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Port Perry Star, 4 Oct 1972, p. 11

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LJ 14 SELL RENT» DERE ERS YR BAA TL SE. A PARA EA ANI A 7 Ae § 2A AN VI Xi v EAA ala d = 11 =1=RN = Whe -- - 'HIRE « BUY =10h dl SELL: RENT +» SWAP HIRE * BUY + TOD CIASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS * SELL RENT « SWAP + HIRE + SELL RENT » Notice to Creditors Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales SWAP + HIRE * BUY + PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Sept. 27, 1972-15 SELL: RENT + SWAP + HIRE * SELL: RENT - 'Creditors and' others having claims against the Estate of ANNIE MABEL ROWAN, late of RR. #2, Janetville, Deceased, who died on or about the 24th day of May, 1972 A.D., are hereby noti- fied to send their fully certi- fied statements to the Vic- toria and Grey Trust Comp- any on or before the 11th day of October, 1972 A.D, after which date the Victoria and Grey Trust Company will distribute the assets, having regard only to the claims of which they then} shall have had notice. Executor of the Estate of ANNIE MABEL ROWAN, VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST COMPANY. 85 Kent Street West, LINDSAY, Ontario. By their Solicitors: FROST, INGRIG & GORWILL 169 Kent Street West, LINDSAY, Ontario. 3>-0ct.4 SATURDAY, SEPT. 30th - Sale at 1:00 p.m. Auction Sale - To settle estate LDS, Real Estate, Furni- ture, '63 Pontiac car. Attrac- tive, six room frame house in excellent condition, oil furn. ace, water on pressure, on large double lot in the lovely village of Janetville. Real Estate sold subject to re- serve bid. Sat. Sept. 30th. Sale at 1:30 p.m. TED. SPENCELEY, 277-2989 Bethany GRANT WERRY, 263-2603 Enniskillen 3--Sept.27 Auctioneers Notice THURS. OCTOBER 5th TWILIGHT AUCTION SALE of Daiy eatile at Stouffville Sales and springing cows, heifers, open heifers and bulls, pure bred and grade. Consign early. Frank Bennett 887. 6570, Norm Faulkner 640- 3813. Sale time 7:30 p.m. 2--O0ct.4 NOTICE putsusnt to the di. rection of the Ontario Muni- cipal Board dated the 8th day of September, 1972. IN THE MATTER OF Section 35 of The : -- Planning Act (R.S.0. 1970, c. 349), -- and -- IN THE MATTER OF an application by the Cor- "poration of the Village of Port Perry for approval of its Restricted Area By daw 1621 passed the day of April, APPOINTMENT FOR ~~ HEARING THE ONTARIO MUNICI- PAL BOARD hereby appoints Thursday, the 5th day of October, 1972, at the hour of half past ten. o'clock in the forenoon (local time) at the Council Chambers in the Village of Port Perry for the hearing of all parties inter- ested in supporting or oppos- ing this application. DATED at Toronto this 1st day of September, 1972. K, C. ANDREWS ; SECRETARY Explanatory Note of Village of Port Perry Restricted Area By-law #1621 - By-law #1621 amends By-law #1424 as amended, by delet- ing the word "apartments" from the R2 zone. 2--Sept.27 Atiction Sales REG and LARRY JOHNSON AUCTIONEERS (20 yrs. Experience) LIVESTOCK & FURNITURH SALES ; Ph. Sunderland (705) 357-3270 SAT., OCTOBER 7th Auction Sale of Livestock & Implements, 36 Purebred & Grade Holstein Cattle, 1968 David Brown 990 Tractor with Manure Loader, W@ Int. Tractor, 1970 New Hol. Yo No. 469 Hay Bind, 1970 .C. 4 row Corn Planter, 1970 Field Sprayer, M.F. Baler PTO_ Manure