FAL Shs NT Work Wanted | Work Wanted PIANO and ORGAN Lessons. | McINTYRE UPHOLSTERING' available from qualified tea-|& FABRIC SALES. cher (A. Mus. and Mus, Bac!) Starting in September. Phone ices. All K- Mrs, Van Camp. 9852434, | oearcoced prices, All wor Wide choice of fine quality fabrics, PLECTRIC Fencer Service actory ervice ° Centre for Shur Shock Fen.| Dead or Crippled cers. Repairs to all approved makes - battery, hydro "and solid state.: Walter Wright, Blackstock, phone 416 - 986- .|manship guaranteed. Call tr] 985-3513. T.F, approved, Farm Stock Picked Up Promptly. 8--Aug.16 Telephone Collect RUG & UPHOLSTERY clean. : ing done in your home and MARGWILL FUR FARM ready to use the same day. Phone 985-7704 evenings, HAMPTON 416-263-2721 R.R.5 Bowmanville Licence No. 364-C-72 Tk PAINTING UPR ) .Re-Upholstery and Repairs to ® INTERIOR "all types of Furniture. © EXTERIOR Upholstery fabrics & supplies ; 2 AUSTIN BARTLEY Call Bill 985 az ? BLACKSTOCK Phone 986-4731 72 T.V. Towers, Sales, Service MISTER T.V. TOWERS \ FARM ANIMALS 578 King Ah Oshawa Picked up Promptly For direct line call Long Distance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime ED PECONI & SON Woodville, Ont. Licence No. 324C-66 and Installation Colour Antennas, Rotors, and black & white also Repairs Open 9 - 9 544 Adelaide St. W. | TF. 647 SCUGOG STREET, PORT PERRY Junction of 7A and Queen Streets PRINCE ALBERT FAMILY PLAN Nearly new custom built 1300 sq. ft, 3 bedroom bungalow, spacious kitchen, combined living-dining area. large irregular shaped lot, scenic, overlooking Lake Scugog Area. $34,500, good 8% % mortgage. - EXCELLENT TERMS "Two storey, 3 bedroom home, immaculate condition, large family size kitchen plus adjoining utility room, detached double garage with paved drive. Family home $23,500. - 6%% MORTGAGE Stone and brick bungalow. 1350 sq. ft., attached gar- age, three bedrooms, diningroom-livingroom with built-ins and fireplace, landscaped lot, with 76' frontage $31,800. RESTORED Two storey, 8 room brick home, antique lighting, dining room and adjoining parlour, original stained glass windows, added family room with attached garage. $30,000. co INCOME HOME Z Brick 2 storey double home, each apartment with three bedrooms, completely self-contained. excel- lent income property plus valueable location. $31,500 . VILLAGE HOME WITH EXTRA LOT Brick 7 room, 3 bedroom home, 1% baths, modern kitchen, built in dishwasher, separate garage and storage. large treed corner lot, $28,000. Terms. SECLUDED Wooded 10 acres, stream fed pond, two bedroom bungalow, family room, featherstone fireplace. two car. garage, paved road frontage, $47,500. Terms arranged. PORT PERRY 985.7371 OSHAWA 728.9544 HOWARD FORDER MILTON FISHER BOB KENNY Residence 985.3439 Residence 986-4743 Residence 985-2210 Member of the Oshawa and District Real Estate Board REG and LARRY HOLSTRING AND JOHNSON * DAIRY EQUIPMENT AUCTIONEERS Complete Elm Rest Holstein (20 yrs. Experience) Yispersal owned by J. VIN. LIVESTOCK & FURNITURHE | CE TEEFY, R.R. 1, Wood- ALES ville, Ont. selling at the farm 3 Ph. Sunderland (705) 357.3270 | lot 2 Con. 14 Mariposa Twp. 2 SA ev Y ASAE WAP + HIRE * BUY * SELL: RENT » SWAP + HIRE + BL ; 12-PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, July 19; 1972 , ; | Auction Sales 'WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2 1 mile east and 1 mile north FRIDAY, JULY 21, 6:00 p.m. istered. chesterfields, room suites, rugs, mirrors, 2--J etc. lyly tank, 3 surge milkers, surge of Cannington, 60 head, re- Special Warehouse Auction tested. classified, R.O.P. of the cows milking lamps, end tables, | ory 000d" Thornlea bred to 15 fresh or spring.| of new and used furniture, Friday, July 21 at 6 pm, at|,Df In July ROP. test one Stouffville Sales Barn. -fea- over 70 lb, 2 very good. A turing 2--J1y26. 