Blackstock News 4 FRAN PN CT ' i Sv HA PORT PERRY STAR-Wednesday, March 15, 1972-17 Blackstock Women's Institute RJ Cartwright has lost anot- Frey, Jr. who passed away 102nd year. y her of its fine young men - last week in Toronto. Hos. Rev, Clarence Ferguson of The March meeting of the appointed. displayed our Tweedsmuir the third in a matter of a few pital. Don Mills was a Sunday Blackstock Women's Insti- Mr, Thompson reported on History scrap books and weeks, Sincere sympathy is Sympathy is also extended caller of his 'sister Mrs, 0, (ute was held in the Com- the Training School showed us what she has been tended t d munity Hall at 12:30 March 1 Bowmanville which she and doing. She asked for further extended to Mr. and Mrs. Joe to Mrs. Wm. Hooey in the Hill. : ; goin ! Frey and family in the un- passing of her mother Mrs. 'On Friday evening Mrs, Witha dessert lunch. tea and Mrs. Huggins attended and information anyone - may timely death of their son Joe MacDonald of Toronto in her Ruth Wilson and Mrs. coffee. After the singing of announced the four classes have of our area in former ie : McQuade were guests at a the Institute Grace everyone will be held in the Hall on vears. Mrs, McArthur has LJ 1 in helped herself to the dessert. Thursday mornings for all put a lot of time and work baby shower in 'honour of ; : p : | ONTARIO RIDING - = PROVINCIAL ELECTION Valerie Wilson. This happy of her choice. The president, who wish to attend. "Sewing into this project and a motion event took place at the home Mrs. Percy VanCamp, then With Knits." of thanks was tendered her of Mrs. Larry Ashton, called the meeting to order A nominating committee by the President and Secre- ban I la jp X enses _ Oshawa. ; and the regular meeting was appointed as our next tary.'A hearty clap from all ; inner Pegan by the Singing of the .meeting is the annual 'meet- - members showed appreci- Saturday evening dinner ¢ | guests of Mrs. Ruth Wilson Ode and repeating the ing and as usual will be a pot ation of her efforts. a A Pursuant to the Election Act, Ontario, July li and Mrs. McQuade were Mr, Collect in unison. luck dinner at 12:30, . - 1971, Section 161, herewith Statement of. Receipts "and Mrs. Jack Elliott. Duns. The Roll Call was to bring Mrs. Percy VanCamp and Expenses of DR. M. B, DYMOND, . ford and Mrs. Ella Patterson © ah item for the Tweedsmuir thanked the Institute for | NVEST Progressive Conservative Candidate, in the of Lindsay. Book or tell about a former sending her to the 75th 'General Election, October 21st, 1971: Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly \andmark in our area. This = anniversary held at the | and girls were Saturday Was well answered and Royal York and gave the | : : : brought out a lot of infor- highlights of this, Mrs. H. RECEIPTS: evening dinner guests of Mr. ; 3 ; ; ° . . ) $ ; and Mrs. Ray Oshawa, mation. The minutes were Bailey told of the tea she Individual Donations (354) Friday evening dinner 'read and approved and the attended at Brampton in v|CTORIA & GREY TRUST From DR. M.B. Dymond guests of Mr, and Mrs. Ray Leasurer 5 ropa ; was hanour of the President of 'Go /0nieed Investments -- TOTAL $11,636.00 Essery, Oshawa. Friday given. e new rapes or the ACW. Mrs. S. VanCamp evening dimer guests of Mr. {he Hal were in place and was appointed delet 1 EXPENDITURES: Bn ops, pl congratulated for the fine ~ Mrs. McArthur had charge Printing and Advertising called at the Ross Funeral appearance these drapes of the programme and read ] J Mail and Telephone Chapel, Port Hope to pay gave the hall. The corres- the motto. + Rentals;-Committee Rooms "respects to late Mrs. Stan pondence consisted of -thank- Our fathers-brave the toils--- 5 VeRks & Personal Harness. you notes from the High and strife TOTAL $11,636. 00 Bao guests 3 Mis, Als Sep) Ewsiigy fo. go! Hd vs 2 Kome and a Interest is payable Morley Te a spit Commencement as well as Lel us remember our debt half yearly or may JOHN L. SWEETMAN, 'Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. notes for the sick and to these men be left to compound. Official Agent. Fowler were Mr. and Mrs. DPereaved. An invitation was Record the past with . v ; Allan Rutherford and Jenni. received to a food forum in scissors, paste and pen. EMMERSON fer. Maple Grove on March 8th. Mrs. Shortridge read a A ao " Sunday luncheon guests of Reports were given by poem comparing modern INSURANCE Mrs. Ruth Wilson and Mrs. Mrs. McArthur: from the = language with real meaning, ONTARIO RIDING - PROVINCIAL ELECTION McQuade was Mrs. Leah Parks Board. Mrs. Short- Mrs. Thompson played for a AGENCY Kerr of Cooksville, ridge reported the lunch sing song of Irish music. LIMITED planned for the Hydro Mrs. McKeehada reading in > PY Lal [ 1d i X enses Saturday evening callers Course would be on March 8 keeping with the theme. 