Spreader PTO, Milking Equipment, Hay, Straw. e property of GEORGE R. JOHNSTON, Lot 14, Con. 4, Otonabee Twp. 1% miles east of Keene to 4th oncession - 1st farm South. Terms Cash, No Reserve as owner is in poor health. Machine Sale at 1.00 Cattle Sale at 3:00 p.m. ard Holmes and Ed. Allen, Clerks. CARL HICKSON, Auctioneer Reaboro, Ont. Ph. Lindsay 705-324-9959 SATURDAY, SEPT. 30th Clearing Auction for WES. LEY SLACK at 153 Burk- holder St. in Stouffville, in. cluding' furnishings of the home including piano, refri- gerator, stove, chesterfield, antique pine furniture, rd. oak table, silver tea service, toilet set, sleigh bells, china cabinet, pine chest drawers, wash stand, dressers, humidi- fier, clocks, lamps, bedding, rugs, hall tree, antique plates & dishes, etc. NOTE - This is an extra good sale, don't miss it. Only a few of the items listed here. Property sold. Sale at 1 p.m. Refresh- ments, ATKINSON and WILSON, Sale Mgrs. and Auctioneer: 2--Sept.27 SATURDAY, SEPT. 30th Auction Sale of Household Furniture, the property of the Late THOMAS DRUEAN will be held at Lot 3, Con. A. Mariposa Twp., 1 mile east of Seagrave (beside Lake Scugog). Findlay oval cook stove, deep freeze, 7 pec. din- ing room suite, dishes, coal- oil lamps, brass bed. antique chairs, antique sewing ma- chine, Qu. of other furniture. Terms Cash. Sale at 1 p.m. sharp. Gerald Graham. clerk. REG & LARRY JOHNSON, Auctioneers Ph. (705) 357-3270 2--Sept.27 WEDNESDAY, OCT. 4th Clearing farm auction for WM. J. DART on Hwy. #47 (1 mile north of Stouffville). Consisting of 50 Holsteins, 3 tractors, S.P. Combine, Hay- bine 1972, Baler, 3 - 4 Fr. plow mounted, also 7000 bales 1972 early cut hay, ex- cellent quality, 2000 bales straw, 3000 bus. grain, Surge mi'ker, bulk cooler, ete. NOTE - This is an extra good farm auction (Farm Sold).. Refreshments. Sale 1 p.m. ATKINSON and WILSON, Sale Mgrs. and Auctioneers 2--Sept.27 THURSDAY, OCT. 5th Auction Sale of 40 head of Angus and Charolais Cattle, the property of GEORGE Mc- ARTHUR, Lot 11. Con. 11. Reach Twp., % mile west of Greenbank. 14 Angus cows, fresh or due soon, Angus cow, Charolais calf by side (due Feb.), 2 Charolais heif- ers due soon, Holstein cow, fresh (C.A.S.), Charolais and Angus bull(6 yrs.). 12 Angus & Charolais steers (yearlings to 1000 1bs.). 5 Angus and Charolais heifers, yearlings, 5 York & Landrace sows. due soon. Sale called due to ill haalth, Terms cash. Sale at 2:00 p.m, REG & LARRY JOHNSON, Auctioneers Ph. (705) 357-3270 3--O0ct.4 n including fresh|2 Oct OCTOBER 5th, THURSDAY .- EVENING 6 p.m, Auction Sale of niture including Heintzman Trans- posing Piano, . Viking Refri- gerator, Viking Electric Stove, Moffat Electric Dryer, 9 pc. Oak Dining Room Suite, Motorola T.V. Marconie Ra. dio & Record Player, Ches- terfield & Chair, 9 x 12 beige rug & underpad, Coffee table Antique chest of drawers & dresser, occasional chair, Royal Typewriter, lamps chairs, Barbeque set and numerous other pieces. The property of J. H. FELLOWS, 35 Blake St. in Stouffville(go south at railway track). Sale at 6 p.m, Lloyd Wilson & W. D. Atkinson, Sale Mgrs. jad Auctioneers, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12 Auction safe of Farm Ma- chinery including 4020 John Deere Tractor - power brakes and power steering cab late 1971 model, 1400 hrs. (ex- cellent condition),John Deere 