, Cottages Raised, Foundations etc. .. .. For free estimates call Harvey 986 - 3203 A. COLLINS LICENCED AUCTIONEER FARM SALES, HOUSEHOLD, REAL ESTATE, etc. Gol Cole Port Perry 985-3071 _ "BOBS CARPENTRY 'ALL PHASES OF CARPENTRY. Courtesy, Imagination and Estimates -- FREE -- BOB BERO -- Seagrave, Ont. - 92s. 7027 I~ SEE OUR need shoes? or TOP QUALITY MEN'S and TEENAGE BOY'S Shoes & Boots ® WE FIX OLD SHOES ® WE SELL NEW SHOES ° SKATES SHARPENED Port Pores Shoe Repair & Sales "Port Perry -- 9852226 | rn D u F F Electronics. ° CLOSED ° 'Jan. 31-Feb. 12 ---- [od Murray FR {J Burnfield | | PLUMBING. & HEATING. "19 Water St. - Port Perry PHONE 985.7980 Forced Air Furnaces "Pressure Systéms New Work - Repairs Swamp Garage il J) Auto Body Doug Robinson Bruce McCreight Free Estimates / 985-3291 "RAY. WHITAKER & =~ SONS MAC E SHOP |» R.R. 2, Port Perry 985 7559 General Machine Work Sand Blasting + Plastic Coatings . Steel Fabricating Shearing & Welding j* L 233 QUEEN STREET = PORT PERRY. | A Distinctive "Porms that SS Work for You ELECTRIC MOTOR REWINDING and = REPAIR MITTON ELECTRIC Tel. 668-2670 \ 208 Chestnut St. East, Whitby, Ont. ; Rebuilts and I pulleys Chain and Sprockets | 4--Feh23