ERLE HI A ah SRS HA 20-PORT PERRY STAR-Wednesday, March 22, 1972 Ralph Cawker and family Grant Cawker and family Holsmer, of Don Mills, and Mr. and of Oshawa. fy ARF 4 Mrs, Alan Cawker and fa. PRE Adopting a policy estab- Y , ROUND THE TOWN'; mily, Oshawa. Visitors on. Saturday at the Cawker farm were Mr. and Mrs. The March meeting of the Oshawa Secretarial As. sociation will be held in the lished recently by neigh: bouring Pickering Twp., the council of the Twp. of WINTER SPECIAL pe | Boy, Picadilly Room in the Gen. . Uxbridge has rejected a Purchase an 8 h.p,, i ; ©. osha Hotel on Tuesday, Dept. of Lands and Forest's: § 10h.p., 12h.p,, or 14h,p. : : Mare st, at 6: p.m. request to hold a ay, ; pr! S. Cawker, Prov. that she had just seen a h 21st at 6:00 ost to hold a 3 day, TRACTOR with oard Director, W.I, Nes- robin in her back yard, Mr| ¥; a) : Guest speaker on this oc- deer hunt in 1972, tleton, attended the Cent- Bill Tripp confirmed this, casion will be Mrs.- Laurie EE TT ral' Area Board meeting as he lives close by. 'This Harley, Manager, Secretari- Mrs. Kathy Stringer and held in the Provincial Of- = is maybe the sign we have ) fice Bay St. Toronto, on been waiting for SPRING al Service of IBM. In addi- Miss Barbara Taylor were Monda iy to lan the w * 8 . or : tion to the guest speaker, hostesses at a miscellane- Wore Institute Fal Con- the program will feature a ous shower in honour of : woition. which willbe held Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cawker demonstration of office Miss Sheila Kenny, a bride: « : ' were recent guests of Mr. «ug, equipment and services un- . to be, at the home of Mr. TREWIN FARM in the Royal York Hotel in rry but Mr. Hughes "EQUIP, November and Mrs. Chas, Cawker, _4..¢ not need a publicity der the direction of Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Nelson on Blackstock - 9864283 a REE Scarborough, Mr. and Mrs. man." John MacDonald and Tony Friday evening. mika! Julie Hall, Jim McLaugh. Lon gp EE ERE EAE EERIE RAAE RSENS, 5 . \ a, Ba lin, Gwen and Bill Hall, # oo / John Cooper and Ted Whit. ¥ x rt Ng fa \ (» (of » | # field, left on Friday to # i spend the winter vacation 9 8 in Largo, Florida. / LAY 8 * * * v = ; Mr. Sam Eyre celebrated = ¥ > ap ' his 92nd birthday last week ¥ 4 with his son Warren and ' ' grandchildren in Toronto. % 4 3 The - Star join his ~ many ~~ # ANA friends in wishing him a . ' 4 very happy birthday. ' ' * * * y; ' : Mrs. S. Cawker also at- 5 / tended a meeting of the ¥ = A AT T as T if Yl Ontario Food Council Con- ¥% . [(F pt bt / ® ' VALUE CHECK'D - BRANDED FEATURE! -- pcH / sumer Section, Dept. of Ag- ¥ : ='8 AE ¥ > 7 Feurure and room nes. 8 Short Rib ; DOLE PINEAPPLE JUICE 3i1 SARAN WRAP 36: | the Board Room,. Toronto, #¥ » "BEST BUY! -- PINK POTATO CHIPS 59. 7 the later part of February. * % ROAST e| ¥ ini | meee | CLOVER Ll LEAF SALMON 49. POTATO Gis 39) ¢ sent' from all parts of the # Province. 7 BLADE BERT BY ANN COFFEE MATE 79: ; x Well known to this com- # Is OAST i Fo0Ds J 4 munity and a former mem. # reoex, Juicy, srANDED b 5 FEATURE! = JNOTANI PARE Ae / - ber of the Port Perry Lions &- BLADE mix ar 5 MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE s1. oh COFFEE RED & WHITE 79: y Club, Archie Farmer was # 4 li : /: guest at the club's regular STEAKS | 2m CARITH" | MAPLE LEAF TINNED dinner meeting on Monday = §# MAPLE LEAF - MID - swEeT E. D. SMITH S 0 3 | $4 J9 ; Song Also a guest was / RINDLESS C PURE JAMS ul HAMS 2 m, Barr, Seagrave, Nobl ! 