3020 Tractor 1966 Power brakes and steering; Kewa- nee Disc-harrow 17-20" disc; case 5 furrow 14" plows; Al- lied cultivator 13'6""; McKee 720 Front End Snow Blower; New Holland 469 Haybine; John Deere 24T Hay Baler; John Deere Seed Drill on rubber; case seed drill on rubber; John Deere Hammer Mill, Feed Mixer with 3 HP Motor, rubber tired wagon - 5 ton with rack, JB and D Weed Sprayer 21' boom 2 sets Nozzles; Gehl Forage Blower, grain box, John Deere PTO Manure Spreader, Rinp Heavy duty blade - 3 pt. hitch, Woods oat roller, 2 grain augers, 2 hay elevators, Bale Buncher. The property of R. S. WEBSTER, 1 mile west and % mile north of Uxbridge on Con. 6. This is good modern machinery, the farm has been sold and pos- session given. There are very few small articles so that the machinery will sell early. Sale at 1 p.m. Lloyd Wilson and W. D. Atkinson, Sale Mgrs. & Auctioneers 2--O0ct. 4 SATURDAY, SEPT, 30th Auction Sale of Livestock and Dairy Equipment, Grain, 40 Head of Jersey Cattle, the property of RAYMOND KELK, Lot 3, Con. 10, North Monaghan Twp., 1 mile south of Peterborough By-Pass on Hwy. #28 and 1 mile east. Cows are unit bredto Lindale Merit. Vendor has been in the Jersey business for 35 years. All cattle are from unit sires. Terms Cash. No Reserve, Sale at 1:00 p.m. beginning with Grain, Dairy Equipment, followed by the Cattle. Ward Holmes & Ed. Allen, Clerks. CARL HICKSON, Auctioneer Reaboro, Ont. Ph. Lindsay 705-324-9959 2--Sept.27 SATURDAY, SEPT. 30th Auction Sale of Household Race Horse Equipment, the property of DAVE DOWSON will be held in the town of Port Perry, % mile south of Hwy. TA on Oshawa Rd. (Major St.). Refrig., stove, deep freeze, Captain chair, chrome set, Qu. of dishes (some antiques), pots & pans, silverware, bed chesterfield, lazy-boy chair, antique bed (good), 2 bedroom suites etc. Race bike, harness, hopples (2 pr.), blankets etc. Terms Cash. Sale at 2:30, immedi- ately after the Druean sale at Seagrave. Also offered for sale subject to reserve bid, a 6 room brick house with two extra building lots. Terms 10% day of sale, bal- ance in 30 days. Gerald Graham, Clerk. REG & LARRY JOHNSON, a Auctioneers Ph. (705) 357-3270 2--Sept.27 Auction Sales WED., OCTOBER 11th Auction Sale of Livestock & Implements and Household Furniture, 35 Holstein and Hergford Calves, 1965 M.F. 65 tor, 1965 M.F. 3 Fur- row Ta Beam Plough, 1970 MF. Cultivator, New Holland Baler PTO, John Deere 3 Ton Wagon, New Holland Manure Spreader, Hay, Grain Straw. The property of ARCHIE McLEAN, East Half Lot 19, Con. 9, Asphodel Twp. Located in the Village of Norwood (Mill Street South of Hwy. #7 - First Farm). Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale at 1:00 p.m, Ward Holmes & Ed. Allen, Clerks. CARL HICKSON, Auctioneer Reaboro, Ont. Ph. Lindsay 705-324-9959 2--O0ct4 Furniture, Real Estate and |! SATURDAY, OCT. 14th ® The Sale of the Year @ 15th Annual All Black Breeder & Feeder Sale - 600 Head. 500 Feders - 60 Reg- istered Aberdeen Angus Breeders, pure bred, grades and cross-breds. Steers and Heifers. Mostly Cows & Bred Heifers. 