ASIAN TE =] = EH = J =F Via SEAT LY SWAR + HIRE * BUY Zt [Card of Thanks (Effective March 1st, 1967) ARTICLES FOR SALE -- LIVESTOCK FOR SALE REAL ESTATE -- WANTED -- CARS FOR SALE .- LOST --FOUND ~ ETC. Cash Rate -- bc. per word 1st week, 4c. extra consecutive weeks: for 'a minimum of $1.00 1st week, 80c. for. - extra consecutive weeks. Must be paid week of insertion--if charged, and additional 25c¢. will be added. 50c. ADDITIONAL WILL BE CHARGED FOR USE OF A BOX NUMBER. I NOTICES -- COMING EVENTS -- CARDS OF THANKS 5c. a word with a maximum of 20 words $1.00 | BIRTHS -- ENGAGEMENTS -- MARRIAGES -- DEATHS 5c. a word with a maximum of 20 words $1.00 | IN MEMORIAMS -- $1.50 minimum for 4-line verse, 10c. i a line for additional lines. | DISPLAY CLASSIFIED--$1.50 per inch with a minumum, one inch, | All Classified Ads must be in this office not later than -- 12 O'CLOCK NOON TUESDAY | Send cash, stamps, or mo ney orders and save mongy PHONE 985-7383 -- Clip this out for reference. I-73 WS = 4 =F \V ha SAAT al BR Sa RE I BllY «+ £ Hm In Memoriam Card of Thanks I would like to thank the nursing staff of the Commun- ity Memorial Hospital and Dr. G. Grant of Brooklin for excellent care while in hos. pital, Also to neighbours & friends for cards sent to me, i Eileen Ellins Coming Events I would like to express sin cere appreciation to 'my friends for the beautiful flowers, cards and inquiries, Thanks to Dr. Dymond and staff of Port Perry Commun- ity Hospital for: their effici- ent care which added a speedy recovery. + Dorothy Hood C. W. L. ST. PATRICK'S EUCHRE in Catholic Com- munity Centre Friday, March 17th at 8.00 p.m, Admission 50c. Door Prizes and re- freshments. 2--Mar.15 DANCE at Utica Hall Satur- day, March 18th, Music bv Northern Ramblers, Old time & modern, Admission $3.00 per couple. Refresh- ments, Sponsored by 1.0.1. 2--Mar,15 I' wish to sincerely thank my friends, relatives, and neighbours for flowers, cards gifts and fruit during ny stay in Sunnybrook Hospita Kay Hughes Births AMESSE_Patrica & Lucien (nee Holtby) are very pleased to announce . the arrival of their son Michel Benoit, at Maisoneuve Hospital. Mont. real on Feb. 9th, 1972, ST. PATRICK'S BREAKFAST Sunday, March 19th 8:30 am, - 11:00 am, Oddfellows Hall, Sponsored by Oddfellows Lodee Port Perry. Admission S100. '% Mar, "| high chair, For Sale NEW x USED vacuum clean: ers. Repairs to most makes. Phone 985-7704 evenings. 4---Mar,29 Tick Hound. Phone 985-2643. AT EXQUISITE FABRIC FLOOR COVERINGS Clearing Out. Brighten up your home for spring. Discontinued patterns from 35¢, per foot. Remnants, asst. sizes from $1.99. WILSONS FURNITURE 20 Church St, Oshawa, Ont, SHOPPE, CANNINGTON All new shipments of Crim. plenes, beautiful Spring col: ours and new dark shades, still only $3.95 yd. 60" wide. Heavy Terry Towelling 45", Plains $1.49, Patterned. $1, 08 yd. Fortrel Broadcloth 45" wide, our price 98¢c. yd. white 1971 NORDIC SKI-DOO, new condition, 24 H.P. 399 cc. $650.00 or best offer. Phone 985-3178. too! Fibre-Glass Drapery 45" $1.29 yd. New printed Crim. plenes, beautiful Polyester Crepes, white uniform fab. rics, pillow tubings, ticking, CHILD'S CRIB and ss and commode. Cail 985-2081, --t jerseys and knit fabrics. Something to suit everyone': taste and budget. : 2--Mar.15 BINGO, Wednordor, March 8. Sponsored by Catholic Men's League. Jackpot $19000 in 52 numbers. Minor jackpot $50. in 54 numbers. BINGO, Thursday, March 16 at 8.00 p.m. at Legion Hall Jackpot $150. in 55 numbers. .Svecial $5 per _line and $10 full card. CAIRNS--John and Dianne Cairns = (nee Fralick) happy to announce the birth of their daughter Taira Louise, 6 1lbs.,, 10 oz, on February 29th 1972, Women's TILL, Allen Rodger -- In loving 'memory of our dear son Rodger who passed away March 7th, 1967 Ever remembered and sadly missed. Mother & Dad FALLIS -- In loving mem. ory. of our dear dad, who passed away Mar. 1669, In the book of ht 'there are memories Of the happy- days we knew And recorded in love are the blessings Of a wonderful dad like you. Lovingly remembered, . Linda, David, and Gail. To our friends and neigh. for your kindness and under- standing . during this past week. May God Bless you. Evelys Prosser and bours our heartfelt thanks} "The Family". "I would like to thank rela- tives and friends for flowers, gifts, birthday cards and get well cards while in hospital. {To anyone who made my birthday so pleasant and me- morable, my many thanks to Ruth Zolitz for taking me into hospital, also to Fred & Madeline Cookson for look- ing in on dad and caring for our home, also Rev. Critch. FALLIS--In loving memory of my dear husband, Jim who passed away March 6. 