JACKS MFG. PREPRICED 39¢ PKGS 3 so CELLO, CARMELCORN J : 88° BEERNUTS . 3": 88° " MAPLE LEAF PROCESS MILD 4 Wi ¢ CHEESESLICES = 88 READY CUT, SWELL OR THIN SPAGHETTI ¢ CREAMETTES 8 := 88 IGA CHOICE | a 16° CHOICEPEACHES "= 25° SPAGHETTI SiGe 2" WIFTSSTEWS 2. 49° 1A KETCHUP 2, 39¢ INSTANT COFFEE "o- ® APPLE JUICE AGH ol SKIM MILK POWDER 2 *1.38 88¢ SPECIAL! ( whats proper storage for cured meats? Mn Tod wi Marie-Poule Green Director -- Consumer Atoirs Dept. Cured ham ond bacon, like oll ether meals, are perishable products and need proper store soy foed specialists of the Ontario Food Council, Ontario Department of Agricul- ture and Food. The light salting given during curing does not give the products a long storage life. This applies whether hams are the ready-to-serve or cook-and-serva type. Cured and smoked producis should be refrigerated in the n for slorage instructions, os some cans musi be refrigerated. Refrigerated canned hams gene- rally store well for about & months. Long-term freezer storage of these products is not recom- mended. Salt vsed in curing ham and bacon speeds up ron- cidily, causing flaver changes and loss of quality. To freee, weap tightly end use within ene month for bes! results Lefiovers of any meal demand coreful attention, and cured products are no exception. Cool rapidly, wrap well, ond re- frigerate. Plon fo vse leHovers within 2 or 4 doys. Use frozen leftovers within one month. Mrs. Green is avoiloble to talk "shepping' te 259-6633 or wrile --~ 125 The Queensway, Ontario. oups. Coll Toronto 18, Meet Marie-Paule Green of Glen Lake IGA, 2477 Dundas $1. Wes), Toronto, Thursday June 29. 88c SPECIAL Supplied by THE OSHAWA GROUP LIMITED supply depot for progressive independents We Will Be ° OPEN DOMINION DAY if MR. IGA's store. SHOULDER PORTION 49; FRESH PORK BUTT CHOPS ROAST CHOPS STEW CHOICE IMPORTED LAMB BASKE MEATY SIDE SPARE RIBS pale] 4 CORNED BEEF LI elVF-N 0] 39 MEAT PIES SHOPSY ALL BEEF BOLOGNA CHUB NABISCO SHREDDED WHEAT > 26° CHRISTIE'S MFG. 4c OFF LABEL SHORTCAKE LAYER «+ 39° TOASTMASTER DANISHRINGS 2 ~ T9* 69¢ WESTON PARTY ASSORTED 0%-01. BISCUITS "ne. Mr. IGA's big It's a great chance to save! Look for the low 88¢ specials on your favorite foods -- right now . .. in nearly every corner of your local 88c SPECIAL! J July Ist Holiday I 88c ali l rk Roasts BUTT PORTION 09' i». 69° 99° CHOICE IMPORTED 39% LEG OF LAMB "'88c SPECIALS" 11 FOR 2.02 a [I 1] 8 02 a PGS A or2 FOR 20-02 1 FOR REGULAR OR MINT FLAVORED sa (0 CLOSE-up™™ wu 88 PLASTIC STRIP BAND AIDS 2»: 88 REGULAR OR SUPER ¢. KOTEX TAMPONS 2 © 88% -- BEEF, CHICKEN OR TURKEY BANQUET MEAT PIES 4:2: 88° CARNATION FANCY SHOESTRING . | FRENCHFRIES - 2 88° CHOCOLATE OR POUND } ! SARALEECAKES ' 69° | BIRDSEYE AWAKE 12. ) ORANGEDRINK "= 37° | FAVOURITE or TUDOR BRAND VANILLA or NEOPOLITAN ONLY T7¢ | ICECREAM "ou 5 _--------__ 88¢ SPECIAL PRICES EFFECTIVE JUNE 21 THRU JUNE 24 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES a PRODUCE OF U.S.A. No. 1 GRADE FIRM RED SLICERS Tomatoes E--------C 2 i A TROPICAL TREAT ¢ I DOLEBANANAS ~~ . 13° | NEW CROP - OUTSPAN pS PRODUCE OF REPUBLIC OF S. AFRICA NAVEL ORANGES %: ». 19° CALIFORNIA LUSCIOUS - PRODUCE OF U.S.A. NECTARINES = T9¢ CALIFORNIA LUSCIOUS ' PRODUCE OF U.S.A. No. | GRADE : SANTAROSAPLUMS =: 69° we really care!