At UR Jha MR EE TEEN aN SVR LOT VE TTL Well affair leaves bad taste Following several months of on-again-off-again negotiations between the Village of Port Perry, Athika Enterprises Ltd., and Reach Township over the construction of a new well and a supply of water to Athika's industrial site, Porl Perry is now no closer to having a new well in operation than it was last November when all the haggling and hassling began. As of June 13, Athika's plan to build the new well andturnitover tothe Village in return for a supply of water to its industrial site, has been suspended, and the Village is to proceed itself with construction of a new well. The whole business really started in early March with a letter from Ontario Water Resources Commission recommending that the Village go along with the proposal whereby in return for a supply of water when needed from the Village system to an industrial site south of Port Perry, the developer. of this site, Athika Enterprises, would build anew well and turn it over to the Village at no cosf:to Port Perry. .This letter it seems, was a result of ameeting between Water Resources officials, Athika repre- sentatives, Reach Reeve Sam Oyler and MPP Dr. M. Dymond. What happened in the interim has been a series of oversights and misunderstandings culminating in the creation of some bad feelings on all sides. Firstly, members of Port Perry Council were understandably disturbed when nobody from their municipal body was present at the initial meeting. In agreeing to the proposals of this meeting, the Council assumed the water would be used for industrial purposes only, and claims it knew nothing of Athika's plans for commercial and residential 'development. Athika claims the OWRC recom- 'mendation does not stipulate how the water is to be sed. ~The original agreement was rescinded early in 'May by Council with Athika apparantly unwilling to go along with the stipulation that the water be used for industrial purposes only. On June 5, a new agreement was drawn up yunereby water could be avaiishle for non- industvial ti a neeiing June 13, a spokesman for Athika said the terms of the June 5 agreement were completely unsatisfactory, and unless changed Athika might suspend all development; industrial, residential and commercial. At this, Port Perry Council passed a motion to go ahead with well construction, and in giving water to the industrial site will levy Athika with development fees. This turnabout means that Port Perry has lost several months towards the construction of a new well, which it badly needs if proposed residential development within the Village is to be accommo- dated. The affair has created friction between Reach and Port Perry Councils, and may very well have scuttled amalgamation talks that were just barely under way. The affair has left a bad taste that could make future negotiations between Athika and Port Perry difficult to say the least. The whole thing hasn't exactly been an example of good business or good government. And unfortunately, the issue may not be dead yet. " | PORT PERRY STAR Company Limited | @Sw Hm): Serving Port Perry, Reach, Scugog and Cartwright Townships * P. HVIDSTEN, Publisher - Editor JOHN B. McCLELLAND, Associate Editor § WM. T. HARRISON, J. PETER HVIDSTEN, Plant Manager Advertising Manager Member of the Canadian Community Newspaper Association Member of the Ontario Weekly Newspaper Association Published every Wedngsday by the Por! Perry Star Co. Ltd.. Port Perry, Ontario Authorized as cecond class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa. and for payment of postage in cach Second Class Mail Registration Number 0265 Subscription Rates: In Canada $4.50 per year. Elsewhere $6.00 per year. Single Copy 10c iL EARS. Dry HED Dow" 7 LIKE EACH Op] /" 50YEARS AGO Thursday, June 22, 1922 ° Reeve Rundle of the Vill- age has tender his resignat- ion. Council is being called together to consider the matter. } Fishing in Lake Scugog is good Will Corin hooked a 11% 1b. maskinlounge, Stuart Collinsand Wm, Harran each an 18 pounder. Mr. Edwin Jennings has purchased Mr. Ben Dunn's milk route and farm, Graduates from Port Perry Business College this year were Elton Wright who has a position in Toronto and Miss Mary Wales who will be working in Oshawa. Mr. J. Ashton of Toronto has bought the restaurant ¥ business owned by Mrs. H.W. Linke. 