50 Commercial Cows bred to calve in March and April. - 1 Serviceable Age Bull. One Complete Disper- sal at Peterborough Sales Barn, South of Amber Light on Highway 7. SAT., OCT. 14 at 11:30 a.m. sharp. Sale commencing with Breeding Cattle. Lunch Available. George Earely & Ross Bailey, Auctioneers. Malcolm Bailey Manager, Phone 985-7583, Uxbridge, Ont. 4--O0ct.11 SAT., OCTOBER 7th Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, hay, grain and furniture, the property of MAURICE MANGAN, Lot 9, Con. 4, Thorah Twp., 1 mile east, 1 mile south, 1 mile east of Beaverton. 65 head of good Hereford, Angus & Charolais Cattle - 21 cows, most have calves by side, 2 yr. old Charolais steers and eifers, Hereford steers and heifers, 2 yrs. & yearlings. McCormick diesel 250 tractor & loader, N.H. manure sprea- der PTO, McCormick 46 hal- er, MF. power mower, full line of machinery, 250 bales of second cut hay, 5 tons of mixed grain, some furniture. Farm sold. Terms cash. Sale at 12:30. Gerald Graham, Clerk. REG & LARRY JOHNSON, Auctioneers Ph. (705) 357-3270 2--O0ct.4 TUESDAY, OCT 10th Auction Sale of farm stock, implements, hay, straw and grain, the property of RO- BERT BERRY, Lot 7, Con. 6, Reach Twp., one mile north of Manchester, 2 miles west. 40 head of Holstein cattle, 18 cows, mostly milking, 12 heifers rising 1 yr., 2 heifers due soon, Hereford bull, No. of Veal calves, 6000 bales of hay. 1000 bales of straw), 1500 bu. grain, M.F. No. 90 diesel tractor (3 pt. hitch), Case Model 300 tractor and Parmiter rear end loader, Case Model D tractor, Sedore snow blower, Bush hog 10 ft. mounted disc, A.C, 4 furrow plow, 2 Cockshutt combines both No. 422, PTO, J.D. baler No. 24T (4 yrs.), J.D. Post hole auger (new), David Brown tandem wheel spread- er, A.C. forage harvester 1 row corn head. Full line of Machinery. Farm Sold. Sale at 12 noon. Terms Cash. Gerald Graham, clerk. REG & LARRY JOHNSON, Auctioneers Ph. (705) 357-3270 3--O0ct.4 SAT., SEPTEMBER 30th 1972 Property of REV. R. H. and MRS. WYLIE, 38 Almonds Ave, Almonds subdivision, just off townline Whitby & Pickering. A good line of Household Furniture, all in good condition. Televisions, Electric appliances, Lawn mowers, Snow Blower, Dishes Draperies, antique pine chest of drawers (1800's), captain chair, 3 drawer filing cab- inet, refrigerator, electric range, garden tools, many other articles. Terms Cash. Sale at 1 p.m, LOYAL POGUE, Auctioneer Tel. 668-4271 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18 2 noon 150 HOLSTEINS Complete Kuenvale Holstein Dispersal owned by Harry Kuenen, R.R. 3, Uxbridge, % mile east of Uxbridge on Hwy. 47 then 1 mile south to farm on Con. 9, Reach Twp. 150 Head, 85 register: ed, 65 grades. R.O.P. tested and classified. Records to over 20,000 lbs. milk. A herd of big, strong cows from pro- ven sires. Young cattle very well grown. 30 head will be fresh or springing at sale time. One of the 30 daugh- ters of Milkidale Cherry Leaf (V.G) selling Kuenvale Cherry Jul (V.G.) classified Very Good at 2 years, check- ed "large", "Upstanding", & "stylish". A quantity of Cherry Leaf (VG) semen will be for sale. Another high- light is Reflection Miss (Very Good). A 4 yr. old daugh- ter of Ormsby sells fresh with a yearling "Chieftain" heifer. Lunch Available. Lloyd Wilson & W. D. Atkinson, Sale Mgrs. & Auctioneers, Uxbridge 416 - 852-3524. 