pds TE COON RY A A LG eT SE NT NER a AAR (1%) PR AEA SAE I LER Vn) BRA OR TRH TNS LHS E/T 2 6 - PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, June 21,1972 UticaNews -(continued four children of Pontypool were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sutcliffe. On Sunday, the Crawford family were in a car accident at Omemee when Mr. and Mrs. Crawford and three children were hospitalized. Mr. Craw- frod is Mrs. Peter Sutcliffe's brother. , . Best 'wishes go to Mrs. Blackstock News 'continued and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Larmer and boys and Miss Edith Larmer of Minnedosa, Manitoba who is spending some time visiting relatives inthis area. While here, sheis staying with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Larmer, Doug and Craig. Sunday "evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson at their cottage at View Lake were Mr. and Mrs. Neil Werry and Joy, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Werry, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bailey, Howard and Tara Lynne. Last week, Mr. Ted Kemp spoke to the 1st Cartwright A Cub Pack on Bicycle Safety and tested them for their cyclist badges. The annual United Church Sunday School picnic was held in the park on Sunday morning. The teachers con- ducted the usual games and place; First Mrs. Glenn Larmer presented a gift of silver broach to Helen, Mrs. Stuart Dorrell on behalf of the entire U.C.W. and with a few remarks wished her much happiness and hoped that she would find another U.C.W. to join. Helen and Stuart will be moving to their new home in Northern Ont- ario during the summer months and we wish the family all the best in their new surroundings. Mrs. Neil Malcolm next read a few poetic verses especially from the morning group in honour of Mrs. Harry VanCamp and pre- sented her with a life mem- bership pin much to Aunt Edna's surprise. Mrs. Roy Taylor was also wearing a new life member- ship pin, a Mother's Day gift from her family. Congratul- ations. Frank Kendall a patient in Port Perry Community Hos- pital and"-to Miss Jewel MacCannell and Mr. Dennis Thompson who are in the Cottage Hospital at Uxbridge. ! Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn MacCannell attended the funeral" of the late Mr. Clifford Hurlburt in Pick- ering on Sunday. On Satur- day evening they visited Mr. and Mrs. Doug MacDannell of Peterborough. Mr. Roland Holley of Han- over visited his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Mac Cannell last week. Miss Hazel Balfour spent an afternoon with Mr, and Mrs. Bill Mark of Port Perry and visited with other rela- tives from Port Colborne. Mr. and- Mrs. Bob Slack and children, Miss Doreen Bell of Toronto and Mr. Doug Geer of Markham were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Geer. Rev. and Mrs. LL. Saun- ders spent last week in Ottawa. . Mr. and Mrs. Doug Page, Doug and Sherri were visi- tors with the Saunders on Saturday evening. Mrs. Chet Geer visited Mr. Mrs. Harold McLaughlin and Mrs. Dave Prentice in A races and the children were had prepared a most in- T]xbridge last week. » : ' Brasted things Jeperean, teresting programme on "Mr, and Mrs. Jack Crosier i and cold drinks. Next Sunday Values and Goals, a course gpent an afternoon with Mr. . : od 4 © morning the annual Promo- she had taken during the Spa Mrs. Bill Asling at : Bicycle rodeo for Pineridge Cubs tion exercises will take place. winter months. With all Brookdale. Mr. and Mrs. Jim : at 11 o'clock with parents participating, it proved tobe Miller of Mount Albert and Cub Scouts from packs in Port Perry and Cartwright took part in a bike Rodeo at cordially invited to attend. ~~ most knowledgeable and Mr and Mrs. Fred Lockettof the Fair Grounds Saturday. Cubs in two age groups rode through a course in Mr. and Mrs. Brian Ham- worthwhile. . Brooklin were recent visitors competition for two trophies. Constable Ed Laas of the Whitby OPP checked bikes iltonentertainedthestaffand Mrs. Carl Wright broughta with Mr. and Mrs. Dennis for safety features, and rodeo was supervised by Cub leader Paul Saulnier. their husbands and wives of report from a previous work- Thompson. ) * Wendy's school, the Adelaide McLaughlin Public School, Oshawa toa barbecue supper on Friday evening. - U.C.W. Mrs. Roy McLaughlin invi- ted the morning and after- noon units of the U.C.W. for a joint meeting on the morning of June 13th. -A lunch of muffins, coffee cake, tea biscuits and coffee got everyone off to an early start. Mrs. Ralph Larmer, leader of the morning group wel- shop of the many things we could be doing to help the less fortunate. Our Angola Pro- ject must be completed by July 1st so let's get our costume jewelry, ribbons, combs, metal pins and pieces of material to Mrs. Carl Wright as soon as posible. We need scarves, mitts and socks for our Canadian In- dians by October 15;all sizes and any colour. If you need yarn, Mrs. Harold McLaugh- lin will have it. CONTINUING EDUCATION ---DURHAM COLLEGE More Summer Courses STARTING JULY 4th, DURHAM is adding more courses to its summer program. TO REGISTER, write or phone the registrar's EFFECTIVE READING -- (Day or Evening Sessions, 9 am --12:00, Tuesdays and-Fhursdays; or 7- 9 p.m., Wednesdays). Improve your reading and listening skills. Careful evaluation and an comed all the ladies and One piece of information office to obtain an official application form. individual programme to suit your abilities will * opened witha poem suitedfor was passed along. Miss Phone 676-0210 (extension 244) daytime only, or greatly assist you in improving reading speed and the occasion. She continued Scugog boat will not be write Durham College, Box 385, Oshawa, Ontario comprehension. Fee is $15 for 8 sessions. (Day with the worship that Mrs. operating out of the dock at You can YeniSter i th if oo sessions run twice weekly, July 4---July 27 Parsons had prepared but Port Perry this year but out egister in person at the college during Evening sessions once a week: July 5- Au ast was unable to present on of Trenton so we have missed the day, or Wednesday, June 28, from 6t07:30 p.m. 23) uy 8 account of sickness. our cruise down Lake Scu- 1 Two special events took gog. FORKNER SHORTHAND (Tuesdays and Thursdays, » i 9 a.m. - 12. This course is for those who have, BASIC KEYPUNCHING -- (Wednesdays, 7-9 p.m.) ; had a basic typing course and are interested in The ig Keypunching Course will be designed ° er acquiring shorthand skills. Because Forkner for both elementary beginners and experienced Plan to attend Centennial Edition Shorthand is based mainly on the letters of the persons wishing to review the ees and alphabet, memory retention is much greater. Fee improve their skill level. Training will be given UXBRIDGE is $26 for'12 sessions (July 4 -- August 10). onaUnivac Keypunch -- interpreter -- verifier and on 1.B.M. Model e i ilar- GUITAR WORKSHOP -- (Wednesdays 7-9 p.m.) binges in 2 Samia > GAMES 64 ELGIN PARK, UXBRIDGE SATURDAY, JUNE 24 This is a beginner's course, and is designed to give the student a basic insight into the Guitar so he can proceed with his own self-development. Basic chords and progressions, as well as music theory will be included. Fee is $10 for six sessions (July 5 -- August 9). BASIC TYPING -- (Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9 a.m. - 12). This is an intense and thorough course in touch typewriting, including letter styles, tab- ulation, centering, reports and manuscripts. It is designed to give secretarial competence in the operation of electric typewriters. Fee is $26 for ization course on a Honeywell Key Tape System. Fee is $10 for six sessions (July 5 -- August 9). ' DEFENSIVE DRIVING -- (Wednesdays, 7:30-9:30 p.m.) For those with their driver's license, the Defensive Driving Course, sponsored by the Ontario Safety League is a simple, economical way to cut down accident and insurance rates. It enables you to analyze your own driving habits and improve them. It also teaches you to deal with tough roads and weather conditions, and also the other driver. Fee is $10 for four sessions, (July 12 sessions (July 4 -- August 10). 19 -- August 9). + BR at 2:30 p.m. > REQUEST FOR APPLICATION FORM AL BAND and PIPING COMPETITION DURHAM COLLEGE, Box 385, Oshawa, Ontario, Phone 576-0210, extension 244 2 TUG OF WAR -- CABER TOSS Please send me an official application form for the Durham Summer Please Print AL HIGHLAND DANCING COMPETITION pean i * AL MASSED BANDS (Address) Free Evening Entertainment PARKING 50c $1.50 per person Under 12 FREE