(t's 7, A Tn, wl he eS A =. ee a on EE ee AE ST CEN bbe = rie S ES ow Ea Sol A Nr a Ran oe SHE 10-PORT PERRY STAR -- Wodssdos. April 12, 1972INERETIT=1EE BUY - URGENTLY WANTED -- 1 bedroom apartment, share in house or similar by British man of 22 in the Utica, Port Perry or Blackstock area, Call 985-3179, 7-7:45 a.m, or 9-11 p.m. or write Jericho * Farms, R.R. 4, Port Perry. ONE BEDROOM for elderly lady in the vicinity of Port Perry. Phone 985-2578, 9:00 am. - 12 noon. CLASSIFIED A SELL" » k3 Ee -N 1 « SWAR + HIRI 'Wanted to Rent Help Wanted KITCHEN HELP and walt. resses for week-end work, Phone Club Annrene 985- 3068. SPRING HAS SPRUNG! The "weather's great--so get out of the house, start earning money as an Avon Represen- tative. Discover how easy it is to sell Avon products to , friendly people. Call: Mrs. . J. Cunneyworth, 149 Sheldon. SINGLE MALE requires room| Ave. Newmarket, Ont. an area, d board in Prince Allert 1055 Phone 985-7111. 895- FOUR LIVELY BOYS REQUIRE HOME Have Mother and Father anxious to buy country home within 10 miles of Port Perry. Prefer older country home in any reasonable condition, priced under $30,000 on good sized lot. This couple are sincere buyers and have promised to inspect all offers. If you will consider $10,000 cash down -- please call Bill Dawson 985-3031. SEALTOR THOS.NL.SHEA LTD. Help' Wanted Work Wanted | Work Wanted Auction Sales ot ERPERIENCED hair dresser 3 to 4 days a week. Phone 852-6201. 2--Apr, 12 Work Wanted RUG & UPHOLSTERY clean. ing done.in your home and ready to use the same day. Phone 985-7704 evenings, 3--Feb.23 Dead or Crippled Farm Stock Picked Up Promptly. a Telephone Collect HAMPTON 4162632721 MARGWILL FUR FARM| 'R.R.5 Bowmanville - Licence No. 364-C-72 McINTYRE UPHOLSTERING & FABRIC SALES. Wide choice of fine quality fabrics, at reduced prices. All work- manship guaranteed. Call 985-3513. T.F. EAVERSTROUHING AND ROOF REPAIRS on. BARNS and HOUSES Concrete, Brick & Chimney Work. -- Call Collect -- WHITBY 668-5239 April 512 Re-Upholstery and Repairs to Upholstery fabrics & supplies BLACKSTOCK UPHOLSTERY all types of Furniture. AUSTIN BARTLEY Phone 986-4731 For direct line call Long' "DEAD OR CRIPPLER, . - 'FARM ANIMALS Picked up Promptly Distance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime ED PECONI & SON Woodville, Ont, Licence No. 324C-66 LOOK! Save $ Now We will save you 10% on all major Farm Equipment Repairs Offer good during winter months, See us now at . TREWIN- FARM EQUIP Blackstock - 9864283 ITV TOWERS T.V. Towers, Sales Service MISTER T.V. TOWERS 378 King St. W., Oshawa 723.9525 '. and Installation " Colour Antennas, Rotors, and black & white alse Repairs 544 A wy St. v. : ok. Auction Sales THE BEST IN. BLACK AND WHITE Color and UHF RECEPTION ~All Towers arel13" Heavy Duly Workmanship "REG and LARRY (20 EIVESTOOK & FURNITURE INI Ph. Sunderland (705) 357-3270 JOHNSON AUCTIONEERS yrs. Experience) 3 Guaranteed Dp. WHITE'S TV Antennas MAPLE GROVE 623-5251 or 623-3070, UPHOLSTERY DONE, very reasonable, Guaranteed work. Call A. Kuenstler 985299), .F. No extra charge for Port Perry SATURDAY, APRIL 15 ° Farm Sold -- Auction Sale of Livestock and Implements, 20 Hereford and : Holstein Crossed Cattle, Cockshutt 30 Tractor with Manure Loader, # W6 Int, Tractor, 1968 John Deere Baler, . John' Deere Combine, New Idea Side Rake, 1958 Trucks Hay & Straw, Some Household Fur- niture, the property of HARRY LARMER, Lot 10, Con, 2 South Monaghan Twp. . i 4 miles east of South Mona- { ghan on paved rd, off Hwy. i 28. Terms Cash, No Reserve. i Sale at 1 p.m, Ward Holmes, A Jack Callaghan, Clerks. 3 U.C.W. Ladies will provide A CARL HICKSON, Auctioneer Reaboro, Ont, ) Ph. Lindsay 705-324-9959 2--Apr.12 ® AUCTION SALE eo 2 -- DAYS -- WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19th : : - SATURDAY, APRIL 22nd : Machinery. Livestock Feed. 5 Tractors, Combine, Swather ¢ (Self-Propelled), Full Line of Machinery. 200 Head of CATTLE, 17 Sows, 5 Sheep, 1 Horse, the property of DORRELL BROS,, Lot 11, Con. 6, Cartwright, 1 mile North of Blackstock on 7A Highway. Terms Cash. No - Pail A AEE SS pip ppp FRED COOK REAL ESTATE Ivan Thompson THE QUICKEST WAY TO FIND THE HOME U WANT Realtors frequently come across house hunters who are running themselves ragged tracking down news- paper classified ads in search of just the right dwelling. Almost _as_frequently--their--search-is- unsuccessful; = sm . we. PORT PERRY 1% storey 6 room' home, well kept, all modern ! conveniences, large lot, garage. Terms. Bill Peeters 985-7001. WHITBY--3 bedroom brick bungalow, family size The Situation could be likened to a blind man sear- {hing for a lost article; he only knows what he bumps nto. Properties Beas for sale in the newspaper usu- ally represent only a small proportion of the total available on the market. 