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Port Perry Star, 29 Mar 1972, p. 18

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SEES a me my nS St A i Re _-- TS Ae, > IRE, = LONG DF To We" A, SRR REV Rk So Apel = Se nd 25 RFs Ea AAA 2--Mar.22 . vesters, * 10-PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, March 22, 1972' Auction Sales Auction Sales REG and LARRY JOHNSON AUCTIONEERS . Experience) & FUR SALES Ph. Sunderland (705) 357. SATURDAY, MARCH 25th of Livest and Implements, 35 Head of Hereford Cattle, 1967 Ford 4000 Tractor with | Cab, 1967 No. 727 Manure Toader, 1970 Ford Trip Beam Plough, 1971 Ford Forage Harvester, 1970 Ford. Snow Blower, 1968 New Holland Baler, 1970 New Holland SATURDAY, MARCH 25th Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, hay, straw, grain & furniture, the pro- perty of GORDON GRILLS, Lot 24, Con. A, Mariposa Twp., 1 mile south, 1 mile east..of Valentia or. 6.miles}.Cl south and 3 miles east of Little Britain, 60 head of Hereford & Charolais Cattle, 32 cows - 16 with calves by side, some due sale time, heifers bred since Nov., Char- olais bull, 7 yearlings. 'Note-- this-is a good herd of cattle (good calves) 125 New Hamo- shire hens(laying 859), 3000 bales of hay, 500 bales of straw, 1000 bu. of mixed grain, David Brown 950 dei- sel tractor (good condition), 'A.C. Combine, pull type, A.C. forage harvester & blower, 2 forage wagons, J.D. Manure Spreader on rubber, Allied Cultivator, M.F. 3 furrow plow, full line of Machinerv. Some Furniture. Farm Sold. ___ Terms Cash, Sale at 1 p.m. Gerald Graham, Clerk. REG & LARRY JOHNSON. Auctioneers ...Ph, 705-357-3270 SATURDAY, MARCH 25th : at 10:30 a.m, ; 4th Annual Brooklin and District, New and Used Farm Machinery Consignment Aue- tion Sale. __TRACTORS--Over. 35. Mo- dels to choose from. All po- pular makes and sizes, sev- eral with loaders (Selling with 50-50 - 30 day parts and labour warranty). HAYING EQUIPMENT -- Balers, Mowers, Rakes, Con. ditioners, Haybines, etc. GRAIN EQUIPMENT -- Seed Drills, Combines, ete. CORN EQUIPMENT--- Har- Planters, Wagons, ete. ; : TILLAGE EQUIPMENT -- Discs, Ploughs, Harrows, ete. OTHER EQUIPMENT -- Manure Spreaders, Wagons, Cub Tractors, Snowmobiles, '& other assorted equinnient AUCTIONEERS NOTE -- This is your Annual Spring Market Place for Farm Ma. chinery; with nearly 150 units to choose from. Why not plan to attend, and join the ever-growing number of satisfied customers? LOCATION: Brooklin. Ont. 1% mile east of Brooklin, corner of Thickson Road; or Highway #401 to inter. change #68 (between Whit. by-Oshawa) then 5 miles north on Thickson Road. TIME--10:30 a.m. TERMS -- Cash or Credit (Financing available on grounds, must be arranged prior to sale time). WEATHER CONDITIONS Sale under cover (large, large tent), Meals & refreshments available. y HENRY KAHN AUCTION SERVICES - Sale Mgr. os Ph. (416) 668-6189 THURSDAY, APRIL 6th Dairy Cattle Auction Sale to be held at Stouffville Sales Barn, including Fresh and Springer Cows, Heifers, Pure Bred & Grade, Open Heifers and Bulls. If you have Cattle tn consign please contact the Sales Managers early. Sale Time 7:30 p.m. Norm Faulkner 640-3813 "Frank Bennett 887-5570. ~--Special Events & Farmers Market all day Good Friday, March 31st. y Power Mower, Some House- hold Furniture, the property of NORMAN BRAY, Lot 10; Con, 8, Mariposa Twp., 2 miles West of Oakwood on Hwy. No. 7. