re maa SENN LS _ lovely flowers, DR) A) LSTA SN AR SERA) NAVE ARTI ; A & Pe 'HIRE + BUY * SELL: RENT * SWAP + HIRE * BUY * 8 - PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, March 22, 1972 (Effective March 1st, 196") ARTICLES FOR SALE -- REAL ESTATE -- WANTED -- CARS FOR SALE LOST -- FOUND -- ETC. Cash Rate -- 5c. per word 1st week, 4c. extra consecutive | weeks for a minimum of $1.00 1st week, 80c. for | extra consecutive weeks. Must be paid week of insertion--if charged, and additional 25¢c. will be added. '50c. ADDITIONAL WILL BE CHARGED FOR USE OF A BOX NUMBER. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE | NOTICES -- COMING EVENTS -- CARDS OF THANKS . bc. a word with a maximum of 20 words $1.00 BIRTHS ~ ENGAGEMENTS -- MARRIAGES -- DEATHS | 5c. a word with a maximum of 20 words $1.00 it INMEMORIAMS -- $1.50 minimum for 4-line verse, 10c. a line for additional lines. DISPLAY CLASSIFIED--$1.50 per inch with a minumum, | | --.--one inch; I All Classified Ads must be in this office not later than -- 12 0'CLOCK NOON TUESDAY Send cash, stamps, or money orders and save money PHONE 985-7383 -- Clip this out for reference. Card of Thanks Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Frey and Family, R.R. #1, Nestle- ton, extend their sincere thanks to everyone for their sympathy and._help_in_ this last week, following the death of their beloved son and brother, Joseph John. I would like to thank Drs. Martin and McIntyre and staff and nurses, also my re- latives, friends and neig'- bours and co-workers for the cards and -visits I reécived while I was a patient in the Community Memorial Hospital. Frances Frayer Thanks to Drs. Allin, Beer, Cahoon and excellent nurs- ing staff, the residents at Hillcrest Nursing Home, 87 Ella Street, once again en- joyed a flu 'free winter. Many thanks to relatives. friends and neighbours for acts of kindness, cards, gifts and flowers received during my illness at home and -* in the hospital. A special thanks to the Reverend Mark Reeves for his visitation. Eileen Le» At Rest MITCHELI . Robert Earl-- . At the Port Perry Commun- ity Hospital on Friday, Mar. 17th, 1972, Robert Earl Mit- -chell; beloved son of the Late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mitchell and dear brother of Minnie (Mrs. J. C. Cochrane) Buffalo, Mrs. Josephine Bain, Man- chester, Viola (Mrs. G. Schnapp) Buffalo. In his 73rd year. Funeral Service at the Chapel of McDermott- Panabaker, Port Perry on Tues.. March 21st at 3:30 p.m. Interment Kendall Cemetery, Utica. JACKSON, Zylpha Annetta --At the Community Nursing Home Port Perry, Ont, on Sat., March 18th, 1972, Zyl- pha Wells, beloved wife of the late Robert Jackson and dear mothe¥ of Bessie (Mrs. Alf. Dowson), Rena (Mrs. R. Smith), Mabel (Mrs. J. L. Sweetman) and Aileen (Mrs. J. L. Chamberlain) of Toron-- to. In her 95th year. Fun- eral Service at the Chapel of McDermott - Panabaker; Port Perry on Tuesday, March 21, at 2 p.m. Interment Pine Grove Cemetery. The engagement is an- nounced of Mary Ann, daugh- ter of Mrs. Pon A. Jackson and the late Mr. Jackson, of Oshawa, to--Grant--Douglas;" son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Mur- ray Williams of Port Perrv. The wedding will take place, May 13th, Oshawa. Births Hello! I arrived on March 17th. My name Todd Kenneth: I would like to thank Doctors Price, Allin, Cohoon and Nurse Mrs. Mountjoy and staff for taking care of my mom. - I understand that dur- ing one of our winter storms Lester Baylis drove mom t- the hospital on his tractor. Thank you Lester. Akela and Betty Saulnier are m- mom and dad. WAGNER--Frank & Muriel are happy to announce the arrival of their daughter Christine Muriel on March 13th. 1972 at Port Perry Com- munity Hospital, for Donna and Karen. Spe-| cial thanks to Dr. Allin and Nursing Staff. CARNEGIE--Bob and Marg are happy to announce the safe arrival of