Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales REG and LARRY JOHNSON al UCTIONEERS LIVESTOCK & FURNT SALEg TURK Ph. Sunderland (705) 357.3270 SATURDAY, MAY éth Auction Sale of FURNITURE, etc., the property of ROBERT RODD, 78 Ontario: St., Port Perry. Oak Dining - Room Suite (Glass front China Cab- inet), . Wicker Chesterfield Suite, R.C.A. T.V. Fleet. wood T.V. 2 Chrome Kitchen Suites, Chairs, Tables Beds, -Chest--of Drawers, Lamps, Ladies' Bicycle, Clocks, Black & Deckér Drill %4"" (never 'used, Radio. & Record Player, Antique Hall Rack, Step Lad- der, HD, Water Tank, many other useful articles. Terms Cash, Sale at 1:00 p.m, TED SPENCELEY, GRANT WERRY, 2--May3 Auctioneers AUCTION SALE DATES - Sat, May éth-- Property of Howard Milton 46 Park St., Cannington. Antiques and Furniture. 1:00 p.m, ! Wed., May 10th-- Estate of late Thomas Mul. ligan, 14 St. Paul St. Lindsay. Grandfather's clock, round oak dining table etc.,, Dodge car. 1:30 p.m, . Sat., May 13th-- Property of Floyd Pogue, 8 miles south of Minden. Antiques, furniture, farm Machinery. Mon., May 15th-- The Estate of late Mabel Bir. chard, 43 Albert St, N., Lindsay. Household furni. shings etc. - Wed., May 17th-- Estate of late C. Parfrey, 40 Ann St. Cannington. Furniture, Antiques ,étc. Sat., May 20th-- Estate of late Florence Hamilton, 69 King St. Bob- caygeon . Antiques, Fur- niture ,etc. 1:00 p.m. Sat, May 27th-- Property of J. Shea Bob- caygeon. For information and other dates call ORVAL McLEAN, Auctioneer 324-2791 or 324-2783, Lindsay. WEDNESDAY, MAY 10th Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, Hay, Straw & Grain, the property of ROSS BLOYE, Lot 21, Con. C, Mari- poia Twp., 2 miles south of alentia or 7 miles south east of 'Little Britain. 13 head of Hereford and Charo- lais cattle, 2 Hereford cows, 5 Charolais steers (fat) rising 3 yrs, Charolais & Here- fords, rising 2 yrs. 3 year- lings, 1000 bales of hay, 1500 bu. of mixed grain, 300 bales of straw, Ford Dexta diesel tractor with = loader, John Deere Model ;B tractor, J. D. self propelled combine, 10 ft. Fleury Bissel manure spread- 'er, McCormick 45 baler, Qu. of farm machinery, 12 ft, boat, 10 h.p. motor, large qu. of scrap. General deep free- ze, round table, buffet & 6 chairs, space heater, etc. Farm sold) Terms Cash, Sale at 1 p.m. Gerald Gra- ham, clerk. REG & LARRY JOHNSON, 2--May3 Auctioneers Ph. (705) 357-3270 'of SATURDAY, MAY 13th Complete Household Effects « Estate of the Late MRS, J. HOLMAN, 16 Charles Street, Brooklin, Consisting in part: 8 pc. dining room suite (wal: nut), round glass china cab. inet (oak), several Victorian dressers and washstands(some very ornate), Victorian tables (walnut), sofa with 2 match. ing chairs, side chairs, beau. tiful iron and brass bed(very unusual), spool bed, china font coil oil lamp, butter bowl (old), crown sealers, books, kitchen suite, Viking 21" T.V, (like new), Viking 4 burner stove (like new), 11 cu. ft. Frigidaire (excellent), combination radio and phon. ograph, prefsed glass, carni- val (dark & orange), Royal Devon occupied Japan and English China, 2 garden trac. tors with complete attach. ments, garden tools & many other interesting items. Auctioneer's Note:-- These were the contents of an el. derly lady with some collect- able and antique items. Ng Reserve. To settle estate. Terms Cash. Sale time 1:00 pm; - HENRY KAHN AUCTION SERVICES 2--Mayl10 Ph, 668-6189 'THURSDAY, MAY 11th' Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, Grain, Straw & Furniture, the propenty of REG RICH, Lot 12, Con. 6, Mariposa Twp., 2 miles south of Oakwood, 1 mile west or 2 miles north of Little Bri- tain, 2 miles west. 50 head Holstein & Hereford Cattle, mostly cows with Calves by side, springers and B pasture bred. Hereford bull, 1964 Chevelle car, Ford 3000 diesel tractor & loader, Case Model D tractor, J. D. Man- ure spreader, Ford plow, J. D. seed drill, full line of machinery, Qu. of furniture. Farm sold. Terms cash. Sale|" at 12 noon, - Furniture sells first. Gerald Graham, Clerk. REG & LARRY JOHNSON, 2--May3 Auctioneers Ph. (705) 357-3270 TUESDAY, MAY 9th, at 7:00 P.M. Antique Auction on Tuesday, May 9th, 1972 at 7 p.m, at Victoria Square Community Hall (on Don Mills Road and 18th Avenue; 3% miles north of Highway 7) featuring Gone- with-the-wind lamp; spinning wheel; solid walnut washstand with burled walnut drawer fronts and teardrop pulls; miniature , cooking - stove, 1' by 2'; miniature frying pan and iron; Sheffield carving set with sterling silver mounts, stag handles; refini- shed butter churn; set of re- finished = Bentwood chairs; many articles of carnival|® glass including large pitcher, candy dish, sherberts, cream- er, tumblers. Collections of crockery, bells - one large 1878 bell. Many primitive items from Quebec including excellent wagon wheels, cop- per boilers, cast iron teapot and hanging fixture, tole kit- chen articles ,rockers, wash- stands, Ironstone pieces, tools buckets. Also, brass jelly an, brass based oillamp, Al- adin lamp with shade, large Planter's Peanut display jar; many articles of pressed glass (compotes, tumblers, spooners covered butterdish, mug etc.) pottery mold, majolica jar- diniere. Plan to attend this good sale, 200 items in all. Preview from 4 PM. Auc- tioneer not responsible for accidents. HENRY MILBERG, - Auctioneer, Sutton West minikin 1st prize $5.000 2nd prize $1 Kinsmen - serving the community's greatest need. ,000 3rd prize 40 @ $100 Kin Lottery lickels may be purchased from any member o! participating Kinsmen Clubs or authorized sales outlets For information on becoming a Kin Lottery licket agent write Kin Lottery. Box KIN Cornwall Ontano 7 Solodoledod od Lb LL Ll d dol fll] § Enclosed please find my: 0) cheque money order for 8 § tickets al $2 00 each C2 cheque money order for $18.00 | § tor a book of len tickets. Make cheques payable 10 "Kin § § Lottery" and mail to: Kin Lottery. Box 1779. Cornwall, § § Ontario | § Nave ¥ aooRess ] 8 OOTY 8 Tobe eligible Tor the next Mini-kin Draw. your ticket order 0 1orm or draw coupon must be received by the Kin Lotle.y ! office before noon on the 12th of the month ¥ SE TE SR SE A SS SR EE SR AE ES ES SE aE eee. Kin Lottery is licenced by the Province of | apt PROV OUTSTANDING AUCTION SALE OF ANTIQUES to be held WEDNESDAY, MAY 17th, at 7:00 p.m. Lion's Community Centre 26 Beech Avenue Bowmanville, Ontario Canadian Pattern Glass, Col. oured 'Glass, - many many china pieces, brass, silver, oil lamps, Bird's Eye Maple ed, Dresser and Rocker, Victorian Settee, Dining Chairs, Tables Pine, curved glass* china