COS 2 AY 0) SLRINEAIN "Fy hy ERT AAY | Ate inva Lt : [4 14 - PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, June 7, 1972 Auction Sales Auction Sales : THURSDAY, JUNE 15th Clearing farm auction for MAITLAND SPENCE on 19th Ave. baifg 1% mile south of Stouffville, off Con. 9), 'in- cluding implements and fur- niture. Property sold. Sale 1:00 p.m, ATKINSON and WILSON, Sale Mgrs. and Auctioneers ; 2--June? Excellent Furniture Auction Sat., June 10th, Estate of The Late MARY HAMILTON, Bobcaygeon. Good chester- field, 9 pes. oak dining room suite, Spode dishes. rugs, suites, rocking chairs, pic. tures, dishes, etc. No Re- serve, . 1:00 p.m, ORVAL McLEAN. Auctioneer SATURDAY, JUNE: 17 Farm Sold - Auction Sale of Livestock and Implements, Household Furniture and Antiques, - 25 Hereford and Shorthorn Cattle, Ferguson 85 Tractor, 3 Furrow Plough 3 pt.., MF. 1969 Power Mow- er, Dion Threshing Machine, Ferguson Tiller 3 pt., Woods Electric Grinder, Dearborne Cultivator 3 pt., Large Quan- tity of Antiques, the property of J. STEWART ARM. STRONG, Lot 17, Con, 7, Ot. onabee Twp., 4 miles south west of Peterborough Sale Barn, and 1 mile west on Base Line Road. Terms Cash, No Reserve, Machine Sale at 1.00 p.m. Furniture 2:00 324-2783 Lindsay SATURDAY, JUNE 17 Auction Sale of Household Furniture, Machinery & An- tiques, the property of WASIL WOROSZ, will be held at Lot 23, Con. 6, Geor- 'gina Twp., 7 miles east of Sutton on Hwy. 48 or 1 mile 'west of Port Bolster. M.F. 35 Diesel Tractor and Loader, good condition, Ferguson plow and cultivator, Buggy (good), Aluminum Boat, -6 h.p. Evinrude motor. 9 pc. dining room suite, 2 Round extension tables, 2 chrome sets, china cabinet and side- board, bedroom 'furniture, Hanging Lamp with Prisms, p.m. Cattle Sale 3:30 p.m. Aladdin hanging lamp, large Ward Holmes and Jack Calla- ghan, Clerks. 3 CARL HICKSON, Auctioneer Reaboro, Ont. - Ph. Lindsay 705 - 324-9959 2--Junel4 school regulator clock (cal- lamp base, wooden telephone. 6 mantle clocks, Tiffany type lamp, horse chimes and bells, 2 antique clocks, 3 copper boilers, 3 small footed iron WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21 Farm Sold - Auction Sale of Farm Machinery & House- hold Furniture, AR John Deere Tractor, John Deere Tractor Manure Spreader, John Deere Seed Drill, John Deere Combine, John Deere 6 Blade Tiller, McKee Har- vecter, McKee Wagon; Oats, Barley, Antiques. The Pro- perty of ARNOLD BROWN, Lot 22, Con, 3, Cavan Twp., 13 miles south of Peterbor- ough on Hwy. #28, first farm west of South Mora. ghan. Terms Cash. No Re- serve. Machine Sale at 1:00 p.m, Furniture Sale at 3:00 p.m. Ward Holmes & Jack| ~-Callaghan;= Clerks. CARL HICKSON. Auctioneer Reaboro, Ont. Ph. Lindsay 705 - 324-9959 2--Junel4 } 1 "| Kettles, Carnival glass, cran- berry vase, Qu. of dishes. Tea Wagon (good), 8 rocking' chairs (some antique), china cabinet, bell gong. hundreds attend this Auction Sale. Pro- perty Sold. Terms Cash. Sale at 12 noon sharp. Gerald Graham, Clerk. - REG & LARRY JOHNSON, Auctioneers Ph. 705 - 357-3270. 