a & LJ "s'maiss the very capable lea: & several days at the R. Mc- 'Mrs. Marlene Mitchell, in . honour of bride-to-be, Miss " Saturday at the home of "Thompson again around our 7 SHED Prince Albert News One 'evening last week, Mrs, Clifford Wilson, on behalf of the Royal Bank staff, graciously opened her : home. for a personal shower in honour of bride-to-be, Miss. Joanne Van Kessel, whose marriage takes place shortly to Mr. Larry Reesor. All the girls had fun and a dainty lunch was served. The Church congregation deeply appreciates the many » baskets of attractive flow- ers placed in the sanétuary from the memorial services of the late Mrs. C. Martyn and Miss A. Shunk, Hockey = players, "Larry Elson, Steve Jones & Eddy Olson, were members of the victorious Pee Wee team travelling to Kingston last Saturday. A 9-0 score on- Kingston ice sounds well in their favour, They should. do all right Wednesday on home ice. Great work, boys. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Snel- grove and Mr, and 'Mrs. Grant Hunter are headed for Florida and hopefully, warm, sunny weather. Miss Linda Hunter will be in charge of the choir during Mrs. Snelgrove's ab- sence. Mrs, Iva McIntyre spent * Intyre home. . During her stay, she attended a shower at Epsom at the home of Rose Black of Manchester. 4H girls have started their next session and met leader, Mrs. Ilene Pugh. The girls will undoubtedly dership of Mrs. Catherine Martyn, as will Mrs, Pugh, Nice to see "Grandpa" town. He is visiting daugh. ter, Mrs. Elma Doyle, and family. Also visiting the Doyles is Mrs. Bonnie Ro- gers, who was kind enough. to throw a few rocks with our Business Girls Curling cn Tuesday night. Dennis and Jan Towns of Scarborough spent the Pickering (continued) an estimated $4 billion, employing 100,000 men and women, ; "The CANDU (Canada Deuterium Uranium) reactor, fuelled with natural uranium and moderated by heavy water, makes efficient use of Canada's ample uranium reserves, without reliance on another country for expensive enrichment services. The feasibility of the "CANDU concept was proven - when the Nuclear Power Demonstration plant first produced electricity from its small 20,000-kilowatt gen- erator at - Rolphton, Ottawa, in June, 1961. Doug- las: Point nuclear power station, on Lake Huron, near Kincardine, 10 times the size of NPD, showed the concept would work on a larger scale. : Construction of Pickering generating station, the first commercial - scale plant, started in 1965, When com- pleted the station -will pro- duce 2,160,000 kilowatts, sufficient to meet the resid- ential needs of four times the homes in Metropolitan Tor- onto. 'Newnham, near * week-end with' the MclIn. tyres. Speedy recovery wishes are offered to Mr, Cecil Mrs, Harold Holtby, and Mr. Ed Thomp- son, , Mrs, Olive Brown and Mrs. Helen Menzies are back after 'theif trip to Florida, Snowmobile enthusiasts are making good use of all this snow plus the nice change in weather. ~ - Guide leader, Miss Sharon Sweetman, Brownie leader, Mrs. Eileen Hvidsten, Guid- es, ' Marci Doupe, Lynne Glass and Leslie Forder, and Brownies, Lisa Feasby and Lisa Barclay took part RRR RR KAYSER HOSIERY PANTY HOSE -- 99c¢ to $2.00 Marvel Fit Hose -- $2.00 to $2.59 NYLON HOSE -- $1.29 to $1.50 SUPP-HOSE -- $5.00 SUPP-HOSE PANTY HOSE -- $6.00 in the Thinking Day Service Feb, 22 at the Scout Hall, Mr. & Mrs. Les Beacock : _were amang the group who. called on the Croxalls Sat- urday -evening. =' Mr! & Mrs, C. Love spent the weekend with daughter and son-in-law, Mrs, James Brown and husband of Guelph. y Any news Items; please "call 985-7061, rE! 0 Crimplene "Va ; Obituary Percy Edgar Mr. Percy Edgar, one of Scugog Island's oldest resi- dents passed away last Tuesday, February 22 at the Community Nursing Home. Mr. Edgar was in his 99th year, Mr. Edgar was born in Alliston, Ontario, and spent all his life on Scugog Island. He married Eve Jane Marsden, and had a family * of nine sons and one daugh- ter: 'Mr. Edgar was prede- ceased by two sons, Frank "and Harvey. The remainder of his family 'are sons Oscar of Lakefield, Edwin. of Scugog Island; George of Oshawa; John of Scugog Island; Cass of Scugog Island; Woody of Peter- borough; Ernest of Scugog Nice Styles . BLOUSES . COATS . SKIRTS . SLACKS - AAAI B 0AM AR 2S 2.0 0M bd Abs DA BAA ALB TAL A Go Be 8 Island; and a, Alice, (Mrs. Leslie McCue of Curve Lake). t 1 Mr, Edgar is also survived grea grandchildren. | it's IN to eat out Where Good Food is on the menu Everyday Priced from . eae, $9.95 & 512.95 ~ BROCKS for Port Perry' S largest selection of Mens -- Womens -- ~ Childrens < LOT HING LADIES DRESSES $9.95 to $13.95 PANT TOPS . PANT SUITS x . DRESSES . HATS ~~ . PURSES etc. Double Knit SLIMS $12.95 SLIMS | $12.00 { "EMIELS PLACE" Great Buys BRAS, GIRDLES Body-shaping bras. Comfortable gar- terless panty gir- dles.In two lengths. BRAS $4.00 to $9.00 PANTY GIRDLES $11.00 to $15.00 GIRDLES -- $12.00 DEPARTMENT CR a a a A A a a a a A.W. BROCK SYNOD ~~ a ~~ by 19 grandchildren, 36 great grandchildren, and 12 great, (ooo a ot od a --~ (to A of ot ow oo wf oo wo lo oo oo oo ol A A A A A oo lo lee ee ee ee A A =