191 Queen St. Port Perry of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bryans 1 committee for this was Telephone 985-7306 and a committe t Mrs. McArthur the curator were Mr. and Mrs. Scott ibd Li Statement of Election Expenses, incurred in Essery a girls Courts, the Ontario Election of October 21st, 1971, made n Sunday the Bryans fam- in accordance with the election act R.S. 1970, ily visited Bob's parents Mr. : Chapter 142 (as amended) 2 Mrs. Jim Bryans of BALLARD LUMBER ; x & For the Electoral District of ONTARIO, ' : ; ; Liberal. C : BO Pp ) 8 Congratulations _to. Keith _ Ena uy i... rons 1. / -- a) Liberal Candidate; ROBERT TIMBERS; Sand: VanCamp, . Neil Werry, PORT PERRY. ONTARIG ford, Ont ord, Ontario. Harold Swain and Herb 985 7335 Swain who took first place in P.O. Box 329 159 Casimir Street ora RECEIPTS. y is Shah dai the Farmers' Bonspiel at. Tig oe ection Contributions ............ $3,602.00 (Cannington on Saturday. J g& ah Candidate 'Expenses. ........ ARR "Mr. and Mrs. Les Morgan wi ---- -PRESENTING Ps TOTAL $4,454.47 and Baby Benjamin of Tor- 2 rd , onto were Sunday callers of : & A 79 EXPENSES INCURRED: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mc- ; Laughlin and family. 8 jidhe YR ; EE $1,447.47 Craig Paisley eniertained .Q. & Pos age .......iie, 916.00 a number of his friends on Photography +e ' SERS hh dey 64.95 Saturday afternoon to cele- TZ Pamphlets & Printing............. 1,031.94 brate his sixth birthday. - : 3 Advaribing.-. vi. 5 Co . un \ Mrs. Reid and Mrs, Roy' ; pe nN 4,454.4 Johnston "of Little Britain : ¢ 0 were Sunday afternoon cal- Dated: January 21st, 1972 N lers and Mr. and Mrs. Will CECIL HARRISON, Dugan of Minden were - Official Agent. Sunday supper guests of Mr. A and Mrs. Wilbert Archer. > ® « Glad to report that Mrs. hb RARRR NARAZ Roy McLaughlin has re- turned h from Bowman- +' ONTARIO RIDING -- PROVINCIAL ELECTION § (iiiciospital on Wednesday, Also on Wednesday, Mr. G. Candidate Ex BlISes Notenboom had to be rushed J alongs to-Popt Perfy YOUR NEW HOME CAN BE VERY INDIVIDUAL, AND > Pursuant to the Election Act, Ontario July a at the Women's REFLECT YOUR DREAMS AND LIFESTYLE. ur ' ' 1971, Section 161, herewith Statement of Receipts Institute Card Party were and Expenses of HAROLD KING, N.DP. §§ Ladics - Anne Manns and WE ARE WILLING TO PERSONALIZE YOUR NEW SHE : ; : ; Hazel Ormiston: Men . { CEI 1 Geneve) Election, October 21st, BE DE ny, el HOME BY OFFERING YOU: Weaver. Door Prize was won by Jennie Bailey. Next W.I. Card party will be March 22 On Wednesday quite a number of the local farmers participated in a Hydro ® CUSTOM HOME PLANS DRAWN IN OUR ARCHITECTURAL DEPARTMENT ® PERSONALIZED SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT » RECEIPTS: Contributions ...................... $1,678.53 EXPENSES: Lf INARA BE Ls gf 331.36 {Short Course held in the Rec ® OVER 2000 ILLUSTRATED PLANS TO Lea & Provincial Literature ... 4 entre under the direction o PY 37 1 I SC PS 651.74 Mr. Keitch Jennings. The AID YOU IN PLANNING AND STYLING TIOBHONe Ti iE rE 183.73 ladies of the W.I. provided a rina iia ty amo f box lunch for the men. QUALITY CONSTRUCTION FREE ESTIMATES BUS: nha ie ie fini 177.50 On Wednesday- evening : 3 . z hy ; : We Offer a COMPLETE LINE of ADVERTISED PRICES ARE As Ee hil I loon hors. BUILDING SUPPLIES AT COMPETATIVE PRICES CASH ond CARRY Bank Charges .................... 5.40 mer. Helen Dorrell, Eileen GENERAL PLANNING CENTRE MEMBER OF McLaughnlin, 'and Ruby CONTRACTING tor . 3 » complete with od TOTAL $2,582.67 VanCamp went to Maple * All Types * New Homes * Cottages MEU CTET GT * Farm Bldgs * Kitchens CL OTIS TT To a} ob ~BOLD Wad TO GIVE YOU MORE VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY * Design * Drafting and Grove with Nestleton WI. by bus to attend a Womens Institute Food Forum en- titled. "A Dollar's Worth of Meat." * By Contract or Time & Material Dated February 28, 1972 Harold King Estimates & Delivery ¥ 143 * Rec Rooms RA Nin A Re oa