3 AY. JULY 29th | SATURDAY, JULY 22 AS NTURDAY, JULY 29th " "Auction Sale 'of Household' Horse Trailer, Harness, Hay, Furniture and Antiques, the property of BRUCE WEBER, BAW osh EAmAoPert of [Will be held at Stanley Beack Little Britain, 3 miles south |1 mile west of Balsover or 5 of Little Britain, then % mije [miles east of Gamebridge. west. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: [just off Hwy. 48. Leather Training is being discontinu- latform rocker, sectional ed at this farm, and the sale | Pook case:(3 sections), leaded "% resents an opportunity for 4 glass sectional - chesterfield, orsemen to purchase many |large wicker chair, dresser, useful articles, Terms Cash, | chest of drawers, 4 high'back : kitchen chairs, nurser rocker, i kD SPENCELEY, of crocks, carnival bowl, pit: GRA Bethany 277-2989 [cher (depression glass), Qu, NT WERRY, of Nippon pieces, Hanging -Enniskilen 263-2603 | Aladdin lamp, oil lamps, pic- & Auctioneers |tures, horse bells, 4 slice toaster, 2 Televisions, mirr- chairs, bed [py haror sells with 4 daugh. ters. Also selling 27 can bulk alamo 30 pump (1 yr. old). sale will be held in the Vill-| agers and Auctioneers. Ux age of Sunderland in the |bridge 852-3524. Park (or in Arena in case of wet weather) on Friday, July 21st. prove Sup sale this year. 2b electric appliances accepted. | . Antiques are greatly encour- |tiques oly property of Mrs, aged. We ask that you try MARY ( and bring a good line of [Mary St. West, Lindsay. Sat. saleable articles and make |July 22, this one of the best sales yet. | chesterfield NOTE - Grounds will be open amps @), autiglle furniture, at 7:30 a.m. ,everything must s . be in by 10:30, Items sold in [Real Estate -- Eight room order as received. Terms |frame house on 1iarge lot cash . Sale at 11 a.m, sharp. |(144 x 150) in excellent lo-| hoe PE, bo or on Sunderland Agricultural So. |cality. Real estate sold sub- | ciety ladies will be serving |ject to reserve bid. Sale at lunch in the arena. Come for | 1: dinner and bring the family. Gerald Graham. Clerk. : . | Sale under cover. Lunch' FRIDAY; JULY 21st .|available. Lloyd Wilson and Fifth Annual Consignment |W. D, Atkinson, Sale Man- 2--July26 im. We Jug so tm SATURDAY. JULY 22nd Real Estate, Furniture, An- nnie) McGILL, 6 Heintzman piano, suite, hanging Terms Cash, .m, PIED SPENCELEY, Bethany 277-2989 ORVAL McLEAN. Lindsay 324-2783 Auctioneers REG & LARRY JOHNSON, Auctioneers Ph. 705 - 357-3270 . period, and the buyer is not ready with the cash to pay FRED COOK REAL ESTATE LTD. _REALTOR Ivan Thompson W TERMS AND AMORTIZATION -- THE TWO VITAL PARTS OF A MORTGAGE Be sure you understand the difference since it could have great importance to you at a later date. The term is the time a mortgage has to run before payment in full is required; amortization is the time required on a given payment schedule to pay it off. Usually they are identical, where each payment is a blend of principal and interest scheduled to make them both terminate at the same time. When the mortgage term is up, the mortgage is also fully paid. . But if the term is shorter than the amortization off the balance, he could be in the position of having to remortgage the property. In prime residential pro- perty this does not usually present a problem. How- ever, in rural or recreational Property or raw land a new mortgage may be difficult to obtain except at very high rates, A reputable Realtor will alert you to an understand- ing of your mortgage alternatives. His knowledge and sxperisnce and the counsel of your lawyer are vital safeguards you should make use of. * RETIREMENT OPPORTUNITY We are interested in training retired men or women who are seriously seeking an exciting new career in selling, with no door to door soliciting nor high pressure sales meeting, or the like. Ours is a. friendly 'co-operative- office, offering an opportunity to tailor your requirements to our program. For an appointment to discuss your future career, please ask for Mr, Cook, Port Perry modern 2 bedroom brick bungalow, finished rec. room. Situated on large lot well treed, beautifully landscaped. $25,900. Terms. William Peeters - 985-7214. 