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale at 1:00 p.m, Yad Holmes, Jack Callaghan Clerks. cis. lt cinta CARL HICKSON, Auctioneer Reaboro, Ont. Ph. Lindsay 705-324-9959 2--Mar.22 SATURDAY, MARCH 25th Auction Sale of Machinery, Furniture, Lumber, Dishes, Antiques, 'etc.,, the Property of WILSON HEASLIP, Lot 6, Con. 10, Manvers, 2 miles south: of Janetville or 1 mile north of Highway 7A at Janetville turn. Ford Tractor with Dearborn Loader, Ford Tractor, ON, Massey Mower, 7 ft.; Post Hole Digger, 3 pt hitch, Air Compressor, Chain Hoist, Wheelbarrow on rub- ber, etc. Quantity of Posts and Lumber, Studio Couch. Radio & Record Player, Din- ing-room table and 6 chairs, Electric Stove, etc. Antique Sofa (excellent condition) 'Love-Seat;-2-matching-chairs;- Antique chairs, book rack. side-board, Dishes, Coal-oil Jamps, hanging lamp, ete. (see bills). Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Farm Sold. : TED SPENCELEY, ; - GRANT WERRY, 2--Mar,22 Auctioneers WED., APRIL 5th Auction Sale of Farm Mach- inery, hay and grain, the pro- perty of ROBERT JIBB, Lot 16, Con. 3, Brock Twp. 3 miles south of Sunderland, 1 mile east. McCormick 806 Diesel tractor with cab, Power Steering, brakes, etc. (1727 hrs.), Pr. of dual wheels to fit this tractor or several other models, McCormick 434 Diesel tractor with McCor- mick loader (hydraulic buck- et), McCormick 5 furrow plow (automatic reset) (good) McCormick No. 45 Vibra shank cultivator 121 ft. (new), McCormick 175 Man- -ure Spreader, McCormick Tandem disc 18 ft. (wheel controlled heavy 20 in plates) (folding type disc), McCor- mick 16 disc seed drill on rubber, McCormick No. 550 forage harvester (2 row) with hay Pick-up (2 yrs.), Gehl f1r- age blower, Burr-Mill corn blower, Dion forage wagon (9 ton), N.H. forage wagrn (steel top) nearly new, Little Giant hay elevator 62 ft. (P.T.0.), New Holland" hay. bine No. 461 (good), McCor- mick No. 46 baler, McCor- mick 10 ft. chisel plow, large qu, of first class farm mach- inery, 1959 LH.C. truck, 21 ton with steel bottom & hoist 1200 bu. grain, 6000 bales of hay. Farms are sold, Terms Cash. Sale at 1 p.m, Gerald Graham, clerk, Pinedale U.C.W. will serve lunch. REG & LARRY JOHNSON. Auctioneers : Ph. (705) 357-3270 2--Mar.20 "SATURDAY, APRIL 15 Auction Sale of Modern Farm Machinery, 3 Tractors, Seeding; -Haying, '& Forage Equipment. (More details next week). The property Broadlands Farm (W. G Bowles) Nestleton, Ont., 2 miles north of Blackstock LLOYD WILSON, Sale Manager and Auctione: Farm Sold-- Auction Sale Beds, Marconi T.V., Secretary- Auction Sales 'Manchester SATURDAY, MARCH 25th 1 . - 12:30 . FURNITURE & ANTIQUES Auction Sale of Furniture & Antiques, including 9 pe. din- ing room suite, Kelvinator refrigerator 2 door, McClary deep freezer, Moffat electric stove, pine cupboards, rock- ing chairs, dishes, McCaskey safe, toilet set, wash stands, antique parlour table bed- room suite, butter bowl, wick- er chair, antique child's rock- er, Sea King boat motor, Chesterfield, rugs, picture frames, antique chairs, many other items and antique ar- ticles. The property of th~ estate of the late ARTHUR GRANT, 11 Brock St. E. in Uxbridge... Terms... cash,..no{; reserve, sale at 12:30. Lloyd Wilson, W.D. Atkinson, Sale Managers and Auctioneers. THURSDAY, MARCH 30th EXCELLENT FARM MACHINERY 1:00 p.m, -- Excellent Auction of Farm Machinery, milking parlour, pipeline milker, including 4 stall surge milking parlour pipeline milker, 4 surge un- its, Surge Alamo 50 plus pump, Daricook 55 can bulk tank, 40 Beatty Stanchions, 'International 504 Diesel trac- tor (980 hrs.), Internationa! 