SEA SAIN AFA Mia SER Li Snr Uh OLN % AN HA Res hs & YA AV LY % 14 - PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, March 8,1972 LS TRE MUSIC BY Club Annrene Saturday, March 11 and 25 "FAIR FIELD FIVE" Hank's Excavating SEWER INSTALLATION Phone 985.2333 or Box 489 PORT PERRY , xX KITCHENS = JX VANITIES XN CARPENTRY MANCHESTER, ONT. LA Biden --" New phototypesetting system World Day FACE ANCE AMAE, D0 WS STALL EG TRO Fr HER most advanced of its kind Any businessman will tell you that one of the keys to a successful operation is the constant search for new and improved ways to carry out the operation. p With this in mind, the Port Perry STAR on February 10 "installed the most advanced phototypesetting made by Compugraphic system Corporation, and became the first business in Canada to receive shipment of the 'CompuWriter. CompuWriter is a highly sophisticated direct key- board system used for set- ting type ranging in size from 5'% point to 24 point on a line length of up to 7% inches. The unit operates with a single track film strip con- taining two duplexed - 96 Top picture shows typewriter key-board and control panel of Port Perry Star's new phototypesetting mach- "ine called CompuWriter which is most advanced of its kind - on the market today. ; Bottom 'picture gives an idea of the intricate circuitry system. The wiring itself is all done by computer without any soldering whatso- ever. INVEST NOW! VICTORIA & GREY TRUST Guaranteed Investments 4 and 5 YEARS Interest is payable half yearly or may be left to compound. EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED 191 Queen St. Port Perry Telephone 985-7306 character fonts. (A font is a strip of film containing the alphabet -in capitals, lower case, numerals, punctuatio marks, etc.) As characters are photo graphed through the revol- ving font strip, the image passes.through the lens and is exposed on photographic paper. The léns advances across the line measure as each character is photo- graphed until the right margin is reached, The lens is then repositioned to the left margin in one continuous movement in preparation for the line which follows. As each line is completed, the photographic paper is advanced into the light-proof : take-up cassette. Upon com- pletion of the key-boarding the cassette is removed from its compartment and taken - to a processor where the photographic paper is de- veloped. This machine has been tested in the field for about a year, and there are less than a hundred in use in the United States at this time, And Compugraphic has several orders for the ma- chine from Canadian bus- inesses. We at the Port Perry STAR are proud of this advanced piece of machi- nery and hope it will aid us in providing constantly impro- ving service to our readers and advertisers. New water system cost ® estimased at A communication from Project Development Div- ision of - Ontario. Water Resources Commission has advised the Village that plans for a new water works . system to augment existing ~facilities are before ' the Commission, and the Village should now be considering ways of raising revenue to pay for the project. Cost of the new well has been estimated at about $100,000, and Reeve Robert Kenny said that no decision $100,000 has yet been made on how to raise the funds. Mr, Kenny said the money could be raised by increasing the rate charged to all water users in the Village, and this would be around $10 annually. 22 He added that with plans for about 70 subdivision units to be built in the near future, the $500 development fee charged by the Village for each unit could be put toward the total cost of the well, He also said that since RENT OR MALREZ@R | (e]0] JB Aha CE LCRARAERERT) B/W ~~ FROM PER MONTH $7.00" $6.00 PER MONTH FREE DELIVERY cau now 859.7447 TRADES WANTED FROM ANNE A QUAN {haves wf of Prayer Those attending the World Day of Prayer March 3rd at Port Perry United Church were reminded that Joy, unlike Pleasure, is not dependant on material well. being. Christians, especial- ly, should radiate happiness which'is generated by faith, Guest speaker was Mrs. Douglas Redpath, 'Past Pre- sident of Oshawa Preshy- terial." Organ music was provided by Mrs. A. Beau- champ. Mrs, C. ,Aldred accompanied by Mrs. W. Harper, sang "a beautiful solo in keeping with the Theme. Ladies represent. ing the various denomina- tions participated in the order of service. Out of town worshippers in attendance were from Brooklin, Prospect , Mr chester, Scugog, Prince Al- bert, Shirley & Blackstock. the new water system is being built to accommodate subdivision development, and long range plans indi- cate around 200 new units, development fees from these could pay for the entire cost of 'the "well. This would eliminate the need to in- crease the charge for es- tablished water users. Future discussions will be made incouncil to determine officially how the new water system will be paid. for. OWN Just Phone & Shop At Home Or Come Visit Us ~~ COMPONENTS STEREO COLOR T.V. 'FROM $8.00 $15.00 PER MONTH PER MONTH FREE SERVICE FROM SHERWOOD T.V. SALES 68 Brock St. (Rear) Uxbridge Authorized Dealer: HEAD OFFICE KESWICK ONT. .VEREL BOWMAN OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK 9a.m. 9p.m v