lo « CF . _- To -- SELL RENT « SWAP HIRE * BUY * SELL: RENT + SWAP + HIRE * BUY + SELL: RENT + SWAP + HIRE COS) CLASSIFIED ADS BET RESULTS HIRE «BUY * SELL: RENT + SWAP + HIRE * BUY * SELL: RENT + SWAP + HIRE + BUY + SELL RENT * , J ; Real Estate . 'Work Wanted Work Wanted PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Feb. 9,1972 - 9 |BABY SITTING in my own : home. . Phone 985.7479. AL SPE ARS RUG & UPHOLSTERY clean ing done in your home and ao, fw ues mee Sv BODY SHOP 3--Feb.23 Dead or Crippled COMPLETE COLLISION - S-- -- SERVICE + [J 189 QUEEN STREET, .PORT PERRY; ONT. Farm Stock a Picked Up Promptly. REALTOR BODY REPAIRS AND : Ww Telephone Collect SPRAY PAINTING _ APPRAISALS SER da Street oot. Port Lat Pox a 0 HAMPTON 416-263-2721 3 All properties will have to be valued to comply | Brick two storey home, - two bedroom apts. special | [MARGWILL FUR FARM| ® FREE ESTIMATES e [| With the now capital gain tax law. We would be 1 Two self contained 6 room facilities for all Al Ten- R.R.5 Bowmanville happy to evaluate your property. ; apartments, 3 bedrooms. antts. Good return on in- or PRINCE ALBER 2 : Asking $26,500. with vestment, Corner property. . Licence No. 364-C-72 T New 3 bedroom brick bungalow under construc- $9. 00 down. Howard Yolk Jo, shop, Zing tion, buy now and pick your own colours, cupboards down. Howard Forder. Fo ghhind TV OVERS 085 wa Sixiutes, | Oy $25,000 wiih terms, Port Perry : : ' 723-9525 - § 50 acres scenic property on paved road, north of : 3 New 3 bedroom brick Attraciiis Britain |] TV. Tovess, Sales Service Port Perry, 18 acres cleared Toe overlooking wood - ungalow, family size kit- 4 oom | |: an allation 2--Feb.16 TE Tn | Ps ce. coloured bath. Plast . exquisite - an ac : 2 pe e coloured hath, I Jaster chen 'design ot. Lesated alo ini te . on 1% storey 3 bedroom frame home with aluminum Early purchaser could close to shopping and re- 'Open 9 - 9 Real Estate siding in Port Perry. Oil furnace and bath, paved have choice of colours & * creation centre. Asking 544 Adelaide St. W. f drive and garage. Very clean throughout. $19,000 brick. Asking $23.900. F250, Terms arranged. TF. with terms orrison. : . erms. Ken Middleton. j Be Citron, Tir Hlensr of Damics . PRICE REDUCED $4,000 : Port Perry : six Acres FARM ANIMALS : 1% storey 7 room frame home, close to downtown 2 Four bedroom model fa- Three bedroom home, im. Picked up Promptly Port Perry, all conveniences, oak floors, large mily home, spacious kit- ~~ maculate. Good heated For. direct corner lot. House suitable to make apartments. | chen, choice broadloom, frame building 58 x 34, | | For. direct line call Long Garage.. $19,500 with $5,000 down panelled family room. ideal service centre, dog Distance and ask for sy 19) 0 . Oversize garage, choice kennels, Highway front. Zenith 32800. : lot. Close to schools and age. Port Perry South. ||. Call anytime 2 bedroom brick bungalow in Sunderland, all shopping. Asking $29,500. = $35,000. Terms arranged. ED PECONI & SON | modern conveniences, fireplace, attached garage and Tors ~ Call Howard Howard Forder. 2 Weohviis, om. = oe Log paved drive, many extras. $25,500 with $7,000 down. . : * Licence No. - ort Perry edroom bun- : . - ¥ . : ' 1 . yen LL Popy-Perry-rr ep iiardware Business |. [mmr Solow ssparaie dining room | {$4500 down" buys modern 3 bedroom brick bunga- . 