1969. Sadly na along life's Quietly" remembered every a No Tor on in my life to share, But in my heart, he's always there. Sadly missed by wife Jean Sina Bright College Hospital, Toronto. SWAIN -- Joan and Ralph are very happy to announce the ~ arrival of their baby daughter Lorrie Anne Marie, weighing 6 1bs., 11 ozs., on Feb. 17th, 1972, at Port. Perry. Hospital. Thanks to Dr. Beer, nurses and staff. For Sale are |' SAVE LIUNDREDS OF Broadloom -by Harding, Cel. anese, Kraus, etc. All at discount prices. For wall to wall or rug sizes. Call 986. 4695 after 7 p.m. T.F. TYPEWRITERS -- Adders, Calcs, Cash Registers, Desks, Chairs, Files, new, used. Ren. tals, Servic ce. Discount Prices. Open-- ~Wed:; Thurs; Bill Hamis:" 635.410 Brooklin At Rest Many thanks to relatives, friends, neighbours, United Church' Women, Senior Citi- zens, for cards and flowers received while a patient in Community Memorial: Hospi. tal and my convalescence at my son's Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Suggitt, Nestleton. thanks to Dr. Allin and nursing staff, TILL -- In loving memory of my dear brother Rodger ae who passed away March t Depot. still as the years depart He lives forever in my heart Deeply loved and sadly missed by sister Clara and famliy. Gladys Suggitt Also THANK YOU <I would like to express my deepest appreciation to Dr.'s McIntyre & Beer, the nurses and staff of Community Me. morial Hospital for their kind and expert care, and to all those responsible for getting the blood I so badly needed, Card of Thanks to the hospital. Also many thanks to relatives & friends for their gifts, cards and in- My sincere thanks to neigh- bours, friends and Relatives for cards, letters, flowers, gifts and visits during my 'stay at Mt. Sinia and St. John's Convalescent Hospit- als. Special thanks to the Oliver Rohrer family for all their kindness. Mrs. Arthur Hyland quiries during my recent stay there. Helen Hope REESOR, Wilfrid Addison --Suddenly at Utica, Ontario on Wednesday, March 1, 1972 Wilfrid Addison Reesor in his 75th year, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Ree. sor, dear . brother of Vera (Mrs, Lloyd Taylor) and uncle of Doug. Dear friend of Miss Jessie Beare. The fun eral was held from the Dixon Funeral Home, Markham, on Saturday, March 4th at 1:30 p.m. Interment Zion Ceme- tery, Cedar Grove. ASSELSTINE, Douglas' Ver. non--Suddenly on Fri. 'Mar. 3rd, 1972, Douglas V. 'Assel. stine, dearly loved son of} Vernon and Vera Asselstine of Blackstock, Ont., dear bro- ther of Gerald of Port Coquit- lam, B.C., Alan of Yanco, Australia, Leslie of Water- loo, Ont., Floyd, Colin and Teresa, all at home. In his 24th year. Funeral Service at the Chapel of McDermott- Panabaker, Port Perry on Monday, March 6th at 2 p.m. Cremation. To our good neighbours and those unknown to-us, who so generously responded to our needs, following the loss of our home by fire, we wish to express our sincere 'gratitude, A sincere Thank You t» Dr. Price and his Associates. the nurses and staff of Com. smunity Memorial. Hospital for their excellent care. TH the Head U.C.W,, Grace U. W., Scugog Sunday Ye. Maybelle Lodge and all my wonderful family and friends for the flowers, cards and visits while in Jospiial and home also, to the girls in Room 112 for a good laugh at least once a day. Thank You Helen Redman our thanks to the men of the Uxbridge and Port Perry Fire Departments for their efforts to save our home. Through our misfortune we have been given clear insight, into the abundance of warmth, kind. ness and. spontaneous help that generates within the people of this community. A very special thank you to friends who have opened their hearts and homes to each one of our family. --Shelly, Melody, Kim, Christopher, Stacy, Lorraine and Ron Brown Announcement Mr. Allen Martyn of Prince Albert, is pleased to announ. ce the forthcoming marriage of his daughter Joanne Ruth, to Orvan Wayne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Orvan Brethour of R.R. #3, Uxbridge. Wedding fo lake place on Sat. April 8th, Prince Albert United Church. 