PARTE R & § 'y. SERRE TATRA IRIEL WERE) RARE TOON ERA A BANA bY A ARS FARRAR AN 3 LEAS 1 darted 18 - PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, July 5, 1972 \ " ! . . | : Farmers exploited SdyS Federation - Minister may mediate Agribusiness feed com- Hill said. "Now. because he predicted. continued : panies have prevented far- the feed companies control ~~ Under the program an. supply of Water £07 nn; of Fin Fomry. not Ta to suggest that another oc rom marketing hens = processing plants they are nounced early in June by dustrial. residential and i Won of bby meeting be held. under the federal govern- first to dip their fingers in- = Agriculture Minister H. A. : commercial complex Athika n oo mn in Tor Mr. Jackman also said ment's slaughter program, to the federal purse. Olson, the federal govern. 4 is developing Pin Reach gy Fort Perr EO. that he plans to register a . and have instead reserved "The federal government ment promised to pay pro. : south of i Perry. Offi: gy of 1 y formal objection before the slaughtering facilities for should stop payment of hen ducers 75 cents a bird if onic of Alhika rejected a > etal Jackman who Ontario Municipal Board to _ their. own birds, Gordon slaughter subsidies to'agri- they marketed one million 431 by Port Perry that Sams ! at the Ministry of "ine rezoning of the land in" gil, president of the Ont- business concerns," Hill hens in eight weeks, Thé Popo ie] the Village sys- ig vironment officials question from agricultural ario Federation of Agricul said. "It should extend the government would pay 90 hy BE supplied for com ort Seen to understand to residential and commer- tyre charged in Toronto program and allow more 'cents a bird if producers Sh 1» bo ign dential use Sur sida of the story." Mr. cis), Bylaws to rezone this Jast week. farmers to benefit." Hill reached the target in six. hp ta 20 Siti of the on TE calls the residen- 15,4 were passed by Reach He said this was another described the federal pro- weeks. "" y fad eu Prk his 1al. an Loins devel council last week and will flagrant case of agri-busi- gram as "poorly designed," Producers actually mark- f b a ed and one rh % Reach leapfrog be sent to the OMB for ap- ness exploitation of farm- He said it allowed dumping eted one million birds in ; een ped planning," and said "the proval following circula- ers. "Agri-business created of over-age birds, in the the first three weeks of the year has Jabesd . Saumoen Br0as of other ion, the need for this slaughter early part of the program' program, the company is pleased tres." He also added that also upset at the outcome ductive hen flocks #3 much * with the outcome of the he is concerned for resi- of the meeting and said he meeting, and hopes that a ~~ 28 Was needed. "Hen mar. 1 meeting last Thursday. "In dential developers within 1opes another meeting can future meeting will be set keting during the next {i " " : " be held to present these ob- up to present the Depart. three or four weeks will be ; fact," he added. "we would Port Perry, some of P¢0 ith the ob rich lower tian: normal" i prefer to see the Ministry whom," he said "have been Jections to the Ministry of ment with the 0 jections. . take over the development waiting five years for sewer the Environment, of a new well because if and water services to let Like Councillor Jackman, . | the water was shared on an them go ahead with their he feels commercial and equitable basis, Reach would developments." residential development in get all the water it needs". He said that if the recom-. Reach at this time is bad He went on to say that mendations are carried out, planning and would have a he cannot understand why jt would put Port Perry & detrimental affect on Port there has been objection Reach in competition for Perry. drom Port Perry to the re: development. Councillor Hall also said . sidential and commercial Commenting on the "leap- if the province can rule development. "Growth such frog" planning, Mr. Jack- "arbitrarily and carry out as this is inevitable", he man said he has learned the recommendations. iv's a said, "and will be of bene- from one source in the sad tate: OF affairs. For fit to the area". He con Community Planning 1iid¢ would seer io indicate ceded that some stores in Branch that the residential that the province can step the downtown Port Perry and commercial develop- in when it wants. rather | core might suffer as a re- ment in Reach at this time than at municipalities han. sult, and then added "if js not good planning. dle their own affairs." they 'can't stand the com. He said he hopes to have He is also in favour of a petition, they shouldn't be a resolution accepted by formal ohisciion 10° the in business". The overall Council concerning these 5 ~~ 0 SOT IAY Of Athika plan calls for a re- planning aspects which the land sidential development of would be sent along with ' = ¢ about 150 homes, and a all other corerspondence & Councillor Hall add~d 100,000 square foot shop- resolutions on this matter {hat in his opinion the Min- ping plaza to be built on to the Ministry of the En- istry of the Environment ( the west side of the Osh- vironment and the Depart- officials "did not have all awa Road .a half-mile south ment of Municipal Affairs, the facts" at the Thursday F & G CONSTRUCTION : DUFF 1 Ro & Port Perry BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL : BUILDING & and. WA Electronics | Cottage Raising DIRECT R ADMIRAL Foundation Wok, Etc. TELEVISION or any of vour con- : struction needs call us. : SALES & SERVICE $ 985.2979 Matai: ; > One a ady P hi i 1; F i RAY WHITAKER & : |] 1p or income SONS CONSTRUCTION a : . RS Da pe EXCAVATING ~ spouttville ont" | | & pookieeping services| | eechine work HEATING & BURNER CONTRACTOR | DRAG work 28 Water St. Sand Blasting HOME COMFORT PORT PERRY g Phone 35708). o Plastic Coatings | ~ 1aliz1 1 u e N 3 ) 985-3142 Day Jen ng Ee Steel Fabricating AUTHORIZED HOME COMFORT SERVICE DEALER 985-7120 Murray Shearing & Welding i . Bi Burnfield Ww Jack Weyrich PLUMBING & HEATING : VM. A. COLLINS 4 | | Vater St. PartPeny |} Godawa, Tomlin & Co. SENCED AucTIONEER Cartage & Waste PHONE 985.7980 9 FARM SALES, HOUSEHOLD, REAL ESTATE, etc. Forced Air Furnaces CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Call Collect Port P 985-3 , Removal Now Sane Sagms 178 Simcoe St. N. -- Oshawa, Ontario ey -3071 985-3312 Telephone 728-3891 : Auto Body EMMERSON INSURANCE Septic Tanks Doug Robinson AGENCY. LINED ALL PHASES OF CARPENTRY Cleaned By Bruce McCreight | Courtesy, Imagination and Estimates PUMP EQUIPMENT Freg Estimates General Insurance -- Port Perry - 985-7306 -- FREE -- Septic Tanks an a . Weeping Beds Installed BOB.BERO -- Seagrave, Ont. -- 985-7027 + Reg. Electric M we Votor | | CRIEVE'S GU Armstrong Rewinding and GULF SERVICE n 4 h ? SEE OUR | Port Perry -- 985.2226 Repair a General Repairs 6e S 0es! FULL LINE OF ERR NTARIO 985-3182 -MATTON RA lh TOP QUALITY MEN'S | ELECTRIC and TEENAGE BOY'S * Tel. - 668-2670 208 Chestnut St, East, MYLES KING ° Shoes & Boots Whitby, Ont. ] : we on on SHOES "a8 : L NEW SHOES V- BL Pulleys i ar! . ® SKATES SHARPENED arings and ANTIQUES Chain and Sprockets OSHAWA -- 725-5751 or 723-0501 Port Porry Shoe Repair & Sales | + § , 233 QUEEN STREET ~-- PORT PERRY