25 YEARS AGO Thursday, June 19, 1947 There will be no skating in Port Perry next year, as the rink is considered unsafe. The Directors have resigned and no further action will be taken unless the citizens and the shareholders move in the matter. : Rev. W.P. Brown died in : his home at Port Perry. He was one hundred years and nine days old. At the teachers meetings heldin Prince Albert school a demonstration of P.T. exercises was conducted by Mr. Roy Cornish. Nineteen teachers were present. _ Mr. and Mrs. Ted Jackson celebrated their Silver Anni- versary and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fralick celebrated BILL MILEY UGAR ano CANDLES COULDN'T HOLD THE CAKE About one more birthday party and they can include me out. Last Friday was my birthday, and I arrived home exhausted to discover that friends of ours had invited the whole gang to dinner, to celebrate. My birthday. I was overwhelmed. I didn't think anybody cared any more. Even though Kim gave me a kiss and a big hug and two golf balls when I got home. Yes, the whole gang included Kim and her husband, Don, the artist. But maybe I'll get around to them later. My accounts of their wedding have tripled my fan mail to three letters a week. « The party was aroaring success. A roaring success is when everybody is roaring at everybody else over some idea that, examined the next morning, seems about as exciting as a biography of Mackenzie King. A good time was had by all and Rap, their massive Labrador retriever who, when he is happy, can knock you right off your feet with one wag of his tail. I was wined and dined and punched in the ribs into the small hours. I didn't mind the wining and dining, but got a little sick of the pokes in the ribs. My wife kept smashing me with her elbow and hissing. "Get up and make a speech. Express vour appreciation." Every timeshedidit, I, like one of Pavlov's dogs. got up and made a speech. They were all one-sentence shots, such as, *'I hafta go to the bathroom," or *'I'd like to make a toast to me." My speeches seemed to go over pretty well, though drawing no thunderous ovations, but my wife was hitting me so hard toward the end that she dislocated her elbow. It was just' as well, because by this time I wasn't even getting up to make my speeches. Three nights later, last night. to be exact. a friend and his wife asked us to come down and celebrate his birthday. I should have known better. At least, after the first their fortieth anniversary. 15 YEARS AGO Thursday, June 20, 1957 The water situation is very serious in Port Perry. -- Miss Dolly Roberts of 3 Manchester is in New York attending the Billy Graham crusade. Mr. Jack Griffen occupied the pulpit on Sunday morning in Prince Albert Church. Serice birthday party, I was able to sleep in a bit on Saturday morning. But this one was on a Monday night. We got home at 3.15 and the alarm went off at 7.15. My old lady, who is down on the voters' list as "housewife", didn't stir. I stirred, and stirred, and stirred one more magnificent time, and made it. It was not one of my most inspring days on the job. I'm afraid I didn't make many young minds flower. But I pulled through on sheer dedication. However, it was a dandy party. Our host was a captain in the German army. His wife is a Scottish Belgian. Another couple dropped in. In fact, it was the perfidious couple who had held the first birthday party. His wife is an English war bride. And us. My wife is a nut. And of course, Courvoisier was there. In large quantities. No, he's not a Frenchman with a big family. He's a liqueur that looks like water and tastes like burning coals. But we had a great time, and sang songs in German, French, Scottish, and a few old English music-hall numbers like, "My Old Man Says Follow the Van, and Don't Dilly-Dally on the way." We put a terrible dent in that Frenchman and ate about four pounds of highly aromatic cheese. and would probably still be there belting out 'Lili Marlene" and "I Belong Tae Glasgie". had not our host, with that German dash that makes them win battles but lose wars. sprung to his feet and announced that he was going to bed. That's what he thought. My wife couldn't find our car keys. He had to drive us home, after which she found them. So. enough of birthdays, for a few days. 1 wound up with two golfballs and two headaches. My German friend was luckier. His invitation was rather a spur of the moment thing. so we had no chance to buy . him a gift. not even a ball for golf, which he thinks is a silly game, which it is when you (continued on page 1Y) i 10 YEARS AGO Thursday, June 21, 1962 The new Legion Hall in ® Port Perry was officially opened. Hon. Dr. M.B. Dymond, M.P.P.and Hon. M. Starr M.P. were on hand for the occasion. First class honours in the music exams in their dif- 4 ferent grades were Susan Roach, Lynne Beare, Gail Cottyn, Bonnie Cawker, Jean Snelgrove, Karen Leahy and Lynne MacGregor. Miss Nola Hunteris attend- ing Heart House in Toronto for a two week training in swimming as a life guard. Smokey Says: