rl gr ABER 2 a) x SL OS eR i 6 - PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, March 1, 1972 Princess and Queen for a worthy cause. Mary Jane Crosier (right) was named Heart Fund Queen, while Joanne Carriere was selected Princess at a recent Heart Fund dance at Port Perry High school. Seagrave News (continued) With 29 days in February this year, we say "Happy Birthday" to Monica Boll- ing who celebrates her 5th- birthday, to Reg. Abraham who will apparently be in hospital and to Bill Barr who is certain to be cele- brating in some way. Mr. and Mrs. John Tobin were guests at the Cox- worth - Bailey wedding in St. Andrews United Church, Markham on Saturday. Mr. Dennis Tobin return- ed on Friday night after a 3 week's holiday in Aca- pulco, Mexico. Mrs. also returned from her Florida holiday. Gladys Short has Miss Heather Stronach of Port Perry spent the week- end with the Morley -Bruce "family. Miss Donna Bruce of Trent University will be at home all this week dur- ing the winter term break. Mr. and Mrs. John Skel- ton and family of Richmond Hill were at home with the Durwards on Sunday. Jo-Ellen Pollard of Stouff- ville had a holiday with grandpa and grandma Hun- ter last" week. Bill Short spent week-end with a chum in Greenbank. On Sunday afternoon Mrs. Reta Boe and Mrs. Jean MacTaggart journeyed to Beaverton where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Wilson last school WES LANE PLUMBING - HEATING - - ELECTRIC - "PORT PERRY 985-2413 OFFICE -- RESIDENCE Boe. The B. L. Wanamakers entertained Mr. and Mrs, Ron Wanamaker and family of Oshawa and Miss Sharon Sweetman on Sunday. The Neil Wanamakers had Mr. and Mrs, Ian Fraser and daughter from Toronto. Church attendance this week was encouraging. Flowers in the church were in memory of the late Mrs. A, Martyn. Highlight at S.S. was a flannelgraph presented by 2 boys and 4 girls of a pri- mary class under direction of Catharine Nicholls and Darlene Watts. We were impressed with the care the girls. had taken to make the background of the picture. Ladies--Take an hour or so to attend the World's Day of Prayer Service at 2 p.m. on Friday. Mrs. Annie Jacobs will be the speaker ard we. hope some Green- bank women will be our guests. Scugog News The * Scugog Pastoral charge has now been ar- ranged for Sunday, March 5 at 8 p.m, at Manchester ' Church, All people involved should please try to be present. Scugog has had its share of sickness and hospital pat- . ients lately. Mrs. Cliff Red- man is home after a bout of pneumonia as is John Bec- kett with the same problem. Mrs. Roger Hope is home after complication following surgery, Mrs. Glen Hood had an extra share of pneu- monia. Mr. Ernie Edgar had another flare up with his diabetes. Our sympathy is extended to the family and friends of. . the aged, Mr, Percy Edgar who passed away last week. We hope you are saving _your papers and magazines to help the Cubs and Scouts with their paper collection in April. Some of the Island Brow- +nies attended: the Snowmo- bile party at Poplar Park on Satruday and then -the special service on Sunday at Church of the Immaculate Conception on Scugog Street. "Head" U.C.W. meeting tonight at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Stichmann. The storm last week end was hard on the people and also a few optomistic birds : who forgot to go south. One lucky mourning dove was rescued with a frozen leg and is now doing well in a warm Nanshestel News A meeting of the Official Board of Manchester and Scugog Church, Sunday, March 5th at 8 p.m. Man- chester Chuch. TheU.C.W. meeting will be at Marion Webster's, March 2nd, 2 p.m. All ladies are welcomed. > Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. L.B. Roberts were Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Mitchell and sons of Miami, Florida, Mr. G. King and son, Rexdale. : Recent callers with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Franklin were Mr. Austin and Murray Franklin of Oshawa Mr. and Mrs.~Eric Lane, Blackstock, Mr. and Lorene Blakely, Greenbank, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Elliott, Mr. Jack Gray. - Eugene, Brenda, Mr. M. Crosier of Stouffville. Mr. and 'Mrs. Arnold Roach are vacationing in the Barbados. Friends and neighbours had a shower for Ross Black, Friday evening at her home, Weekend guest with Mr, and Mrs. Art Fielding were there grandchildren, Kathy, Timmy Anness. - Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Best were in Fort Henry, Sunday to see the Port Perry -midget Hockey game, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Duff are home from their Florida vacation. Mrs, Dolly Roberts and Mrs, John Wilson spent Saturday in Toronto at the ' Mrs. Ray Dobson and Mrs¥®25th annual Garden Show at Pat Kingstone attended the annual meeting of the United Church Presbyterial in Oshawa. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Best were Mrs. Helen Taylor and O'Keef Centre. Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson and Craig visited with their daughter Janice and Keith in Severn Bridge on Sunday. Don't forget to feed the birds. -- Hank's Excavating SEWER INSTALLATION Phone 985-2333 or Box 489 PORT PERRY Carol, )% DISCOUNT on _CITATION PAINT Citation paint is manufactured exclusively fo " BUILDING DEALER" by a y for your "BOLD guaranteed as good as national brands selling' for much more. National (OLLCTRERN oo LY [TNS f SWE: BUILDING GENERAL CONTRACTING AN Types * By Cn ol Construction LAL [8 BEATE ATTY i Estimates REE LX Doliven JPPLIES AT COMPE 1 LAVA PRICES Pi ANNING Ct ENTRE & Matornial Manufacturer %. Chins Seine 720 § g . J : } j and all ~ Painting Accessories Custom Blended Colours 68 GALLON for INTERIOR LATEX and nl IY RM -@oLLY LAL RAS BRL ARMY VANS ALLER LE RL AAC ht 3 LZ »- x » »