2 bedroom frame home 'Brooklin, No. 12 Hwy. BLACKS TOCK |Vvithall modern conveniences low, attached garage, hollywood kitchen, oak floors with living and dining Lardware store, main UPHOLSTERY [2nd carpct throughout. Some| | broadioom, sliding glass doors from dini Areas. kitchen. 4 pce. bath, Street. Stock at cost plus ' trees. Only minutes from Oxdiderd, sliding §lass Qgots irom imng room 0 fun ) Excel] a fixtures. Premises leased. | |Re-Upholstery and Repairs to | shopping area. Full price, to patio. Nicely decorated. Immediate possession. oittion 81 nig Good potential. Owner || all types of Furniture. : | $19,500 with terms. 1 Only $31,000. apartment upstairs, - A deceased, * Price about Upholstery fabrics & supplies ; : good buy at $23,500. with 317.800. cash. Howard AUSTIN BARTLEY 4 Somimsteisl Rreperyy 3 bedroom brick bungalow in Port Perry, close * good terms. Bruce Currie. ¥ Phone 986-4731 for oor bon 14 to schools and hospitals, landscaped, private drive, Bethany Ski Area - built workshop, approx. 30 by all 'modern conveniences, only 2 years old. Priced B Unger Connruction Highway 35 one mile. | | CITY WATER Delivery: Low 45, could have excellent po- to sell, $25,800 with $3,000 down. DHhgalov, Fomy stv n- Prime 200 acre stock farm, | | cost water haulage to home, | tential, plus a 7 room 2 i } ihe + 2 sq. 180 acres arable. Stream | | farm, pool, etc. Phone col.| storey frame home, 1% 3 bedroom brick bungalow with attached garage . 2 us garage. Balcony, and springs, excellent lect anytime. 725-4912. baths, all modern convenien- and extra building lot, suitable for V.L.A., separate patio, two fireplaces, rec. pondsites. 10 acres hard- 4--Qct.13| ces, close to store, school bus dini d livi ith fire-pl room, four bedrooms, of- wood bush. 1% storey 4 { at door, only $8,000 down. ining room, modern living room with fireplace, £3 fice. Plaster finish & de- bedroom brick home sur- : Full Price $25,900. . laundry room off kitchen, also rec. room. Sacrifice corated. Buy now, choose rounded by mature map- LOOK! only $29,900 with terms. colours. ~ Asking $39,500. les, all conveniences. Am- . Port Perry . Jerms arranged. Howard ple barns, suitable for Save $ N A cosy 5 room bungalow, 11; ACRES - POND - GARDEN SOIL rder. horses oF Rest Gt ow all modern conveniences, 2 storey 8 room frame home overlooking mill Roti : With terns. Maree. = i will save you newly renovated, excellent pond, excellent view, all modern conveniences, eliremen Baker. Yoon all major for retirement or beginner, modern living room with huge picture window, ex- Farm Equipment Repairs | easy to heat, low taxes, on . ; Offer good pr BE service. Full Price $15,500. cellent family home on paved road. Asking $26,500. months, See us now at . . Greenbank Village, attrac- . vs 95 hide m Pi 50 Acre Commuter Farm Very productive, all work- SUNDERLAND FAMILY HOME room, completely redecor- ; : ' ~-- able;= 3 bedroom home, TREWIN FARM EQUIP. " sed Sood lot, those. A TIOGIrT ConYeniences, Blackstock - 9864283 Yairi STOLREVILLE 4 2 storey, 9 room brick home, broadloom and drapes, available. Asking $10,000. Barn and other buildings hrktak tia -- -- | equipment Ell go large modern Kitchen, 5 bedrooms and new oil 'Terms arranged. Call = a N pe t Credit ably. In an excellent location furnace. Opportunity at only $23,500 with terms. George Beaton. Blackstock ar es, 18 miles otice TON IRONS Call for further information. os 4 void Sof Bests ) a shawa. ,000. Terms. NEW HOMES - PORT PERRY acres vacant land north of Port Perry with ex- 1% Blackstock i tie Ken Middleton. ne Matter of the stale $3000. or $4000. down for 3 cellent pond site, river along west boundary of pro- main roads. Some woods Development Land "Deceased * |bedroom bungalows. Now is perty, natural bird sanctuary, ideal building site. and stream, Six room Land for residential de- Al persons having claims he. time SO Dik Jour own | | $23,000 with $5000 down. ungalow conveniences velpoment. Village o agains e Estate of Frank : farm buildings. Asking Port Perry, approved plan | |Edward Honey, late of the Drawn) or broadloom. Cen- HIGHWAY FARM. WITH VIEW $72,000. Terms. Howard for 40 lots. Prime loca. | [Township of Reach, in the Sta | pcstiony some On sewers 100 acres medium clay loam, 2 storey 8 room Forder. tion. Priced at $72,000. County of Ontario; - Gentle: tarting at $23,500 to $24,500 brick home with all conveniences. 21 ft. living room a Terms. Howard Forder. man, who died on or about with large picture window with 30 mile view, double Serth of P ort Horry. ie 8th fay ot DeLee, North Nasa Land attached garage, bank barn, excellent pond site, 5 acres 0 rollin are hereby no orth of Port Perry, 85 acres ! 2 ? il 2 & Investment Property » lo y miles from Port Perry. Asking $79,000 with terms. land with artesian wells & send to the undersigned on|some workable including Approx. 21 acres, excellent river frontage, some bush, 50. ACRE FARM several good springs. Ideal J iio "in good devel- | [or before the 1st day of for trout ponds. Good 0ca "| [March, 1972, full particulars | excellent for skidooing, 48 : , building site. Asking opment potential or of thelr claims. mediate. | miles from Toronto. Full 1% storey frame house with conveniences, bank $16,000. Terms. Lawrence 30000" George Beaton. | [IV after the said date the as. | Price $20,000 with terms. barn, 2 miles from Port Perry. $32,000 with $5,000 Morrison. pte sets of the said deceased will down. be distributed among the 10 Miles North of Oshawa an arties entitled thereto, hav.| $5000. down for this charm. Building lot in Caesarea 150 x 130, close to lake. OFFICE HOURS -- 9 am, - 9 p.m. 1 ling regard only to claims of ing 3 Redroan frame Bunga. Basement and sub floor 'in. $5,000 Cash. Direct Teleph Li hich they sh ow, all modern: convenien. : EO pars Perry Josaaes Wich they shall. then. eve ces. tile and broadloom, on REAL ESTATE SALES AND SERVICE o EXPERIENCED SALES STAFF e Ontario, this 2rih day of spot SAR ne 5, OUR BUSINESS Manager - Howard Forder -- 985-3439 January, 1972. will consider all offers, Full Maurice Baker -- 852.7256 KELLY, JERMYN, Price $26,900. . LOOK -- for our office opening in the near George Beaton -- 985.3040 : DONALD & THOMAS, - : future at 221 Queen St., Port Perry B Gurri 705 . 357.3 Barristers and Solicitors, Creswell Call ruce Currie -- - 392 Box 131, Port Perry, Ont.|1 acre of vacant land, high : : Ken Middleton -- 985-7548 Solicitors for the above | and dry, could be divided Lawrence Morrison -- 705 - 357-3395 3--Feb.16 Estate| into building lots, a few feet George Stone F.R.L _ FINANCE ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE Jon Dun Highway. Pal) : COAST TO COAST REAL ESTATE SERVICE Savi 985-2632 v WE LIST EXCLUSIVE amd M.LS. Check The Label ; ' pp mens ; Call Anytime HERB PUCKRIN 705 - 357.3671 Real Estate is still your best Investment On Your Paper oTAARION HOPKINS KEN HOLLIDAY 723-5420