A IRATE SO £ ARR LOR ET 18-PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, March 22, 1972 Ny WG LE HRY EA A APE LS ESL SR wed a RAEN CRS LR SAR ACT GEAR MR Cr Scouts and Guides Ladies' Auxiliary On March 13, 1972, the Ladies' Auxiliary for the Scouss and Guides met at the Recreation Centre with 20 members present. President Irma Welts wel- comed' the mothers who introduced themselves. _ Minutes were read and adopted. Margaret Duive- styn gave the treasurer's report showing a balance of $241.76. A motion was made by Pat Sleep that all out- standing bills be paid. This as seconded by Riet Post, RED CROSS BLOOD DONOR CLINIC Mr, Jim Sloan, Scout- master has an urgent re- quest for leaders as there are 15 boys registered and meet- ings have already started. Anyone interested, please contact Mr. Sloan. Cuboree date is May 27 with the place to be Scugog Island.. Motto "*'Scugog Olympics 1972" Everyone agreed to help the Cubs by supplying. material for a special project for the Cub- oree. "Disney on Parade' will be attended by "B" Pack Cubs on March 25. and the Guides on March 30 with bus transportation provided. This year's Father and Son Banquet will be held on April 15. The menu was discussed. Collection' was taken. A reminder to the ladies - Please save Canada Packers Labels. Next meeting to be held in the Recreation Cen- tre on Monday, April 10, 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. The meeting: closed with benediction, the = Mizpah BLOOD--COMES ONLY FROM PEOPLE The "KINSMEN" in co-operation with the RED CROSS Blood Donor Blitz Tuesday, April 4. 1972 2.30 to 4.30 p.m. 6.30 to 8.30 p.m. SPECIAL CLINIC - Shiftworkers Only - 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. Port Perry Anglican Church PRIZES For Transportation call 985-2893 NURSERY FACILITIES . get into action Honeydale WI By M. Cawker "The regular monthly meeting under the leader- ship of Mrs. C. DeYonge was held in the Municipal Hall, Thursday, March 9th, Presi- dent Mrs. T. Bell called the meeting' to order with the singing of the "Ode", fol- lowed by the Mary Stewart Collect. A warm friendly greeting was extended to all by the.President. Two visi- tors were welcomed. The "Roll Call," -- name your favourite hobby," brought forth many interest- - 'ing answers, Minutes and correspon- dence were read by Secre- tary, Mrs, S. Ploughman, and items of business were brought to the attention of the members. Business in- cluded the list of courses offered by the Home Econo- mics Service for 1972 - 1973. After much discussion, the "following were chosen "Lo- cal Leaders Training School", (1st choice) *"'Sew- ing with Knits," (2nd) "Felt Hats", "Short Courses' -- (1st choice) "Furniture Fin- ishing" - (2nd) "Tailoring." These courses although sponsored by the local Wo- men's Institute Branch, are free, to not only members, but to the women of the . community. Whether itis a. "Short €ourse", -- "Train- ing School,,"" -- or a "Food Forum," yourwomen's In- stitute has it to offer, Where else could you obtain so much free of charge? Let us in our Institute, be an enthusi- astic,efficient, - well in- formed group, and invite other women of the com- munity to participate in our meetings, courses etc. Let us share our activities with interest in their projects. , - Don't forget members! the "Food Forum" 8 'One dollar worth of meat," will be held in the Presbyterian Church, Toronto Street, Uxbridge, on the evening of March 29th. It "is hoped some members will attend. Mrs. S. Naples gave a brief report of the District Board of Directors meeting held "=other groups; 'and show an" home at Myrtle. The Myrtle Branch will be the hostesses for the District Annual Meeting, to be held May 25th, in Myrtle United Church, Registration 9:15 a.m. A nominating committee was appointed to bring in the slate of officers for the Branch Annual Meeting in April, -- comprising Miss A. Dodd; Mrs. J.H. Hardy and Mrs, C. DeYonge. The usual sum of money was voted to' the Fair Board "to be used for the Junior' section (19 years and under). A cordial invitation has been extended by Dr. Ralph Honey of Péterborough, to. the Honeydale members to hold their June Meeting at his home. This kind invi- tation has been accepted. Tenative plans are to take a Pot Luch Luncheon, have a short meeting and later a tour of Peterborough Misa .Convener Mrs, C. De Yonge presided for the programme, and. commen- ted on the "Motto", -- "Those who make the best use of their time, have none to spare". Interesting points mentioned in the pattern of living, which we might follow were: "were, - play, - love and worship", . thus having a full life, making good use of our time. Mrs. G. Barthau just back from the sunny south, and looking quite fit, gave "high- lights" of her trip, and passed around many colour- ful pictures. Two. educational contests completed the programme. After singing the Institute "Grace'", tea -was served. Mrs. F. Warren extended the thank you to Mrs. DeYonge and her group. The annual meeting of Honeydale Branch will take the form of a "Pot Luck Luncheon," 12:30 sharp -- in the Municipal Hall. Mrs. Frank Whitfields group in ree: All members are requested to take an eye appealing. mouth watering dish for the Luncheon. The Ladies of the Community are cordially invited to attend. (io oXelele total cash prizes Kinsmen -serving the community's greatest need. recently at Mrs, L. Parrotts kin lottery Draw date June 15th 1st prize $50,000 PAR Le Nol gV LB PAVN ITV) 3rd prize $10,000 rminikin TEV RCEI CERT Ti I ESET To iY EIR EU 1st prize $5,000 2nd prize $1,000 RIgo Wold PZ-N: HW REORS [V0] Kin Lottery tickets may be purchased from any member of participating Kinsmen Clubs or authorized sales outlets For information on becoming a Kin Lottery ticket agent, write Kin Lottery, Box KIN, Cornwall, Ontario Padded LL LL EEL EY 1 Enclosed please find my: O cheque. money order for _ 1 tickets at $2.00 each OJ cheque money order for $18.00 I 1 for a book of ten tickets. Make cheques payable to "Kin I J Lottery" and mail to: Kin Lottery. Box 1779, Cornwall, § § Ontario. 1] § NAME 1 aoonress 1 8 CITY APT PROV. it Church Services PORT PERRY PASTORAL CHARGE . The United Church of Canada Rev. W. Mark Reeves Minister PALM SUNDAY, MAR. 26-- Services will be held ot Port Perry at 10 am, and at Prince Albert at 11:30 a.m. The Minister will continue his Lenten Sermon Series, "The Circle of Friends" with sermon number five, "The Rock." At both Churches several young people will be con- firmed and the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed. / . CHURCH OF ASCENSION ANGLICAN SUNDAY, MARCH 26th-- Palm Sunday ---9:80.-a.m.---Morning- Prayer Blessing & Distribution of Palms Church School Wed., March 29th. 10:30 a.m. Holy Communion Fri., March 31st, Good Friday, 10:30 a.m, Holy Communion ST. JOHN'S BLACKSTOCK SUNDAY, MARCH 26th-- Palm Sunday 11 a.m.-- Morning Prayer Blessing & Distribution of Palms Church School Fri, March 31st, Good Friday, 1:30 p.m. Holy Communion ; PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. D. C. Payne, Pastor SUNDAY, MARCH 26th-- 9:50 a.m.--Bible School 11 a.m.--Morning Worship "The Silent One" 7:00 p.m.--Gospel Service "The Greatest Event" Good Friday Service 10:30 am. All welcome PRESBYTER!AN CHURCH Rev. William Black, F.R.G.S. SUNDAY, MARCH 26th-- Pre Easter Services 10:00 a.m.--Sermon "Palms & Willows" 11:00 a.m.-- Sunday School United Church of Canada SCUGOG Pastoral Charge 3 Rev, B. R. Pogue Rev. P. C. Brown ~ SUNDAY, MARCH 26th-- 9:45 a.m.--SCUGOG 11:15 a.m.--MANCHESTER PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Rev. R. Batten. Rev. I. MacLean 10 a.m.--Dramatized Stories 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 7:00 p.m.--Evang. Service WHY PAY MORE ? SAVE!! On Premium Quality <DX> FUEL OIL STOVE OIL PROMPT, COURTEOUS + SERVICE CALL 668-3341 CALL COLLECT "w § i i | RIG mi ig WE ER