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Port Perry Star, 12 Jul 1972, p. 11

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IAN PRT TAA ROA SELL RENT: SWAP (HIRE : BUY : SELL+ RENT + SWAP + HIRE * BUY * SELL" RENT * SWAP » HIRE » oC) CIASSIAED ADS GET RESULTS HIRE «BUY SELL: RENT + SWAP + HIRE * BUY * SELL: RENT + SWAP + HIRE * BUY * SELL RENT * CA SPT -- > 4 For Sale For Sale I. B. STANDISH 15' PETERBORO Boat. good WATKINS have a feed pro-|condition, also 1 fridge gram for cattle from birth to | phone 985.3669. fnarket, Dus the milking er¢ based on farm grown |New - CAMERA, Yaschica ood ING Je Give Jour Electro, 35 milimeter, Elec. 4 representative A tronic flash, tripod, control call and get acquainted with| p10" case' lens hood and this way of farming. No in| over $130! electric guitar, REAL ESTATE LIMITED jerest or carrying charges on fei, "s60. very good condition: REALTOR : CORNER PROPERTY "1.416.985.7852 130s Ji] Bhorisier 2m of 12°acres clear land on paved road, excellent view. Reach, Scugog, Mariposa $2600 or best offer. A low : , 2 miles east of Sunderland. Building permit avail- -1$800 on trade in; 1965 Im. 9 Q J T . 2hle, AZRIng STA000 virh Toons. MERCURY OUTBOARDS,| pala SS, 327 - 4 speed. con. 18 UEEN STREET, PORT PERRY, ONT. ) Mercruiser, stern drives,| vertible, AM-FM radio, Tack, 3 bedroom frame bungalow with conveniences. Grew & Springbok Boats, | gauges. tinted window, air Downtown Port Perry Overlooking Lake Scugog at Honey's Beach, Par- Can, Exploere trailers; Alllshocks, tilt steering, bucket || Good 2 storey home, ex- r Jai Dupjex ¢ tially furnished. excellent retirement home. Sg ssorIes: Eas Marine, | consule, ralley clock. Needs || cellent location, 1 block home close to downtown, $13,500 cash ont, . minor repairs, as is $300.00 I from shopping. 3 bed: Each t self ined Ly : firm. Call Greg 986-4272 rooms, 2 baths, large and ach part se containe 3 bedroom frame bungalow in Port Perry. Modern SKI DOO'S Caesarea. | cheerful living room, din- oA melles 6 Foans iy iences, large bradloomed living room, fini- Clearance of all leftover, | ing room ,and kitchen. ' : ! @ conven , ' brand new 1972 Ski Doo's 1966 - 98 OLDSMOBILE, me- B jd pt Good investment property. : : : § , ' roadloom ,col 1 . bo shed recreation room. Opportunity $23,500 with Olympic, Nordic. TNT. Genu. | chanical fittness certificate, || ing, Soom Loon boos Asking $26,900.00 Terms. terms. 3 ine bargains. Full warranty.|can be seen at Utica Farm || shop. A good family home en' Middleton. 6 room frame home in Pefferlaw on large corner Armstrong Sports Simcoe St.| Equipment or phone Charlie [{ Must be seen. $25,500.00. treed lot, all modern conveniences, garden, paved N. Oshawa, Gl Aug30 9853042 or 852-6536. Terms arranged. Ken igi Passions neighbourhood. Estate sale. ug. , i962 RAMBLER Classic, cor. Middleton. " vi) ) ,900 cash. --| titied. i 3 al ve 94 ACRE HIGHWAY FARM ADVANCE SALE Houand Sood Sh 6 ge Phone oie ee hope, Dorey SEIS me Sung i , SH . ome, . ar: 1 . 1% storey, 8 room frame home with conveniences. Daivs Tulips; Ds ils Je 50 MUSeouY mono || large kitchen and living room, large kitchen, util: Beautiful family room with fireplace. Bank barn Anemone Muscari. We have DM CovY Ducklings, Soom, Summm ii ity room. sunroom, 1% for hogs, spring creek and pond site, 3 road front- pictures to :show you the : ----] Magne fruit trees. Ask. i) Ton Fil ol ages. $52.000 with $15,000 down. colours and types available | USED ZENITH Wringer Wa- [| ing $15,500. Terms ar- Asking $23,000. George 3 bedroom lakeshore cottage, 5 mi. from Port He Suh 25 Shop, 49 sher, Phone Crest Hardware |} ranged. Maurice Baker. Beaton. ° Perry. Fieldstone fireplace, furnished. 