their daughter Lee Ann Jayne, 6 1lbs., 7 ozs. Sunday, March 19th 1972 in Kingston. Sister for Robbie and Timmie. Grandaughter for Bob and Georgeen Car- negie, Port Perry and Walter and Mrs. Vos, Whitby. WILSON -- Paul & Eileen (nee Fornier )are happv tn announce the arrival of their son John Paul, weighing © 1bs.. 7 ozs. on March 14, 1972 at Scarboro Centennial Hn- pital. First grandson for Mr and Mrs. Cy Wilson and Mr and Mrs. John Fornier. PUCKRIN--Roy and Mari- lyn (nee Harris) are very happy to announce the birth of their son Kevin George, weighing 7 1bs., 14 "oz., on March 8th, 1972 at Port Perry Hospital. Many than} to Dr Price and materai: staff. Check The Label On Your Paper '| Homes -and Crafts"; at Utica Admission 50c A sister | * SELL: RENT Ale nd a 1S KH = VR EN =1 {WEY ==] Nh sR AV) N= EESTI ={ SRN = TWA TED CLASSI Ey 1S] = WBN = 4 =F F SWAP + HIRE + B wai UY * SELL RENT + _ Notice For Sale Wanted Wanted to Rent * McINTYRE UPHOLSTERING will be closed until April 1st. : Mar.31 Coming Events BINGO, Wednesday, March 22nd sponsored by Catholic Men's League, Jackpot $200. in 53 numbers. Minor jack- pot $55. in 55 numbers, ASSOCIATED YOUTH, bottle drive, Saturday, April 15th, ILLUSTRATED TALK Lake Scugog Historical So- ciety presents Black Creek Pioneer Village Curator, Mr. R. Cooper, who will give an illustrated talk on "Pioneer Hall, Tuesday, April 4, 8 p.m. Admission 50c, Historical Society members free. Coffee and social time afterwards. EASTER TEA AND HOME r BAKING SALE Anglican Parish Hall, Satur- day, April 8th, 2:30 to 5 p.m. 2--Mar.22 - Apr.5 "MESSIAH" (Easter Section) --Handel, by the Choir and Soloists of Harmony United Church Oshawa March 31st, Good Friday, 7:30 p.m., ac- companied by a Chamber Orchestra; Musical Director --Marie Taylor. Performed in the Church Sanctuary. '| competitive price. CONTENTS from Model 'home, chesterfield and mat. ching chair, dining room 50 TON dry corn. Phone 655-3326. : suite, bedroom suite, desk, bookcase stereo & T.V., broadloom rug 9x12, coffee For Rent and end tables, etc. ete. All items like new. Phone Osh- awa 728-3473. , WATKINS 'SINCE 1868 YES Watkins MV100 will produce beef and milk at a PLUS it is easy to use and has all the ingrediénts ne. .cessary to keep cattle tn top form the oar found. ; 'or Reach, 0g, Mariposa $2 L B, Standish 1-416-085- MERCURY OUTBOARDS and 'Skidoo Sales" "and " Service. Drew boats, and all accessor- ies. Gord's Marine, Clare- mont, 649-2007. RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS for the 'home and farm. Your dealer A. L. Sutcliffe 985- 7844. T.F. NEW & USED vacuum clean: ers. 'Repairs to most makes. Phone 985-7704 evenings. 4--Mar.29 FINAL SKI-DOO SALE--New 1972 Elans $519.00. New 15 H.P, $539.00. No Down Pay- ment. Midtown Ski-Doo Sales 324-2791 Lindsay, 2--Mar.22 BINGO Thursday March 30 at 8:00 p.m. at Legion Hall. Jackpot $160 in 56 numbers. Special -$5.-per-line-and-$10:{- full card. '69 OLYMPIC Ski-Doo 18 h.p. Good condition: Call Brook- lin 6553933... .. { HOSPITAL AUXILIARY MEMBERSHIP TEA April' 15th, 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Burn's Presbyterian Church. 3--Mar.22, Apr.5-12 FIREMEN'S SPRING DANCE Port Perry Legion Hall SATURDAY, APRIL 8th Ted Koss Orchestra $4.00 per couple Lunch Provided Tickets now on Sale dogs. Phone. Blackstock | 986.5558, 2 Mar.29 For Sale 1972 SNO JET, 292 motor. Best offer, must sell. Phone SAVE HUNDREDS OF |9853007 after 5 p.m. DOLLARS Broadloom by Harding, Cel. anese, Kraus, etc. All at discount prices. For wall to wall or rug sizes. Call 986- 4695 after 7 p.m. T.F. TYPEWRITERS -- Adders; Calcs, Cash Registers, Desks, Chairs, Files, new, used. Ren. tals. Seryice. Discount Prices. Open s.,, Wed., Thurs. Bill Hamilton, Brooklin 6554179 T.F. WATKINS i The Store at Your Door Since 1868 a! Quality, Money Back ! Guaranteed Products | Call Art:Reeder 986-4810 ZERING | PONTIAC - BUICK LTD. Your one-stop Ski-doo SALES and SERVICE $500 DOWN $175 MONTHLY No salary qualifications: New. 3 bedrooms, 2 storey, Near Oshawa Centre. PHONE 655-3326 T.F. 1964, Y; TON Chey. Truck. $350.00, "also 1967 Meterr $500.00. Call 986-4342. INGLIS Alttomatic clothes washer, with suds saver, good gondiion $125.00. Phone 986- BALED HAY and Straw, 985-2776. : : BEAUTIFUL male and fe-- male dalmation puppies. Ex- cellent for pets or watch 1971. T.N.T. 292; 1970 Olym. pic, new: shocks, H.D. carb, 18 h.p.;. both in excellent condition. 