cabinet, spool, brass, beds. This is only a small portion of items avail abe, watch next week's paper for a complete listing. Sale Managers & Auctioneers, TOM LOWERY 728-7639 GLENN FRY 623-5387 Auction Sales Auction Sales SATURDAY, MAY. 6th... Farm Sold - Auction Sale of Farm Implements, 430 Case Diesel Tractor, with Loader, A.C. Combine, Fer- guson 20-85 Tractor, John Deere Double Disc, Grain, MH. Seed Drill, 2 Manure Spreaders, Some Household Furniture, the property of PAUL McGUIRE, Lot 2, Con, 6, Emily Twp., 2 miles east SATURDAY, MAY 20 | © Clearing Auction for WEL. LINGTON CHESTER located on East Ave, just south of WEST ROUGE PLAZA off Hwy. #2. Implements and Antique Furniture. (Mor details later). Property Sold. Sale 1:00 P.M. ' 'ATKINSON and WILSON, Sale Mgrs, & Auctioneers 2--May 10 of Reaboro on County Road 27 or 3 miles north of Tor- onto - Dominion Bank in Omemee and 2 miles west. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Lunch Available, Ward Holmes and SATURDAY, MAY 13th Auction Sale of Household Furniture and Antiques, the property of the late MISS Jack Callaghan, Clerks. CARL HICKSON, Auctioneer Reaboro, Ont. Ph. Lindsay 705-324-9959 2--May3 DOROTHY MILNER will be held in the town of Uxbridge on Sat,, May 13th, Frigidaire refrig., Stove, Dishes, Anti- que dishes, Grandfather clock, "Antique clock, large Jaques & Hayes Mahogany sideboard (good), gun stock chairs, antique bed, 2 foot stools '(needle point tops), 0.G. clock, antique table, an- tique serving table. Large qu. of furniture, Property sold. Terms cash Sale at 1 p.m, Gerald Graham, clerk. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer | Ph, 705 - 357-3270 2--Mayl10 py L. WEDNESDAY EVENING 6 P.M. (D.S.T.) MAY 17th Clearing Auction for the estate of the Late GORDON (Swifty TODD in 'Goodwood. (More details later). NOTE: Sale 6 P.M. (D.S.T) ATKINSON and WILSON Sale Mgrs. & Autionsers (9).4:14[p]e] SATURDAY, MAY 13th, 12:30 p.m. Complete Household Effects, property of Mr. & Mrs. JO- SEPH VOERMANS to be held at 482 Adelaide Street, West, Oshawa. This will be an excellent sale. TOM LOWERY, 728-7639 GLENN FRY, 623-5387, 1 2--May3 Auctioneers CLOSED Wednesday, May 4, 5, 6, a story of the need Saturday 2 p.m, "THE MOTHER GOOSE". ROXY THEATRE at 8 p.m. (Adult Entertainment). Sunday only May 7 at 8 p.m. "THE STUDENT NURSES" Mon., Tues.. Wed., May 8, 9, 10 "WEREWOLVES ON WHEELS" nightly at 8 p.m. FUTURE SALE DATES Thur., May 18th-- Phair Estate, Greenbank Sat., May 20--Beaverton Sat., May 20--Cresswell Tues., May 23--O0akwood Wed., May 24--Beaverton Thurs., May 25--Dunsford Sat., May 27--Sunderland Sat.,, May 27--Little Britain Tues., May 30-- Victoria Square Hall Thurs., June 1--Manilla Sat., June 3--Port Bolster Sat., June 10--Mt. Albert Sat., June 17--Brechin Sat., June 24--Zephyr Sat., July 8--Pefferlaw Sat., July 15--Beaverton Sat. July 22--Balsover. REG & LARRY JOHNSON, Auctioneers Ph, (705) 357-3270 LRYRIOKK] 3. Thurs, Fri., Sat, May to feel wanted. Academy award nominee Walter Mathau in "KOTCH" nightly Special matinee WHACKY WORLD OF (Restricted) (Restricted) -- ------ 985-3548 ckythe n icest CHOOSE HER | FAVOURITE ASSORTMENT PORT PERRY'S LAURA SECORD STORE YOUR HEALTH IS OUR MOST IMPORTANT OBJECTIVE i A Bopp lan -- a ER LAE TE PERSON RAT | ed WY a ". 2 - FD ar Sd, rg