3--O0ct. 11 Will benefit asthmatic children A report of the Physical Conditioning Course for Asthmatic Children was giv- en at the board meeting of the Ontario County Tuber- culosis and Respiratory Di- sease Association held last week at the Cottage Hosp- ital, Uxbridge. The first course of 8 weekly sessions is being held at the Civic Auditorium, Oshawa, with Dr. L.J. Stephens as pro- gramme chairman. Special breathing exer- '| cises are under the super- vision of Mr. John Brown, a qualified . physiotherapist. Lectures are being given to the parents by three physi- cians, a nutritionist, and a public health nurse will lead a discussion following a film on asthma 'The Hidden Tear." Following the first hour of exercises, the children each accompanied by a volunteer, spend the next hour in the pool for fun and further breathing exercises. The class of 20 children was quicky filled, and a number of names have been placed on a waiting list. A survey was made last year to ascertain from the doctors the number of child- ren who might benefit from this type of theraphy, and the assgciation was delighted by the response. All the children participating hate been re- ferred by their family physi- cian. The TB-RD Association hopes to organize similar course in various parts of Ontario County in the near future. A Nurses' Institute is to be held at the Holiday Inn, Oshawa on Wednesday, November 1st. This will be a refresher course in respira- tory diseases. Each hospital has a supply of registration forms, or one may be procured by writing the TB-RD Association, Oshawa, or calling 723 - 3151. SAT., OCTOBER 7th Refrigerators, Furniture, odd tables, chairs, small rugs, etc., Quantity of dishes, pots, pans, cutlery, towels, pillows, bedding, mirrors, etc. Pro- pane Hot Plates, Heaters, Storage Cupboards, Beds, springs, mattresses, El. hot water tank, 4 sinks, 4 stools, lawn roller and many other miscellaneous items. The Contents of BIRDSEYE CENTRE Cabin Park, Water Street, Port Perry. N.B. - 3 Cabins approx. 18x15', 3 Cabins approx. 15x15', 3 Cabins approx. 12'x12'. All Cabins wood construction, asbestos shingles wired. Terms & Conditions re Sale of Cabins to be announced Day of Sale. Terms on con- tents Cash. No Reserve. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Ted Svenceley, Bethany, 277-2989, Grant Werry, Enniskillen 263-2603, 2. Oct4 Auctioneers Auction Sale of 9 Cabins,|- LADIES MONDAY NIGHT BOWLING High Single: J. Storry 256 High Triple: E. Oke 658 Singles 210 and Over: J. Storry 256; S. Tully 246 J. Emmerson 243; E. Oke 239, 213; D. Wilson 231; R. Beare 218; D. Thompson 217; E. DeShane 213; E. Vernon 211, Team Standings: Limes ...........c.c......... 12 Lemons ............. 11 Grapefruits ............. 10 Apples... 10 Melons ................ 9 Pears .......... cco... 7 Bananas .............. 6 Nectarines ................ 5 Cherries .................. 5 Peaches '5 Oranges 4 Plums .. ............ 0 Ladies Bowling League LADIES WEDNESDAY NIGHT BOWLING Sept. 20 Team Standing-- Ruby Sapphire we 9 Amethyst 9 Opal . 9 Diamonds .... .. .... 7 Topaz . ..... .... 7 Emeralds 5 Pearls .... .... 5 Jade Zircon . en Over 600 Triples-- B. Oke 687; I. Vernon 663; P. Jones 604. Over 210 Singles-- B. Oke 270, 243; K. Not- tingham 263; I. Vernon 245, 236; J. Wilkins 232; M. Hawes 227; S. Eyman 221; M. Cook 221; A. DeNure 219; C. Ballingall 217; J. Morris 213; P. Jones 211; P. Durand 210. ws by < wr » A A A EIA aX | 1), pw PREALH] NT SS RRR Set ciel Ny RAE REL Sp oS ey aT Poa Se Ps Si SR Anite B vl # fi 1 _-- el ait

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