27° sun- 4--July5| ' a porch overlooking lake, with patio and bush behind 1122 ACRES of Clover, and 8 vari Living room cottage, garage. For quick sale only $10,900 cash. TRUCK CAPS for 1% ton|acres of Brome, Timothy and home, 3 bedroorrs, Yin. Woodville ) . trucks. Distributor clearing | Alfalfa Hay. cut and bale || Loo" titra modean Mit 4 bedroom family home 1% storey 3 bedroom home in Prince Albert, all 5 models from $260. Genuine | yourself. Phone 985-2782. chen. 4 pee. bath. 2 Sun with separate dining room, modern conveniences, nicely decorated throughout, DarIAg 4bstiong Spas 1957 FORD Ci oe rooms Attached 'garage Jing Jom: na fireplace; i imcoe St. N. Oshawa. - pick-up, actua : aths. oil furnace an . mature maple trees and garden. Only $21,000 with 2808. 12 Aug 30 | mileage 29,200 in excellent Simi Jenga lot on a good lot. Asking terms, yey epi -- | condition. Call Harlan Clark | | Tag * Only s26.500.00 © $1800. Bruce Currie. ere J) comvenioncos, 'good barn, steel | | SURGE Water Conditioners. | 2932354 George Beaton." ? pig cleaner, new 200 amp service, 0 ig a ALVES: 2 ages, ot Retirement or Starter silo 20 x 40, large milk house, early farm, all work, Jackson, 985-2459. TE ing calves. Keith Page 852- Comf. Jone bed syptighiend Be eh hed . : 3 --_ --} : 0 or e room . ¥ furnishe ing, good road, 2 mile off paved hwy. Priced to REGISTERED Quarter Year 3923, Uxbridge. TF, home in Caesarea only 2 frame cottage, two bed- sell $55,000. with crop. Terms. : : 1 " ~ \ blocks from Lake. Swim- rooms, screened sunporch : ; . ling. Filly, top blood lines. BOY'S BICYCLE 26" wheel. : ivil : 12 £t host mot dock 3 bedroom frame home on Cochrane St. Large Phone 985-3397. 2--Jly5| highrise, red, $20.00 or best ii Wh pgs %. iy lawn' i tne Or oo family room overlooking nicely landscaped gion WEED FREE Strawberries offer Dione 9553174, 126 x 179 living room back lot, right of way to Q with view of lake. All conveniences.. $27.500 with } NY : with brick fireplace. Ideal lake, Asking $13,500.00. SUNDERLAND AREA bring your own containers & ! for started home or re. Good Terms. George terms. pick your own berries. 3 qts. DAN / FY S ; Beat 96 acres corner of 2 hwys. 1% storey, 7 room $1.00, Come, you won't be . tirement. Only $13,500.00 eaton. brick home, bank barn, spring creek and pond. disappointed. Bruce Reesor, Terms. Ken Middleton. 0 tunity $45,000 with $10,000 down. R.R. 1, Oshawa, east of Rag- House of Flowers Myrtle Area ppomy y : a 3 Brick Bid 3 h . lan, gshieen Concession, : 4 bedioow Souris home Lakeside Beach store edroom brick and stone home in . i . Prince Abort. Broadloom and corlon on Re Sererotor -- OSHAWA ROAD, dy god Jr) hie Rn 1.8 isang © ne Py double garage and paved drive. Executive home. less steel, used 2 years, like| 1 mile south of Raglan chen with adjoiring laun- Sings 2 Realy reed 20x $45,000 with terms Ph 085-7470 dry room, heated sun ots. e g wn = 3 Poti 2 dinie new. one {31 6 a1 rob. Tnsuwig)nd garage & 1 has bpan used " per. acres clay loam in Por erry area. S y, workshop. Must be seen. manen ome other has to 8 room brick home. Immaculate with all convenien- | |PONY 2d CARY, or PH. 635-3151 Asking $434,500. Terms be finished inside. Access ces, bank barn with steel staunchions, large spring swap. ong fig ty arranged. Maurice Baker. to Lake. Priced for quick , ' id - FREE DAILY DELIVERY sale $15,000. for the two. fed pond, 12' deep. Opportunity at $60,000. with NEW BOOKCASE (birch) 7 : . Fred Smith. 3% down feet high, 43" wide $85.00. TO PORT PERRY Cannington Retirement : own, 985-3158. : 2--Jly12 Excellent 2 bedroom solid » ; 10 room solid brick home in Cannington area, all brick home with living. Port Perry North conveniences. 