2--Junel4 SATURDAY, JUNE 17 Furniture & Antiques Farm Machinery Auction sale including New- combe piano and bench, G.E. 23" T.V., antique record stand, corner what-not, round oak table, antique buffet with hutch, electric stove and re- frigerator, walnut table, dry sink, number of antique SATURDAY, JUNE 10 Miscellaneous Auction for the BALLANTRAE UNITED CHURCH at the Whitchurch Centennial Centre (being % mile east of Ballantrae (off Hwy. #48). Donations to this sale greatly appreciated. Many items already consigr- ed. Refreshments. Sale at 1:00 pm. ATKINSON and WILSON. Sale Mgrs. and Auctioneers "| chairs, antique = chests of drawers, antique dresser, sil- ver pieces, platform rocker, 6 oak chairs, wash stand, pine box, old jars and bottles, crocks, picture frames, buggy wheels, string of bells. McCor- mick 10° cultivator, 3 point hitch, J.D. 3 furrow {rip beam plow, McCormick 3 furrow low, Lever harrows, chain arrow, Case 32' elevator on wheels, manure spreader double disc, 200 bales hay, 50 {| bales straw, hog, sow, 9 TUESDAY, JUNE 27th Excellent offering of an- tiques and collectables, Tues- day, June 27th at Victoria Square Community Hall. This sale will include 150 care- fully selected items of furni- ture, coloured glass, Cana- dian patterned oil lamps, signed carnival pieces, sev- eral clocks, hanging lamp, copper and brass articles, miscellaneous collectibles. See -next week's--paper- for more details. . HENRY MILBERG, Auctioneer, Sutton West MONDAY, JUNE 12th Auction Sale of building materials, pigs, and horses, the property of ANDY STEEL to be held at Stouffville Sales Barns, Stouffville, included will be new compressor, ges- tetner. electric typewriter computer calculator. 6 office desks, 20 ft. trailor, dualj wheel, electric brakes, alum: inum siding and shutters (new), 20 five gallon barrels of acrylic paint, all colours, chunks, the property of GORDON LAPP, Lot 11, Con, 6, Scott Twp. 12 miles north of Sandford Road on Con. 6, (5 miles north west of Uxbridge) 5a. lunch available, Lloyd ilson, and W.D. Atkinson, Sale Managers and Auct- ioneers. THURSDAY EVENING JUNE 22, 6:30 p.m. Auction sale of furniture and antiques including Viscount 23' rator, Moffat 24" electrie stove, Hoover electric dryer (new), Hoover washer an spin dry (like new), electrical appliances, chrome dinette suite, 6 chairs (like new), electrical appliances, chrome dinette suite, 6 chairs (like new) dining room table, 6 chairs, bedroom suite, vanity and dresser, double bed and dresser, combination writin desk and china cabinet, 2 oa wash stands, oak chest of drawers, drop leaf table, butter bowl, several antique chairs, 3 spinning wheels, crocks, picture frames, anti- 100 gallons house paint, eavestroughing_ drafting tab. le, jacks and jack stand, building material, also one mare in -foal, 1 registered mare, horse blanket. saddle | etc., many more items too numerous to mention. Mostly new equipment. No reserve. Terms cash. Sale at 1: p.m. sharp. NORM FAULKNER, Auctioneer | kettle, 32' aluminum extension i ladder, pine lumber (dry), 600' » 2 x 6 spruce lumber, many many other items. (full list | east of Uxbridge. Terms cash, i farm sold, sale 6:30 sharp. i Lunch available, Lloyd Wilson i and W.D. Atkinson, sale Man- "agers and auctioneers. 1) portable Television, bedroom ( endar_ face), brass. hanging - of other items. Plan to Terms cash, farm sold, sale at - _deep freezer Philco refrige- FROM THE spooled childs cradle, plat- ( form rocker, antique mirror, wooden pump, captains chair, § que pump organ, wooden cur- p | tain poles, hall tree, large iron § later). The property of JOHN DOBSON,on Hwy. 47. 6 miles | OOOOH HHHHHHHHHHOO DOV OO GUEST BOOKS ANNOUNCEMENTS INVITATIONS MATCHES NAPKINS BRIDE'S BOOK ' PORT PERRY STAR 235 QUEEN ST. -- PORT PERRY -- Ph. 985-7383 cn ieee AOAC COCO ACACIA ACACAC GOAN ACACAAACAAAAOCY QO T PR RRRRR RR RRR Ree) ®