'And since most realtors advertise a wide range of prices and locations so as to attract the most inquiries, the advertising of specific types of houses can be very limited. A competent Realtor who is keeping up with his market is a buyer's ready-made computer constantly scanning new property listings as well as reviewing existing ones, his own as well as those listed by other Realtors. Contact a reliable Realtor and let his eyes look for you. The results will be quicker and far less tiring and you are much more. likely to end up with a pro- perty suited to your needs. AAA A A A A A LER TT TE LT CE. SCENIC MEADOW GREEN ESTATES BLACKSTOCK> . Prestige All Electric Ranch Style Bungalows under construction. Featuring: ® Water Services. Fire Hydrants. @® Street Lights. Paved Streets. ® 1% acre lots. 100 ft. frontages. ® Garages. Built-in dishwasher. @® V.L.A. approved if qualified. $3,000 down -- starting at $25,900.00. FRED COOK REAL ESTATE 151 Queen Street. © 985-7001 Port Perry Staff on site all week-end AAA A A A AAA LARA ARAL ALAR ALLEL LL LL SSN SNES ar aie A A ER AN th Sb © ppp RETREAT ACREAGE 85 acres "mostly wooded, "Paved road frontage. Bill Peeters. PORT PERRY 3 bedroom bungalow, close to downtown. extras. Asking $25,000 with terms. = Bill Peeters. PORT PERRY AREA Dairy farm, 150 acres productive clay loam, 2 storey 9 room brick home with conveniences, modern dairy barn, free stalls, milking parlour, pipe line mitker, Bill Peeters. kitchen and living area, 4 "tance to schools and shopping. $27,500. Terms. Bill Peters 985-7001. 100 acre Dairy Farm near Sunderland. Highly productive land, large dairy barn, milk house, ex- cellent 2 storey home with all conveniences. farm can be purchased-with cattle, equipment and Call Bill Peeters 985-7001. milk quota. Lakefront and Back Lot Cottages, various loca- tions, 2 and. 3 bedrooms, treed lots, completely furnished. Prices accordingly. Call M. Rodd. ing, corner lot, Queen St, down, Estate. New and older homes, schools, shopping etc. and up with terms. room home, 2 baths, 985-7001. Ivan Thompson. Port Perry. 3 bedroom quiet district. -- 085-7001. trees. Peeters. 985-7001. Asking $23, 500. $5,000 down. 3 bedroom, 7 room frame home, hot water heat- Full price $21,900, $3000 Call Morley Bruce 981-2528. Fred Cook Real ° Price ranging from $18,500 Call M. Rodd. Port Perry, 100 acres, rich soil, Good. Dining room, fireplace, electric heat. Ivan Thompson. Port Perry West, 65 rolling acres, pond, stream, Asking $30,900.00. Terms. view, good building site. Many Asking $14,900. pc. bath. Walking dis. This good location close to 10 treed, 3 bed- Bldgs. 7% mtge. ranch style Bungalow, Large lot in Call Bill i51 QUEEN STREET PORT PERRY Port Perry 985.7001 Toronto 297-2476 Reserve. Machinery Sale on ¥ Wed., - April 19th, 12 Noon. Livestock, Feed & Grain on Sat., April 22nd,' 1:00 p.m. TED SPENCELEY, GRANT WERRY, Auctioneers ¥® "MUST BE SOLD" a. > Owner anxious to sell this large ranch style four } bedroom bungaiow sitiiated on extra large lot at » Scugog Island. Finished rec. room, with bar, cup- i Extra large 2 car garage. miss seeing this one. Asking price $39,000.00. Call boards galore. Marjorie Tripp 985-3031. CAESAREA 2 bedroom frame bungalow, electrically 'heated, ¥ modern kitchen, living room, dining room, four piece bath on a 400 ft. corner lot. at $22,500. Call Milton Fisher 9864743. CAESAREA A low priced two bedroom cottage on an open street -- in a low taxed area. $7,000. Call Milton Fisher 986-4743. BLACKSTOCK +2 storey, 4 bedroom brick home requires finishing - on 10 acre lot - very scenic location. ing thru part of property, small pond and small barn, fire place in large living room 28 x 15, full . price $27,900. For further information call Diane Kiers 985-3031. LAKE SCUGOG -- Best Buy Fully winterized 3 bedroom log cottage, panelled throughout, electrically heated on large lot 150 x 200, full price $12,000.00. Call Diane Kiers 985-3031. 2 THOS N SHEA LTD REA Don't Garage. Priced Full price only < Stream flow- |? LTon