10 acres good soil, small barn 18 x SEA FLEA Boat with stear- dining and kitchen areas, gg 00 oe CL ing 40 on good road. $25,000 with terms. ing wheel and motor. Full For Rent DIeuly of Cupagerds. Lom land. well fenced and sur- 134 acre farm with building in Sunderland area. el S00 dors SLM Pe $17.500. with 85.000. Joe id matin map. 1s of land, scenic propert ith 3 ; ; wn. ig. e trees, good pond. Im- . ittle Britain area. 1% 21 SHAMROCK trailer, sleep Adults Only. Phone 985. garage an sauna arn 200 acres clay loam in Litt 6. fri , t tor 3071. Oakwood Area Good barn suitable for [ storey brick home with furnace and bath, large L ig. Sve Srnace, oil : 100 acres very productive horses or general uses. |, sites. Product and Shower. on TENT TRAILER, sleeps 4 to| | soil. Otonabee loam, 7 acres Ideal commuter or hobby haped bank barns, creek and pond df h ' shaped ban ) : prepaid for the season, OT|g"g500 per day. Call 852-||hardwood bush, large 2 farm. $48500.00 with ive' corn land. $59,900 with $20,000 down. can be moved $3,500. Phone 6875. storey brick home, good terms. Ken Middleton. 2 storey executive home in Port Perry. Beautiful 985-7028. 7 ;| | barn, implement shed and living room and dining room with Cathedral ceilings, G.E. 40 in. STOVE in working | MODERN OFFICES -In down. | ftree lined drive. Asking . po .E. " g y ) ! drop beams, fireplace, broadloom, ultra he kit- condition. Suitable for cott. So by ol Sas $53,000. Lawrence Morrison. Kirkiiskd Ares Ranch chen, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, carport. Area of pre- age. $15.00. Phone 985-7160. | ;,, lighting, walk in vault. Sandwood Estates 397 acres with never fail- 2 stige homes. $55,000 with terms. 10 BIG Hereford Cows with For information call 985-.| Lake Scugog, building lot on i Wh 2 bedroom brick bungalow in Sunderland, all calves by side; also 4 good ' io 30 A rants on only 8% miles from Pro. modern conveniences, fireplace, attached garage and Joong aod hetlers, TENT TRAILER, sleeps 6, sob Asking: $8,000, vincial Park. Asking paved drive, many extras. $25,500 with $7,000 down. Wilson. : : "| $30 week. $100 month. Phone | | Bruce Currie. ' $35,000 with easy terms. 13% storey, 6 room frame home in Lotus, on 1 24" HIGH RISE 3 d 985.2401. 4--Jy5 OFFICE HOURS 9 acre of land, modern living room with fieldstone than's Tiovele cont hotel at , S -- 9 am. - 9 pm. v firepl ideal family home. O tunit : yele, P Y Te | TwO ROOM furnished apart. Direct Telephone Lines Port Perry 985.7386 replace, garage, ideal family home. Upporunhy, conditioned. excellent condi- fr ont "two miles from town Oshawa 723.0302 Toronto 364-2516 $18,500. tion. Phone 985-7369. suitable for one working pabebhdpnt ® EXPERIENCED SALES STAFF e REAL ESTATE SALES AND SERVICE : person with car. Abstainer. 35 ACRES standing hav for Available July 1. 985.7732 . ) IS OUR BUSINESS sale, Janetville. 986-5037. : 2 Jy5 Maurice Baer A Aa : eorge Beaton -- 985- Call -- Port Perry 985-7303 21" TV in good working con. Bruce Currie -- 705-357-3392 dition $2500. 55 GMC.| HAVING A PARTY?? Ken Middleton -- 985-7548 + Oshawa 576-6701 Tagtor 5th wheel $400.00.| wg RENT: Lawrence Morrison -- 705-357-3395 . Langille 985.7558. Wine Gl : @ AFTER HOURS. CALL eo Da a ae Fred Smith -- 985.7639 GEORGE STONE, F.R.I, Port Perry 985-2632 J3e2 THEY, or pat per- Punch Bowl FINANCE ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE HERB PUCKRIN, Sunderland 705-357-3671 Bd anemission...Phons with 24 cups COAST TO COAST REAL ESTATE SERVICE KEN HOLLIDAY, Oshawa 723-5420 . . Prige's Knits WE LIST EXCLUSIVE and M.L.S. WM. HENRY, Little Britain 705 -786.2523 CRAFTSMAN power _ fawn | Contact; ---- PAUL STONE. Port Perry 985-2632 73.0137 Osha Phone CREST HARDWARE Real Estate is still your best Investment

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