20 acres recreation property, close to: Bethany hills, trees. full price $5500. Ivan Thompson 986- 4987. 2 storey, stucco 7 room house on 3% acres, south of Sunderland. Good well, pressure system, $15,900. Ivan Thompson 986-4987. Lindsay area - 50 acre retreat wooded. $9,000. Ivan Thompson 986-4987. MADELINE RODD Res. 985-2819 the 'Presbyterian Church), hogany table, violin, Wind- x ++. "|ors, barber's cabinet (from WEDNESDAY, July 260 old star building. numerous Faraone ag Antiques, the |other articles, Terms Cash. property of Mrs, I. R, BENT. [Sale at 1:00 p.m. Gerald Graham, Clerk. LEY, will be held in Port ' Perry, 327 Queen St. (next {o BEG & LARRY JOHNSON, Gas stove, 4 burner, Solid ma. nis" 705 - 357-3210 sor chairs, hanging lamp, wooden telephone, - bride's SATURDAY, JULY 22 ' | basket, toilet sets farge Tit. Auction Sale of Livestock & Implements, 40 Holstein and' fany ceiling shade (antique) Hereford Cattle, 1962 David 2 broken sections), Beaver|n oo 050 Tractor with load: sealer 3 gal. blue hollow hob er, Int, W4 Tractor, Int. Trip- $ ek Tee au rire) | Beam Plough. 1970 A-C Baler, c 1968 Int. Side Rake, 1972 Ses ana. on Pk John Deere Mehure Sven ih fas £m Eu ype m § antique, : maple bedroom suite (anti. Milking TX Swine Lo que), Poster bed & vanity, Grain, Straw. ror o val Equpime ture. The prope WILLIS PATTON, Lot doors, No. of chairs, many other' good pieces of furni.|Con. 1, South Monaghan ture & dishes. Property Sold. 4 miles East of Bailieboro Terms Cash. Sale at 1 p.m.| 5" . o%. Gord Graham, Clerk. 12:30 p.m. Farm Sold. Ma G & LARRY JOHNSON. and Ed Johnston, Clerks. CARL HICKSON, Auctioneer, \ ; Ph. 705-357-3270 Reaboro, Ont. Ph, Lindsay 705 - 324-9959 151 QUEEN ST. PORT PERRY 985-7001 297-2476 NORTH OF PORT PERRY 40 acres vacant land on paved road, all workable with running stream across front, few trees, ideal building site for small hobby farm. COUNTRY LIVING ry Nice 2% acre irreg. building lot with frontage on paved road north of Port Perry, approx. 3 mi. Building Permit obtainable. $6,000. down with terms. k SCUGOG ISLAND Beautifully decorated 2 bedroom cottage with fire- place, completely furnished including bedding, lawn furniture and guest house on large nicely 9. landscaped lot with access to Lake Scugog with park area and sandy beach. Full price $13,900.00. 3 MILE LAKE / Nicely decorated 3 bedroom cottage near Brace- - bridge. Good fishing, swimming and boating, large lot on Lake, completely furnished including bedding and utensils. Full price $14,900.00. - "B : PORT PERRY New 3 bedroom brick bungalow in Port Perry pre- sently under construction. Beautifully decorated with broadloom throughout, Sliding glass doors off dining room. Range hood installed. Surrounding lot to be sodded, with private side drive. Phone for appointment any time. OVERLOOKING LAKE SCUGOG Beautiful country setting on nicely treed lot. This is 2 bedroom permanent home, Hollywood kitchen, knotty pine walls, authentic beamed ceiling and bar in living room, F.A.O. furnace. Outside built in barbeque in patio-carport. Call for appointment Ld any time, or CAMERON 100 productive acres presently used as beef and hog operation, spring fed pond at rear, frontage on 2 roads close to Hwy. 35. 2 storey brick home. A real bargain at $36,500.00. For inspection of any of these properties, call VALERIE BUTT Scugog Island -- 985-2122 We have the clients. List your property for sale with one of Canada's largest Real Estate Companies. Many offices to serve you. *