. 8 The wonderfuel world of #41 Natural Gas is now available for all your home needs. HOME HEATING Natural Gas gives "snug-as-a-bug" comfort all winter long. Convert your present furnace or install a completely new Natural Gas system. Both ways - give you low-cost, dependable home heating. GULFSTREAM WATER HEATING The quickest, most economical way to get all the hot water you need. : With a Gulfstream Water Heater. all you pay for is low monthly rental, and the gas you use. RANGES AND BARBECUES AIR CONDITIONERS Indoors and out, Natural Gas cooks best because Enjoy year-round home comfort with Natural Gas of its exact. heat control. air conditioners. Properly sized to cool your home. Decor-styled ranges take care of the largest family. Just one of the many ways Natural Gas makes meals. breathing easier. Barbecues cook all year-round, without messy Check into the whole lineup of Natural Gas home charcoal or lighter fluid. appliances. 3 Charmglow gas lamp if you sign up now When you sign up for both home heating and water heating, we'll deliver and install a Charmglow model 300 gas lamp, absolutely free! © For further information call one of these dealers DON SKINNER Don Skinner Plumbing and Heating, 500 Simcoe Street, Prince Albert. Phone: 985-2142 Don has 18 years experience in plumbing and heating. Don lives with his wife and four children "in Prince Albert. He is a member of the Canadian Legion, and spends his. free time flying small planes. Bob has worked in the plumbing and . customer service work and installations. heating business for the past 23 years, He operates from his own store and hires and most recently with the largest gas three employees. SAR heating contractor in Pickering. A longtime member of the Port Perry Bob, his wife and 6 children have lived in business community, Murray resides Prince Albert for three years. with his. wife and four children in Caesarea. RICHARD (CHICK) CARNEGIE Crest Hardware, 175 Queen Street. Phone: Crest Hardware is a family business which started way 2 back in 1895. Chick specializes in appliances and furniture, plus propane delivery service. @ Born in Port Perry, Chick is Bll married and has one daughter. ll He is a Director of the Port . Perry Chamber of Commerce. C CMURKAY BURNFIELI ' PLUMBING HEATING & ELECTR SUPPLIES PUMP. REPAIRS BOB THOMSON MURRAY BURNFIELD Heating and Air Conditioning, © Plumbing and Heating, Simcoe Street South, 19 Water Street. Prince Albert. Phone: 985-7980 Phone: 985-3365 Murray has a growing business in al WES LANE Wes Lane Plumbing and Heating, 14 Scugog Street, Port Perry. Phone: 985-2473 985-2211 ... Wes has been in his present + plumbing and heating business wm. for fourteen years, and cur- rently employs four men. A Port Perry resident for thirty -years, Wes is married and has ) three children. He is a member of the Masonic Lodge. His chief hobby is boating on the lake. A Consumers' (as Dial '"Operator" and ask for ZEnith 8.5100 Sa ER