1972 at 3:30 p.m. at | Notice McINTYRE UPHOLSTERING will be closed until April 1st. Mar.31 LEGION 50-50 WINNERS $804.50--Ed Gertz Consolation--Victor Porteous Check The Label On Your Paper WATKINS i The Store at Your Door : Since 1868 Quality, Money Back Guaranteed Products .Call Art Reser ..986-4810 CONTENTS from Model home, chesterfield and mat- ching chair, dining room suite, bedroom suite, desk, bookcase stereo & broadloom- rug 9x12, coffee and end tables, etc. ete. All items like new. Phone Osh- awa 728-3473. T.F. MAJCHER PONTIAC - BUICK LTD. SALES and SERVICE Headquarters See the new 1972 Models now 'Phone 985-7361 Water St. Port Perry WATKINS SINCE 1868 YES Watkins MV100 will produce beef and milk at a competitive price. PLUS it is easy to use and has all the ingrediénts ne. cessary to keep catle in top form the year round For Regch, Sc Scugo g, Mariposa alt L MERCURY OUTBOARDS and Skidoo Sales and Service. Drew boats, and all accessor- jes. Gord's Marine, Clare- _| mont, 649-2007. © RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS for the home and farm. Your dealer A. L. Sutcliffe 985- 7844. T.F. FOX FERRIER puns, small short haired, g house dog, easy to train, needs lots of love. Also - mature male Terrier, short haired, house broken, excellent 'watch dog. Phone 985-7095. GOING! GOING! ALMOST GONE. Our stock of 1972 Skidoos have almost been depleted. These machines have been set up and serviced. You get a free 10 hour check and warranty service. They are covered with a full Skidoo warranty and what is not used this winter will carry into next winter. 2 only S38 Oy Olyipiaues: : 2 on ly 292 a $695 each 2 only 440 Nordics $799 each 1 only Super Sport Elan $699 1 only 400 T.N.T. free air $999 ° 1 -1971 292 Blizzard, like new $799 1 - 1972 292 Blizzard $1299 1 used Skidoo 370 Twin, electric start, with new battery and seat $295 . *|1-Massey-Ferguson--- == Formula I $395 TF. A few other models to choose from. Ask about our extra specials on Skidoo clothing. Come and see us or Phone 852-3473 and ask for "Stan or Jack STAN BEACH SKI DOO "SALES - Uxbridge TWO BED Camp Trailer for sale, good condition $250. Tel. 985-7239 or i YO RID YOURSELF of rodents. Ferrets, alert, healthy and reasonable. Male & female. Phone 985-7995. USED Wringer Wash Mach. ine. © Used electric Stove. Contact Crest Hardware 985- 11. ALOUETTE : SPECIAL SALE. 549 20 hp. full warranty, last year's $1099 650 cc, new, with H.D. carbs. Oil, clothing, accessories. On Special Sale. VILLAGE SALES: Janetville 705-324-2050 BRASS BED, old china dolls, alladin and glass lamps, fur. niture and glassware, ete: Call 'Vera Lee's "Antiques. 985-7723. WESTINGHOUSE Laundra- mat, front loading - suds and water-saver, good - working condition - reasonable, Dryer, Bendix-Moffatt electric cloth- es drier, good working condi- uo reasonable. Phone 985- SHEET METAL Machiner, brake, lock former, etc. | Phone 985-3365. Wanted to Buy USED COUCH in good con dition. Phone 985-3043. CHEV. or G.M.C.' % or 1 ton truck, 1960 - 1965, in good condition. Phone 985. 3451. . 2--Mar.15 OPEVING Fri., March 10 Haugen's Chicken Bar-B-(Q STAFF NOW BEING HIRED Waitresses & Cooks, Male or Female (apply in person) - Chesterfield Week at WILSONS FURNITURE | 2 pe. Davenport Suite - sleeps 2 - cut velvet cover Modern Tuxedo 2 pe. Suite, in black vinyl . 3 pc. Bar-Sectional set, in nylon and cut velvet cover, foam cushions and built on end tables -- fabulous new low price Bed Chesterfield, Complete with mattress, foam cushions .. Colonial Chesterfield set, higth wing back design, foam cushions, basket weave cover - 2 only - Clear out ..... ® MANY, MANY, WILSONS 20 CHURCH STREET $258.00 MANY MORE e FURNITURE i | OSHAWA, ONTARIO NANNY. GOAT; also Blue ® LJ] 8 ¥