2 Grand of Si % , BACON | b MA ZOLA. J APPLE BLOSSOM | 1 | NER SB 4 MILD SEASONED - BY THE PIECE - CORN OIL : w of / ha hong Soo / 'MAPLE LEAF 3 I Cc | rae norms a in BEANS J oh - Ee onth. ack attended a ¥ i ; y church service at Port 2 BOLOGNA Hl - SUNLIGHT 93 BISCUITS TISSUE 4169 4 3 ' Perry Baptist church in me . MAPLE LEA SWEET PICKLED - CRYOVAC HALVES --_-- Se Jl ; : . A mory of Baden-Powell. Cub ¥ COTTAGE FT Pg 5 VARIETIES AE A RES ay © alone Re Smith read the lesson and ¥ pga 69¢ ; SUNLIGHT 2:89 : ORANGE H y HE Akela read the founder's J ROLLS LJ bh LIQUID R : Sole C SEGMENTS R © # Ak last message. On February | #§ Mane Lear. ASSORTED pack' TH raw 71.0, Cu: Boule : A Th a Rack a Sela tw | EEE 79: | Mask 41.19 ies 6 | ily held a snowmobile party ¥ : 2 x by ( party i d when 67 cubs, parents and / LUNCH Meats Louis ii > BEST BUYI -- : AL friends were present at the ¥. FROZEN FOOD Ean z Hy / home of Mr. Saulnier, all STEWING C cf i | enjoyed the evening. 4 BEER i % Y NIBLETS CORN 2: 50, CF a) te +» 4 Boneless' ' pars: / = ' Sis Mr. Mrs. : : ce | FEATURE! -- INSTANT SKIM MILK POWDER i Sion Son , BEEF LIVER 69: | PERCH FILLETS 49 $ i 4 ied nh i 4 ota For sturmNG CHEESE PIZZA 1v%-o 79 ad [J 4 TA ' HR ¢ SUPREME oN ; ; 5 cently. . ai 7 BEEF HEARTS 47: ) FRENCH FRIES 2-n.5 49 BEST BUY Tae 48 Fl. Oz. Tin 7 4 ! y ? # FREEZER SPECIALS! | BAKERY FEATURES MARTIN'S QS: 7 Wis eat hg 7 10 to 12 Ibs. aversge | RED & WHITE HAMBURG BUNS AND - APPLE JU IC PURE 0 $ / ' . - / Cc 4 ford, Queen St. phoned in # PORK LOINS FO: § WIENER Rolls 4 isl ' FEATURE! -- All Purpose Towels 12 to Pkg. FEATURE| -- Christies Pure Chocolate gx : ¥ DEVON BRAND - COUNTRY STYLE || 3 VvAwenES TH 35 Mi 10%, Cello Pos. | / % L i 'A I N VEST / SAUSAGE 6:52.94 } DONUTS -.: Red & White doz. 29 J= CLOTH 53 iniatures "55 2 RRS a aE SE TS BRYLCREEM wun w 70, / / | HAIR DRESSING ct | # hd /: El ! / id N ow | 7% Epa | | ENO FRUIT SALTS ws i: 69 | # AL o j : i | MACLEANS tootouste st1be §5¢ | ¥ » ok / i Mclntosh Red APPLES «ess 89 cos. 3:45¢ || i VICTORIA & GREY TRUST 4 Bhar 63 didic | | SILVIKRIN siwrod vs ies 69 | 4 Guaranteed Investments § Texas Broccoli =~ 45¢ Ont. Rhubard we: wow. 35¢ [| | LUX BEAUTY SOAP 2439 / 7, 1 / Nero! : Senses 1 | MODESS renisioe Nupkios pis. 12: 5c | 4 : : 1" x 14" Green Grapes w=. 59: Oni {40 | / Hg ' w. 93° UNION 4y | z 3 1 0 Gi [lf] Seo upto50% on quay frames p 5 2 : 49 || EASTER CANDIES AB Be |B | ' i | | DISPENSER. '98c- reriLLs "38¢ | 2 3 / iin - beeen | A 4 ' i i; 5 YEARS ; / Bid V2 » ° 7 i 8 Interest is payable vA reconstituted HOSTESS / | xy. half yearly or may ' ! fo : 4 ; mae: 0 ORANGE JUICE : | 4h ' , n ii EMMERSON CHEESE STICKS A i INSURANCE / 2 - 30 oz. hottles 4 } 4 4 i AGENCY | ¢ ' | y LIMITED ' : reg. 59c spec. fi, 191 Queen St. Port Perry 40 / ' 4 ! §) Telephone 985-7306 NUNS S SSNS S SSNS SSNNN AREA AAALARALLALRAARSNNSSNSS ANN NNN NNN NN NN NAN SNSNSNSNSNNSN SASS ASSN SSNS SSN NNN NNNNNNNNNNNN SN