NNR A BY ANISH PCR 22-PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, June 7, 1972 Greenbank News continued Mr. Jim Hunter, Oshawa Police Force is attending a Police Course in Ottawa this' week. . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Couves visited with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Dobson, Robert and Laura, at Magnetawan on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, "Avdrew Davidson of Brooklin and Mr. and Mrs. Almer Rennie, Sunderland, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Leask. Ontario County Junior Farmer's field day was held last Saturday at Cannington with a dance in Sunderland hall in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Mel McGee attended the 25th wedding anniversary in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bright of Raglan held in Thornton Community Centre on Satur- day night. : it Church Services PORT PERRY PASTORAL CHARGE The United Church of . Canada Rev. W. Mark Reeves, Minister SUNDAY, JUNE 11th-- Services will be held at Port Perry at 10 a.m. and at Prince Albert at 11:30 a.m, The Minister's-theme, at both Churches will be: "Walking Out on God". The Port Perry Board of Session will hold its final meeting of the season at Conway Gardens at 12 noon. The Minister's theme, at both Churches, will be, "A Good Time to Play Deaf." CHURCH OF ASCENSION ANGLICAN Rev. R. C. Rose, Rector SUNDAY, JUNE 11th-- Trinity II 9:30 a.m. Morning Prayer Church School closed for summer ST. JOHN'S BLACKSTOCK SUNDAY, JUNE 11th-- Trinity II 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer Church School closed for summer PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. D. C. Payne, Pastor SUNDAY, JUNE 11th-- 9:50 a.m.--Bible School Open All Summer 11 a.m.--Worship Service Message "The Holy Spirit at Work" 7:00 p.m.--Evening Service Message "10 Rules of Fishing" Wed., 7:30 p.m. - Family Prayer & Bible Hour. PRESBYTER!AN CHURCH Rev. William Black, F.R.G.S. SUNDAY, JUNE" 11th-- 10. a.m. Bible Snapshot. (14) Chronicles United Church of Canada SCUGOG Pastoral Charge Rev. B. R. Pogue "Rev. .P. C, Brown SUNDAY, JUNE 11th-- 9:45 a.m.--SCUGOG 11:15 a.m.--MANCHESTER PENTECO3TAL CHURCH Rev. R. Batten. % Rev. |. MacLean 10 a.m. Family Bible Hour 11 a.m. - Praise & Worship 7 p.m. - Evang. Service Seagrave News "To paddle" or "To bike" race which will certainly be was the decision young Sea~-reportéd elsewhere in" the gravers had to make on paper. Saturday. Most if not all the It is time for another wave, Hi-C " members chose the '.of sickness here. Joey Stone bike-a-thon and all comple- started the procession. He ted the 35 mile jaunt which - took suddenly sick a week took them through Little ago and had to be rushed to Britain, Sunderlandandback Sick-Childrens Hospital with home. Mr. Critch tagged a form of arthritis. He is: along torender first aid when improving but may have to needed. In the evening they remain there 4 or 5 weeks. wereable toattend a partyat Mrs. Walter King is in the Bruce cottage. Wallasey Dopiml ob Is Others not quite so young another operation on her leg took part in the big in) today (Monday). "of the Corporation of the Village of Port Perry: Inanother Toronto hospital is Mrs. Shad suffering from what they believe to be a slight stroke., She is improv-- ing now. The local hospital in Port Perry is 'caring for Mrs, Bruce Luke and her new son, Geoffrey Bruce, who arrived on Thursday. Not in hospital and not real sick is Bonnie Short with chicken-pox, This was the week of the big annual camp-out at. the Hazelwood farm. We have To the Members of Council, Inhabitants and Ratepayers been told that almost' 1,000 people were there during the week-end. We have been wondering how they all man- aged to keep dry during Saturday night's storm. The Sleeprelatives came to visit Mrs. Boe this week. Mr. PHONE 985-2581 and Mrs. Melville Sleep, Joan Sleep. and Miss Ida Wray from Bowmanville had Sun- day dinner with Reta. Later LL Mr. and Mrs. Ted Suddard and Pat of Oshawa called and then Mr. and Mrs. Ross (continued o on | page 24) | PLUMBING - in Sewer Connections : QUALITY # WORKMANSHIP VILLAGE OF PORT We have examined the consolidated balance sheet of the Corporation of the Village of Port Perry as at December 31, 1971 and the statements of revenue and expenditure, of capital fund operation and of continuity of reserve funds for the year then ended. Our examination included a general review of the accounting procedures and such tests of accounting records and other supporting evidence as we con. sidered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion these financial statements present fairly the financial position of the Corporation as at December 31, 1971 and the results of its opérations for the year then ended, in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted for Ontario municipalities applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. Oshawa, Ontario March 24, 1972 DELOITTE, HASKINS & SELLS Auditors. License No. 4077 STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE for the year ended December 31, 1971 1971 1970 $ $ Revenue PRANAB ones tis iambendsnp iirc A Tare immrtve 434,806 326,093 Contributions from other governments ....... 131,355 106,550 [013 17=) SOTTO U USO UOT OE SOURIS 57,042 31,048 Total TEVENUE ........cvevuirrrrnrirrrnisenisensecnssnnssnsniss 623,203 463,601 Expenditure General government ............ico.eoo. 52,452 44,812 Protection to persons and property .......... 30,355 27,857 Public WOTKS ........c.cooovrreencrncrsnennanne seinen 45,397 Sanitation and waste removal .... a 14,139 Conservation of health .......... as 305 Social and family services ...... 8,407 Recreation and community services ............ 37,439 55,441 Community planning and development ...... 6,097 9,967 Financial expenses Education cocoons Region or county -- share of expenditure .... 55,246 68,207 Total expenditure (Note 1) ........cccoennnnecns 580,171 470,446 Excess of revenue over expenditure for the Year ........ovreiniennincnnnne 43,032 (Excess of expenditure over revenue : for the YEAT). ........ccoirsmibsrersreseis ana easaine (6,755) Surplus (deficit) at the beginning of the Year .........cccoovvvveerceverccennnens ( 33,333) ( 26,578) Surplus (deficit) at the end of the year ....... 9,699 ( 83,333) STATEMENT OF CAPITAL FUND OPERATIONS for the year ended December 31, 1971 1971 1970 $ $ Unfinanced capital outlay (Unexpended capital financing) at the beginning of the year Nil Nil Capital outlay Capital expenditure General government cn 333 1,948 Protection to persons and property ... 8551 7,556 Public" works Arteria pd aA ep ER ER ... 9,605 11,300 Sanitation and waste removal .......... .. 8,150 Recreation and community services 4,257 20,757 20,496 41,561 Capital financing Contributions from other governments ........ 6,116 4,403 Contributions from the revenue fund ...... 23,380 37,158 ( 29,496) (' 41,561) Unfinanced capital outlay (Unexpended capital financing) at the end of the year ...... Nil Nil Financial Statement and Audi CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET as at December 31, 1971 (Note 2) ASSETS 1971 1970 $ $ Current assets CaBSh .......coiiiee esr 20,138 Accounts receivable .... 43,910 Taxes receivable ............ 25,691 Other current assets .... 3,236 92,975 Capital outlay to be recovered in future years (Note 4) ooo... 198,467 212,326 + 334,501 305,301 Current liabilities Temporary I08n8 .............ccccooveeiuereeieercrserorennns 61,000 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities .... 93,041 29,837 93,041 90,837 Net long term liabilities (Note 3) ........... 198,467 212.326 Reserves and reserve funds (Note 5) 33,294 35471 Surplus (deficit) & unapplied capital receipts 9,699 (33,333) 334,501 305,301 STATEMENT OF CONTINUITY OF RESERVE FUNDS for the year ended December 31, 1971 iro - Sub- General dividers' Total Reserve Deposits $ $ $ Balance at the beginning of the year 2,712 46 2,666 Revenue : Interest earned ..........oocociiiiinnnnn 68 1 67 Sale of subdivision lots... 10,361 10,361 Municipal lot levies collected ........... 1,500 11,020 - 1 10428 Expenditure Transferred to general fund ............. 13,036 13,036 13,038 13,036 Balance at the end of the year ........... 1,605 47 58 Municipal Services Levy $ Revenue Municipal lot levies collected ... 1,500 1,500 Expenditure Balance at the end of the year ...... 1,500 1. Char + Total « as foll Prin sil fu Inte)