aa A Ny CA iY es FLAPS Greenbank News Vacation Bible School is being held in Greenbank Church, this week. A good attendance is reported. Mr. and Mrs, Howard McMillan have returned from their trip West, . We welcome Mr, and Mrs. Jim Schwan and family of Uxbridge who have moved to the former Reycraft house. Mr. and Mrs. George Beaton spent the weekend with Mr. and Mr. Harry Phoenix at their cottage. at Minden, A shower was held at the home of Mrs. Harold How- sam last Thursday for Miss Margaret Spence whose marriage will take place shortly. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Walker of Hepworth visited: «with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ianson a few days. Paul and - Kevin remained for. a few holidays. : Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hill and family are holidaying in Western Canada. Sympathy is extended to the relatives of the late Dennis Dawson formerly of Port Perry who was fatally injured in a car accident last week. PE. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashen- hurst from Cardinal visited with Mr. and Mrs. Armour McMillan Sunday. The Taylor family held their annual re-union at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John King on Sunday. Mr. ahd Mrs. Art Couves were guests at the Finney- Kenny wedding at Bolton on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Cyrill Clark of Brampton visited Mrs. Henry Thomas on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Spark of Edmonton are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stone, before leaving for Australia, where they will be working for sometime. Best wishes for a speedy recovery to Mr. Paul Fergus- son who has spent some time .in hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Rod Foster entertained the Kubinga WANE AE hs rade re PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, July 12,1972 --- 19 families on Sunday. Glad to report Mr. George Love has returned heme after a stay in Uxbridge Hospital: Mr. Gary Lee who is working in Orilla spent the weekend at his home here. Congratulations to Mrs. Pearson and Mrs. Cecil Leask who celebrated birth- days recently. -Don't forget to visit Lake Scugog Shores Museum, new displays make it very inter- esting. Hours to call 1 p.m. to .5 p.m. daily except Mondays. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Beare and Mrs. Ross of Oshawa visited Mr. and Mrs. Fleet Beare on Sunday. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Don McKean were Mark and Glen also David, Barry, Dale, and Sally 'Treleaven. An omission in last weeks issue in Greenbanks news Cathy Taylor's name was left out of the list of students graduating from Greenbank School to Jr. High, Port. Perry. We're sorry Cathy. MID-SUMMER SALE confinues SALE ENDS JULY 17th. -- Specially purchased, items on sale to extent of stock se -- SAMPLE SAVINGS: 'FORD and CHRYSLER : PRODUCTS 1961-72 most 0 Regular $1.98 ' EACH areas 3.29 1.78 a 1962-7 most -- Ld ° Reg. $1.44 to $1.98 to EACH 10% Saving on other makes and models 17-1009X Oil Breather Caps For most models. . Save 10% Oil Filter Wrench Loosens old 'throw- 49 away' filter for re- placement. Reg. 69¢ Slick saving on a quality Multi- grade that meets auto manufac- turers warranty requirements. Built-in self-locking opener. 'FRIG-PAD' REUSABLE 1-1b. Ice Pack Simply freeze and substi- tute for ice in cooler. Lasts longer; no mess. Reg. 29¢ REDUCED! DOUBLE-GRILL Hibachi Barbecue Twin adjustable grill plates 10x20" cooking area ; even heat control. Cast-iron firebox. Reg. $9.88 SPECIAL PURCHASE -- LIMITED QUANTITY 30x72" Air Mattress Rubberized cotton: construction; built-in pil- low. Red, white and blue stripe topside, solid red underside. Storage bag. Hurry, buy now! end AN Sa wo THD aa SUPERSTAR SPECIAL! BOBBY ORR'S AUTOGRAPHED 56x 20x %" approx. EVEREADY MAGNETIC 4 Spincast Reel and Spinning Reel Foam Slab Flashlight 650 by Algonquin -- features 660 by Algonquin -- features Soft touch for the camper, Gleaming chromebrite ribbed instant a release, ad- open-face design, full-bail cottager or home-maker. Per- case with red plastic safety justable drag. Complete pick-up and anti-reverse fect padding for cushions, shroud; slide on/off switch. with line and practice plug. lever. Black enamelled. pillows and upholstering. With 2 batteries. EXTRA! |N CASH \cnwonn/_ CAN AD IAN TIRE BONUS COUPONS Porch Light Bulbs "ior 009 Made by Canadian General Electric. § Yellow bulbs cast a warm welcome: 2 glow; help to keep insects away. Apply fora NLL Canadian Tire RAY B. WILSON LIMITED 183 Queen Street, Port Perry