656 diesel tractor, Massey- 'Ferguson 35 Diesel Tractor with heavy-duty loader, M- Cormick 'W-6 tractor, 3 Geh' forage wagons (like new), 16' boxes with roofs, Gehl forage harvester 2 row corn head & pick-up, New Holland forage blower, Cockshutt 4 row corn planter, Allied mow convey- or, New Holland haybine, New Holland side rake, Me- Cormick No. '47 hay baler with thrower (2 yrs.), McCor- mick side rake, 2 rubber tired wagons, New Holland 163. _bu.. manure spreader, Cockshutt 3 furrow trip-beam plow, Cockshutt 10' double disc, Massey No. 35 self pro- pelled combine, Massey-Fer- guson seed drill 17 run, Regal weed sprayer, Ford cultivator (3 point hitch), Little Giant elevator, Case tractor blade, Jamesway silo .unloader (12- 14'). Hoof trimming stall (new), 1967 International 1 ton truck, many other pieces (see bill for complete list) NOTE: This is an excellent farm sale. Plan to attend the property of GLENCLOS- KY FARMS, 2 miles north of Sharon on 3rd Concession (Sutton Road) or 6 miles nor- theast of Newmarket. Terms cash, no reserve, sale at 1:00 p.m. Lunch available. Lloyd Wilson and W.D.- Atkinson, Sale Managers & auctioneers. 2--Mar.29 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29 12 Noon - ® HOLSTEINS eo . Complete Shadyway Holstein Dispersal, 100 head register- ed ( 6 grade) classified, R.O; P. tested, 60 milking age f- males, 40 bred and open heif- ers. A herd known for top production. feature a number of young cows milking 80 1b. An ex. ample of the kind of ped:. grees represented is Shady- way Duchess Beth (V.G.), yr. 365d 1819m_ 710f; 3.9 por. cent (153-162). Pedigree cat- alogues available. The pro- perty of ROBERT JIBB. RR. 4 Sunderland, selling at the farm 3 miles south of Sunder- land on Hwy. 7 and 12 then -1 mile east on 3rd line Bro-" Twp. NOTE--Excellent line of machinery sells April 5t" Terms cash, no reserve, Llovd Wilson and "W. D. Atkinson, Sale Managers & Auctioneers. 9) U.C.W. The Manchester U.C.W. was held at the home of Mrs. BB. Webster on' March 9th, There was an attendance of fourteen members present. Mrs. William Lamb gave a reading. that was written by Mrs. Peter Marshall on their family life. The late Rev. Peter Marshall died at an carly age and at the height of his ministry. Hymn 432 "When He Cometh" was Sung, Scripture lesson was taken: rom "Malthew 6 - 5-16, verses read by Mrs, Ted Lamb: followed by Lord's Prayer. Mrs. T. Lamb gave a reading entitled **Reflect- ion', also a poem on "Lent" followed by one of the late Mrs. Cathrine Martyn's fav- orile prayers. Mrs. Kinstone conducted the business, The final arrangements were made for the Spring tea and bake sale to be held on April 19th, Also the wedding dinner of Miss Rose Black's:on March 18th. The meeting was brought to "a close by the ULC.W. benediction, Mrs: Arthur Fielding will have the April meeting on the 6th. : Auction Sales SATURDAY, APRIL 1st: Complete Clearing of all For _All . Seasons" for. , Webster demonstrated how NT - EEE Manchester 4-H Club On Tuesday, March 9th, etc. . . . ; the Manchester Naughty The meeting closed with Nitters 'met at the Man. the' 4-11 Motto. | chester United: Church for The "next meeting was their 3rd meeting. 3 held: on Thursday, March % : ®&. 16th. 1972 at Carol Aird's 'home. The Roll Call for this - meeting was how to fit a garment. Mrs. Kingstone demon- strated how to put in a sipper for a sweater or » shell, We discussed how to 'press our garments and" how to put in different kinds of zippers. ...The next.meeting will. be A at Shelley, Wililams home * A on' Thursday, March 30th, . 1972. The meeting closed withthe 4.-H Motto. to --Jessie Qosterlo The Roll Call for this meeting was "What type of knitted material did you purchase". . For Achievement Day in 'May there is to be a fashion show of all the garments that the girls made, and the girls must model these out- fits themselves, The club is to make an exhibit called "Sports Wear Achievement Day, and Bev- erly Rudkin will be the commentator for this topic. "Mrs. Kingstone and Mrs. to sew knits when one side is slightly longer. Each were given a "fabric fact sheet" which included such [TAT to things as, where the fabric 'YES EN H 1 was purchased, how much ses it is a yard, how wide it is, BEA BLOOD DONOR ROXY THEATRE § UXBRIDGE 852-6033 Roll up your 4 Thurs, Fri, Sat, Mar. 2324-25, Walt Disney's Aca- ~ demy Award winning Wildlife combination "THE LIVING DESERT" "7:15" and "THE VANISHING PRAIRIE" 9:00. Sat. Matinee 2 p.m. "The LIVING id "DESERT." Sun, Mar. 26th, 8 p.m. -- JAMBOREE," | Mon., Tues., Wed., Mar. 27-28-29 "JOE". 7:15. The language in this film may be offensive to some BROS., Port Perry, at the Farm Machinery, of GRAY| b= people. "LOVERS AND ' § : OTHER STRANGER" 9:00 ED Farm, located 1 mile south and % mile west of Man- chester, Ont. Including: = 5 Tractors; . John - Deere 710 with Loader (near néw); Da- vid-Brown 990; David-Brown 950; A-C Model "D"; Inter- national Model "C"; I-H "91" Combine (near new); IH Seed Drill (new); Grain Drv- er; Auger; 2 wagons with! hoppers; 'N-H Baler; J-D Hay! HOMEOWNERS -- CALL TO 10 p.m. $2,000 -- $50,000 Obtain all the cash you need and reduce .your ° payments by as much as half with a 2nd or 3rd mortgage on sensible terms. Call to 10 p.m. eB today for helpful courteous service. Prompt Investment Corp. 330 Bay St., Toronto. Call Fluffer; I-H Rake; I-H Mower | Collect 366-9586, evenings 231-8146. Case Bale Elevator; Stooker; Crimper; Case Cutting Box; I-H Corn Harvester and Blow- The sale willl Pp 1 Twp.. er; Scuffler; J-D Double Dise: i I-H 4 Furrow Plough; A-C Cultivator; Tiller; 2 1-H! Svring Tooth Cultivators; I-H Plough (3 PtH); 2 sets chain harrows; J-D manure spread- er (new); N-I manure spread- er; J-D wagon and rack(new); 3 wagons and racks; 2 wag. onis; sleighs; water tank; 2 heat houses; Tractor chains: buzz-saw; 550 gal. Dairy Cool Bulk' Tank; and other Misc. Items, Auctioneers Note: A Ti -- good line of Machinery, well cared for, with many mach- ines practically new. Plan to attend. No Reserve, Farm Sold. Terms Cash. Sale 1:00 .m. HENRY KAHN ! AUCTION SERVICES i Ph, 668-6189 2--Mar.29 SATURDAY, APRIL Ist . Auction Sale of Farm Im- plements, Household Furni.; ture and Antiques, W4 Int. ; Tractor PTO, Farmall Mj; Tractor with Loader, Int. 46 Baler, 7 ft. Power Mower,! Cultivator, M.H. Side Rake. ; 24' Hay Elevator, 1966 Dodge ! 1% Ton Panel Truck, Quan-. tity of Harness, Large Quan-: tity of Antiques, Some House-* hold Furniture, the property of the late EDMUND. WEST- LAKE, Lot 14, Con. 9, Harvey first farm West of Lakehurst Store. Terms Cash. OW TARGET EVERY TWIE t 2--Mar.29 No Reserve. Sale at 1 p.m. Ward Holmes, and Jack Cal- laghan, Clerks. CARL HICKSON. Auctioneer Reaboro Ont. Ph. Jiindsay 705-324-9959 xX KITCHENS X VANITIES MANCHESTER; ONT. "New Store Hours" > MONDAY to FRIDAY j 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon 1:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. u. SATURDAY : 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. | Port Perry Auto Supply ie Queen Street -- Port Perry -- 985-2347

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