: Scugog Shores Craft School opened last first couple of days was not as good as e: Karen Smith are confident things will pic Bracebridge is enjoying the Craft School school is open Tuesdays, Thursdays and Epsom News Jean Jeffery Were sorry to-day to hear of the passing of Mrs. Frank Kendall. "Our sym- pathy to the husband and sorowing family. Our sympathy to Mrs. Ar "thur 'Taylor in the loss of a brother-in-law Mr. Rich. ard Downing of Burks Falls and to her sister Mrs, Down- ing, formerly Jean Kydd. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kerry called on Mr, and Mrs. Jack Hill at their new home in Uxbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wil- son and Douglas had din- 'ner on Sunday with Mr, & Mrs. J. P. Wilson. Mr. Gerald Jeffery of London, Ont. was holiday- ing last week for a while with brother Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ashton visited Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ashton of Manilla on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ashton at- tended the C.N.I.B. Picnic at Fantasy Park, on Wed- nesday and supper with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cather- wood. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thor- ton called on Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery and Mrs. Cawker on Sunday evening. Miss N. Urquhart and Mrs. Olive MacGregor call- ed on Mr. and Mrs. H. Ash- ton one evening last week. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Card's baby has been in Toronto for the past two weeks for extensive special surgery. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Myrtle Wagner is still a patient in Port Perry Hospital. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ash- ton and Richard and Mrs. D. Asling were in Hanover on Sunday. Julie Ashton, who has been visiting cous- ins Jan and Jill Asling re- turned home with them. Miss Margaret Hansen & friends are touring Europe for the next seven weeks. Have a good time girls. Mr, and Mrs. Ron Asling and Georgia of Ajax called on Mr. and Mrs. Don Asling 'and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. As- ling on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Benns and family and Mr. & Mrs. Don Card of Uxbridge and Miss Vickie Luke of Port Perry were with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Card for supper on Sunday. Vacation Bible School used to be a "Do it yourself kit", now we have Cara- vaners come to do the job. They need a place to stay, and meals also. They will be here first two weeks in August. Afternoon at Ep- som - morning Utica - Vo- lunteers contact Mrs. Robt. Thompson. Goodwood. INVEST NOW! VICTORIA & GREY TRUST Guaranteed Investments 7%% for 5 Years Interest is payable half yearly or may be left to compound. EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED 191 Queen St. Port Perry Telephone 985-7306 sie N : week for the summer, and although attendence the xpected, supervisors Joanne Middleton (left) and k up. Betty Ann Smith (centre) who is visiting from and says she will be staying 'as long as I can." The Fridays, and offers a wide variety of craft programs. PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, July 12,1972 - 7 Seagrave News Fifteen ladies who lived in Seagrave during the ,horse-and-buggy era. met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Reynolds, Port Perry for lunch on Wednesday. The occasion was a sort of good-will gathering to im- press on Mrs, Eagleson that here is where her old friends are. The Eaglesons have announced that they will be moving ' away to Preston at the end of July. 'We hope they aren't too lonely there. Mrs, McNeil assisted by some of her friends arran- ged a bridal shower on Fri. day evening in the church for her older grand-daugh- ter Gail Lutteral of Barrie. A goodly number of local people attended and some from Little Britain. From farther afield were the groom-to-be Mr. Ron Wat. son and his father and mo- ther, Gail's father and mo- ther, sister and brother, all from the Barrie area. Then there were the familiar Newmans from Oakville and of course Mr. and Mrs. Ken Darrell of Long Island who were already here. Mr. Ken Sturman was M.C. for the occasion, and conducted a short program consisting of a sing-song led by Mrs. Abraham, music by the Barr trio and also by Catherine Nicholls, con- tests by Mrs. Tobin and Mrs. Belair & a reading by Mrs. Barr. After the gifts were opened - and ' "thank - yous" said everybody went down below and tried to dispose of a real lunch, The Sturmans have been very. busy entertaining their relatives from England. During last week the Ken and Reg Sturman. families treated their father and mo. Conway Gardens -- Tavern ~ ther. Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Sturman, and their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sturman of England, to a 3- day tour of the Niagara peninsula. They had hoped to cross, the border but on account of visa problems had to just look across. Then on Saturday our Mr. and Mrs. Sturman celebrat- ed their 40th wedding anni« versary with a dinner at Conway Gardens and a fam: ily gathering at home later, Along with the visiting re- Continued on page 9 ~~ EE RAY NTE Saturday, July 15th 9:00 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. "The Country Troubadours" & > > 4 ASOD No Cover Charge or Dancing | Itdoesn't look, 'a smaller car. Ventura a smaller car. 150 WATER ST. Telephone: Port Perry 985-7309 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO PONTIAC - BUICK drive, or scrimp like is simply priced like ZERING PONTIAC-BUICK LIMITED Oshawa 655-3366 GMC 'TRUCKS La 4