985-3351, FRIGIDAIRE Refrigerator & stove, in excellent condition Phone 985-2818. : i 1972 ARTIC CAT Snowmobile | 340 panther, 28 h.p., just: purchased this year. Phone; 985-7732. 2--Mar.29 | 1964 DODGE Wagon $275.00. I Phoné 985-3298, i SURGE MILKER and pum-.. Woods cream cooler,i Viking. separator, Herta Seed Barle- registered last year, 088.:% 4863. ? 1000 BALES HAY. 986.4470 Will Give Away 7 BORDER Collie Puppic-. 985-3451. ; APARTMENT in Port Perry. centrally located, 2 bedrooms, T.F. fridge and stove. $100 month- ly. Call 728-1376, FIVE ROOM, nicely decor- ated and landscaped home with garden area. Full base- ment. Utilities paid, Avail- able in May. References re- quired. Telephone 985-7667, PASTURE for rent, 115 acres. Well fenced $9 acre on Port Perry Hwy. Columbus dist- rict: Phone 655-3823. ARR _..8--Apr.5 . I TWO BEDROOM Apartment in Port Perry. Available April 1st, Phone 640-2390. 2--Mar.29 HAVING A PARTY?? RENT: ® Wine Glasses - Bar Glasses Punch Bowl with 24 cups Bride's Knife Bud Vases Contact: CREST HARDWARE 985-2211 Headquarters See the new 1972 Models now * Phone 985-7361 Water St, Port Perry 'Wanted to Buy ? BRASS BED, old china dolls, ~ alladin and glass lamps, fur- niture and glassware, etc. Call Vera Lee's Antiques. 985-7723. Check The Label On Your Paper THREE BEDROOM House wanted by April 1st. Phone 085-2831. 25 - 50 ACRES with house and barn within 5 to 6 mile: from Port Perry-. Reply P.O. Box 653, Port Perry. Help Wanted BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Male - Female, Full or part time. No Investment in Stock. Gain Financial Suc- cess to Independence. P.O. Box 122, Peterborough. 2--Mar.22 WANT TO LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR vou. TRAILERS??? . Now you can train right here in Canada and be paid while doing so. For application and interview, write: Safety. Department, '| Trans Canada Transport Training - Suite 316, 207 Queens Quay West Toronto 117, Ontario or call: 416-864-9381 3--Mar.22 UP TO HERE IN BILLS? Looking for a way out? You can make extra money fast as an Avon Representative. You'll get out of the house, make new friends, enjoy lif» more! Call now: Mrs. J. Cunneyworth, 149 Sheldon Aves Newmarket, Ont. 895- 39. 'advertising, experienced land area. SALES OPPORTUNITY |" REAL ESTATE CAREER, join one of Canada's largest firms, commission plus bonus, outstanding opportunity for experienced salespeople. ~ Openings in the Port Perry, Blackstock and Sunder- "| Contact, Lloyd G. Lee, F.R.I, Vice- President, H. Keith Ltd. Realtor, 181 Eglinton Ave, E., Toronto 12 or call 487-3333. : Strong manager to help you. © 4--Apr.12 follow signs. Village of Little Brit li New bungalow, electric heat, 3 bedrooms, broadloom, bar in rec. room, family or retirement home. OPEN HOUSE MARCH 25th and 26th -- 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. : Directions: First paved road north of Seagrave and Call Larence Morrison 985-7386 or 705 - 357-3305. Werratal Restaurant on the corner of 47 & 12 highways Re-Opens on Saturday, March 25th GERMAN + CANADIAN FOODS MEMORIAL THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE COMMUNITY ; PORT PERRY .-will be held at the Municipal Offices in the Village of Port Perry, on WEDNESDAY, EVENING, MARCH 29th, 1972 at 8 p.m. The public are cordially invited to attend this meeting. HOSPITAL