Editor, Port Perry Star. Dear Sir: It 'would give me great pleasure to, see this letter published in your newspaper to inform the public of the fine job that the Port Perry Snowmobile club is doing. I was always the first person to critize these. men and their machines--never did I stop to consider that they provide a real service to our community. On February 19th, we were stranded' in Blackstock and as there seemed no way that the roads would be cleared it really appeared as though we might not get . home until Monday. This ~e situation put me in a very serious. position. It was suggested that I call Mr. Walt Sanderson, President of the Snowmobile Club to see if he could possibly help me to get home to Utica. Mr. Sanderson was extremely sympathetic and came to the rescue immediately, bring- ing all the proper clothing and also. a sleigh. He was PLUMBING - = PORT PERRY HEATING . kind and considerate of my probleth and got me safely home to my family. I would like to thank these unselfish men who on the week-end of the storm were out preforming a service to all those.unfortunate enough to be stranded, There really is a place for this club, they stress al} the correct 'usage of their machines and they teach and practice 'safety. The town of Port Perry should take their hats off to this fine organization 'and . what they are accomplish- ing. Thanks again 'Walt" I'll never knock the Snow- mobile again. . Sincerely, Doreen Kendall, R.R. No. 4, Port Perry, Ontario. A. E Johnson 220 MARY STREET 085 -2383 LANE - ELECTRIC - . 980-2473 General Repairs and Small Engine Trouble? We now have g SERVICE DEPARTMENT for © Snowmobiles © Lawn Mowers © Chain Saws ® Garden Tractors © Snow Blowers Parts on all makes of Snowmobile ig $8.95 REAR SNOWFLAPS supplied & installed $5.95 Lub Job $5.95 (includes Clutch & Bogie Wheels or Bearings pack- "ed, Cables, Track Tension Drive' Belt and Chain Case checked.) Queen St. Port helpful Port Perry Auto Supply 'Home Owners Can Now REDUCE PAYMENTS By As Much As Half You as home owner are now eligible for a low cost second or third mortgage loan from $2,000 to $25,000 at reduced monthly payments. Find out how a low cost home owner loan can pay all your bills, give you additional cash--if required and at the same time reduce your monthly payments by as much as half. Find out how easy it is to get your load approved . within 24 hours. You can call to 10 p.m. today for courteous service. Corp., Ltd., 330 Bay St., 366-9586., evenings 231-8146. Perry 985-2347 Prompt Investment Toronto. Call collect. PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, March 8, 1972 -- 5 Utica News Service will be held 'in . Utica United Church on Sunday, March 12 at 11:30 a.m, Sunday School meets at 10 a.m. The musical numbers pre- sented by the Epsom School choir and directed by Mrs, Francis Sandison at Epsom United Church on Sunday were very much enjoyed and - appreciated. The Sympathy of "the community is extended to 'the family and friends of the late Mr, Wilfrid Reesor in their recent bereavement. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bridge and family to the communtity. They are living in the home formerly owned by Mrs, Su O'Connor, Congratulations and best wishes to Mr, James E. Mitchell on the occasion of his 94th birthday on Sunday, March 5. All the family called on Sunday to wish him a happy birthday. We are pleased that Mrs. -LL. Saunders has returned home after a stay in the Community Memorial Hosp- ital at Port Perry. We trust that Mr's. Saunders will soon be well again. We would say "Thank you' to Mr. Bruce - Geer and- Rick, Mr. Bill Brown and Mr. George Beverley who have kept the snowbanks away from the church. and the hall. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Corb-~ man of Oshawa were recent visitors with Mrs, Cecil Harper, Mr. and Mrs. Lou Fielding of Keswick called on Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fielding on Sunday. Mrs. Lloyd Harrison, Mrs, Gary Mahoney and Jamie and Mrs. Bill Mitchell of Port Perry visited Mr. and Mrs. James E. Mitchell last week. Recent visitors with Mrs. Violet Skeratt were Mrs. Charles Trenka, Miss Kath- leen Trenka, Mr. Jim Noakes, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Raines, and Mrs. Fred Olsen and Shelley, ° Mr, Larry Kendall spent the weekend at Blue Springs euchre on Friday night were Stella Miller, Ruby Geer and Velma Ross, and Carl Gimlett, Hérman Kerry and Harold McDiarmid. The freezeout 'euchre winners * were Mildred Thompson and Jack Crosier and Anne Manns and Bruce Bright. Mr. and Mrs. Hillis Wilbur atténded the Sundridge vs. Legion - Peewees game in Sundridge on Sunday, 'as Scott played with the win- ning team, Congratulations to the "Mersco Tykes," managed by Mr. Hillis Wilbur in winning the hockey tourna- ment in Newcastle on Satur- day. Todd Wilbur plays on this team, where he attended the Adult ' Training Course for Boy Scout Leaders. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Scho- field were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Harper. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Jackson and Nicole of London spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn MacCannell. A fair crowd enjoyed the WINTER SPECIAL Purchase an 8 hip, -10h.p., 12h.p.. or 14h.p. L.O.L. dance in the hall on Saturday evening. The next dance is planned for March 18. Winners at the Hall Board LIBBY'S 14-02. tin F{ MAPLE LEAF . SWEET MCKLED MAPLE LEAF MAPLE LEAF « BREADED JUST RIGHT FOR DRESSING -- PORK MONARCH CAKE Mikes | 2:43 SALMON TEA BAGS! SANI Tris "pi 93 [FRUIT COCKTAIL] [7 ROUND Steaks or Roasts {1.285 | ® Cottage Rolls 69: Spareribs 79: | LIBBY'S i 1 ten PANG) Susy ] WITH PORK... f 0 59: 5: 14h. Mg. 65: :37" CLARK'S BEANS 2:43 KLEENEX HANDY ~ CHUBBY SIZE TREWIN FARM EQUIP. Blackstock - 986-4283 140Z. TINS ROSS & MARG'S CARLOAD FOOD MARKET PRINCE ALBERT -- Phone 7% 985-2492 on 7 CAMPBELL S VEGETABLE | B 9 Port Perry 4-H Club Our second meeting was held at Miss Dodd's home on February 22, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m, Roll was to choose a club name and we decided on "Knit Knackers," Next meeting's roll call is to show our pattern and think of a club design. Miss Dodd, our leader, told us to go to the old Catholic Church for our next two meetings. A piece * of 'material was passed around that had a zipper neckline and sleeve put in it. We - decided on a white back- ground for our record book and the lettering will be made out of our own fabric. We finished disucssing a pamplilet, "Knowing knits," from last week. We also "discussed the Fabric Fact Sheet. We helped one of the girls with her pattern and then we closed the meeting with the 4-H Motto, "Learn to do by doing." Meeting 3 was held on Tuesday, February 29 at the old Catholic Church, We opened the meeting with the 4-H Pledge and the attendance ' was taken. Elaine Gibson read the min- utes of the last meeting. This week we chose our club design. After we finished that we spread out and worked on our materials. Miss Dodd discussed with us our Home Assignments for this week. 27° 10 on, BEATER