RAR AER LENO LACS ARAL AY Arie MEAN 4) Med i ty A A RS TA Se Ea. \ x h 16-PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Sept. 27, 1972 "Bev Marie" headlines Fall Fair Bev Marie and The Cana- dian Showband are the headliner artists for the 1972 edition of the Bobcaygeon Fall Fair, and the Directors are indeed happy to have this young lady and her group under contract. Entertain- ment Committee Chairman Ray McNeilly says that he is confident that the Enter- ment being provided this year will be the best ever. Bev is a Bobcaygeon gal, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bradt. She is proud of her hometown and her hometown is extremely proud of her. Bev sings her personal praise of Bobcay- geon in her latest record "There's A Little Town" written for her by her Dad. She and Her Band will be on stage for the Talent Contest at 2 p.m. on Satur- day, September 30th and will provide the "music for everyone" at the Gala Dance in the Community Centre beginning at 8:30 p.m. the same evening. Bev Marie 1s a very very versatile artist. Besides being a very talented musi- cian and a singer, many of her recordings on her album and singles are her own compositions. Check The Label On Your Paper Seagrave News Did you quarrel with the editor? That has been a familiar question during the last two weeks when our news failed to appear. The answer is "Not yet", Here is what happened. Two weeks ago so little news was reported that we just said "why bother" -- and then didn't bother, Last week we were back in business but when the news was delivered to the Star at 7:45 a.m, the office was closed. The pages were slipped into the door jam and then they must have blown away. No news. Now to catch up. Weddings and anniversaries occupy the spotlight just now. Mr. and mrs. Don Hunter have something of a record having attended 7 weddings so far " this year. The most recent ones were the Hunter - Passmore wedding in Aug- ust, the Hunter - Hunter wedding on September 16th and the Eddington - Hunter wedding last Saturday in St. Andrews church, Scarbo- rough, They are still going strong and entertained 2 aunts Mrs. EF. Hunter of Scarborough and Mrs. W. Cowan of Yorktown, Sask. during the weekend. At noon on Sunday they had Mr. and Mrs. F. Beare of Greenbank dining with them and at night Mr. and Mrs. W. Henry of Ball Point and the Belairs kept them company. Our ladies are going to have the honour of serving the wedding supper for the Durward - Mortimer Wed- ding on October 7th. The marriage will take place in Pleasant Pt. but the guests will come over here to eat. A shower for this couple Keith (Charlie) Durward and Maisie Mortimer was held in the church basement recently when people of all sizes and ages were in attendance. Bruce Carr was M.C. and the entertainers were Mrs. Tobin, Mrs. Ven- ner and Mrs. Barr (read- ings) Mrs, Belair (contest) and the Barr twins (music) of course there was the usual sing song. The gifts were varied and useful so everone was happy. Now come the silver wed- ding anniversaries, Clifford and Ruby Short were hon- oured at the first one held at the home of Mr.a nd Mrs. Ken Jackson in Port Perry. The actual date is still a few days away but there family jumped the gun because the Jacksons hoped to be cheer- ing for Team Canada in Moscow about then. This affair was a complete sur- prise and was attended by the Short and McCoy fami- lies and some close friends. Morley and Lola Bruce had their turn next (Silver wedding too). Their family had a dinner for them on the weekend. Then last Saturday evening about 25 old friend descended on them at their cottage for another surprise party. i We understand Mr. and Mrs. Heywood Short are due for some celebrating too. MEET YOUR LIBERAL CANDIDATE for VICTORIA oF Le! = 'HALIBURTON Dave and Jane Walling have lived in the Victoria Haliburton area all of their lives. They have four children, daughters Mary, and Amy, sons Gregory and Peter. Jane was from Cambray and Dave's folks came from Haliburton. Dave served for 5 years on various Municpal Boards and Commissions and is currently a Director of the Ontario Chamber of Commerce. He is a Korean War Veteran and is a member of Branch 67, Royal Canadian Legion. Pe a a a aa Elect Dave Walling, Liberal, Oct. 30 The Wanamakers are still newsworthy. Mr, and Mrs, B. Wanamaker with their Sharp friends from Enniskil- len started off on September 10 for what was to have been a leisurely 2 weeks tour of the north. It didn't work out ' that way. Bert became sick at Nipigon and had to enter Nipigon Hospital. His sons Ron and Neil came to the rescue and they arrived back in less than a week. The second 'part of Bert's vaca- tion was spent in Port Perry Hospital but he is home now and hopes to be back in the store by the end of this week. Another sick man, Mr. Vince Otto who has been receiving treatment at Prin- cess Margaret Hospital is at home for a few days now. Still another villager Mr. Bernard Standish is now in Port Perry Hospital. Last week we tried to report Mrs. Reta Boe as visiting in the west with relatives. She is still there. Also in last week's budget was mention of a birthday party given by Mr. and Mrs. Carr for their eldest daugh- ter Kathy. Her guests were 2 sets of grandparents (Carr and Smith) an aunt' and uncle and small cousin (Nicholls). : Mrs. Jean MacTaggart spent Sunday with Mrs. Bessie Fishley and now Mrs. Fishley is off to Oshawa for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Fisher spent the weekend with their aunt Mrs. Donnel- ly in Goderich. The Venners had the baby sitting job. The Ian Frasers of Toronto visited the Neil Wanamakers again on the weekend. Two of our elderly friends will be celebrating birthdays - in a few days. One is a citizen and one an ex and we think their combined ages add up to 178 years. Don't forget them. Fiv e U.C.W. members attended the Fair exchange in Cambridge St. Church, Lindsay today (Monday). They were Mrs. Nicholls, Mrs. Barr, Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. K.Short and Mrs. McNeil. We don't know what they did. At our S.S. Rally, a short time ago, attendance awards were given to 14 people who had not missed more than 3 Sunday School Sessions dur- ing the year. We note that one tiny girl, Kimmie Stone had perfect attendance and that Bruce Carr earned his first certificate. Did you know that there was an anniversary - thank- offering here on Sunday? With practically no pub- licity, no newspaper notices, no congregational letters and no special offering envelopes, we scarcely rec- ognized it. Some even in our own community were una- ware of it. In spite of all this there was a fair crowd. Rev. Rose of Port Perry Anglican Church was guest speaker and the G.M. male choir furnished some good special music. Next Sunday is October 1 and that means the 'winter schedule of services will be resumed. World Wide Com- munion will be observed in all 3 churches of the circuit. AVAL KNAPP - WILSON Reverend V.M. Parsons officiated at a very pretty wedding at the parsonage in Blackstock on September 2, 1972, when Suzanne Elaine Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alan E. Wilson of R.R. No. 1, Nestleton became the bride of Bruce Clifford William Knapp, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Knapp of R. R. No. 2, Pontypool. The bride given in mar- riage by her father was lovely in a white silk ottoman gown with empire waistline and long sleeves adorned with lace and covered buttons. A beaded white tiara held her plain white "veil, and she wore a single pearl necklace with a deli- cate silver chain. The bride's bouquet was pink and white chrysanthemums, roses and daisies. i Her only attendant was Mrs. Lloyd Wilson of West Hill sister of the bride who choose a long gown with a mauve bodice, long sleeves, with a deep purple skirt. Her headdress was a cluster of mauve fabric flowes. She SEPT. 29 SEPT. 30 PORT PERRY SNOWMOBILE CLUB Presents 9 : PorT PERRY ARENA SPM -- 11 PM 1° PN --(I** pW carried a bouquet of pink roses and daisies. Mr. Donald Edgerton of R.R. No. 1, Blackstock, friend of the groom acted as best man. The reception was held in the Blackstock Recreation Centre. The bride travelling cos- tume was a floral crepe dress with a lime green vest, Her corsage was of yellow roses. : The wedding trip was to the Thousand Islands and Gananoque. Mr. and Mrs. Knapp will reside at 822 Glen Street, Oshawa, Ontario. : The beautifully decorated cake was made by the bride's mother and iced by Mrs. Budd Walker of Nestle- ton. Several showers were held for the bride prior to the wedding. LOCAL DEALERS REPRESENTING MORE THAN 16 DIFFERENT MANUFACTURERS WILL HAVE DISPLAYS OF THEIR 1973 MODEL SNOWMOBILES, CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES