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Port Perry Star, 18 Oct 1972, p. 12

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SWAR «HIRE * BUY «SELL: RENT - COD CIS : (Effective March 1st, 1967) . ARTICLES FOR SALE -- LIVESTOCK FOR SALE REAL ESTATE -- WANTED -- CARS FOR SALE | LOST -- FOUND -- ETC. | Cash Rate -- 5c. per word 1st week, 4c. extra consecutive weeks for a minimum of $1.00 1st week, 80c. for extra consecutive weeks. Must be paid week of insertion--if charged, . and additional 25¢. will be added. 50¢.- ADDITIONAL WILL BE CHARGED FOR : USE OF A BOX NUMBER. NOTICES -- COMING EVENTS -- CARDS OF THANKS 5c. a word with a maximum of 20 words $1.00 BIRTHS -- ENGAGEMENTS -- MARRIAGES "DEATHS 5c. a word with a maximum of 20 words $1.00 IN MEMORIAMS -- $1.50 minimum for 4-line verse, 10c. a line for additional lines. DISPLAY CLASSIFIED--$1.50 per inch with a minumum; one inch. All Classified Ads must be in this office not later than -- 12 O'CLOCK NOON TUESDAY Send. cash, stamps, or money orders and save money PHONE 985-7383 -- Clip this out for reference. In Memoriam Card of Thonks S1ohd At Rest ) | SCE Coming Events Coming Events h =] RENT wae 4 pe a - REE SEE CHEE ENE « SWAR + SELL RENT Miscellaneous SONLEY, Winnifred Beat- rice -- At the Community Nursing Home Port Perry on Mon,, Oct. 9th, 1972, Winni- fred B. Wilson, beloved wife of the late Russell Sonlev, dear mother of Walter (Bud) and pre-deceased," by one daughter June. Dear grand. mother of Leanne (Mrs. W. Saunders), Sherlyn (Mrs. D. Metcalf), Kathryn (Mrs. M. Malcolm) and Jane Sonley: In her 82nd year. Resting at the Chapel of McDermott: Panabaker, Port Perry for service on Thurs. at 2 p.m. Interment Pine Grove Ceme- tery. RUMMAGE SALE 21st OCTOBER. Anglican Parish Hall, '10:00 am. to 4:00. p.m, Sponsored - by ACW, 2--0ct.18 MANCHESTER U.C.W, Mis. sion service illustrated talk by Mrs. Ron White, daughter in-law of Mom White. Guest soloist Mrs, Humphrey. Wed. nesday, October 18 at 8 p.m. Collection for Mission service. Refreshments, All welcome. -- DANCE Liberal re-election Campaign 'Young Liberal' Dance. Guest of honour Mr. Norman Cafik M.P. Port Perry High School Fri., Oct. 20, 8 p.m. - 12 am. $1.50 . Dress. Casual, Music by 'Uncle John's Dirty Secret' (formerly Fusion), MONTHLY MEETING of the Hospital Auxiliary, Monday, October 16th at 2:00 p.m. at the Hosiptal. All Wel- EUCHRE at Utica Hall Fri. day, October 13th, 8 p.m. sharp. Prizes and lunch. Admission 50c. Ladies with lunch free. come. NORMAN CAFIK, Liberal M.P. will be making two visits to Port Perry during the coming week. See details Announcemen Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Noten- boom wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Adriana (Amme) Jn. hanna to Philip Wayne Pugh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Merlyn Pugh, Prince Albert. Wed. ding to take place Nov. 10th, :00 p.m. at Prince Albert United Church, Prince Albert: Notice MARK--In loving memory of the most dearest dad and grandpa, Alton Mark, who passed away Oct. 5, 1961. God gave us a wonderful father, His memory will never grow old. He fashioned his smile out of sunshine, He moulded his heart of He chose that dear father of ours. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by daughter Marlene, son-in-law Bob & grandchildren Sharon, Carol, Barry, Garry & Brian. A special thank you to friends, relatives and neigh- bours for cards, flowers and visits during my stay in hos- pital. Thanks to Drs. Lar- son, Fang and Sanderson. Special thanks to my mother- in-law and al those who are still looking after me and the family at home. Marilyn Cochrane - e wish to express our ere thanks and apprecia. on to relatives, friends and eighbours, for their cards, floral tributes and donations to the Heart Fund, and many acts of kindness during our recent bereavement in the loss of a loving husband and father, Edward Thompson. Special thanks to Dr. Miller BRADBURN -- In loving Memory of RAY BRADBURN, who left us so suddenly October 13th, 1971. His weary hours and days of pain His troubled nights are past And in our aching hearts we know He has found sweet rest at last. Ever remembered by wife Helen and family Betty, Ronald, and Mary, Al Aston Card of Thanks I wish to thank friends and relatives for visits, gifts, cards and flowers received during my recent stay in Oshawa General Hospital. Harry Bolton 1 wish to express my sin- cere thanks to the nurses & staff of Community Memorial Hospital. A special thank you to Dr. Wm, Cohoon. Eleanor W. Lynde I wish to express my sin- cere thanks to Drs. Martin & McIntyre, Nurses and Staff of Port Perry hospital, to all those who sent cards and fruit. God Bless you one and all. Lloyd Wakeford We would like to take this opportunity to thank our friends at Greenbank for the gift given to us at the time of our marriage. Your thoughtfulness was very much appreciated. for his gentle care while he was at home and in hospital; to McDermott and Panabaker for their funeral arrange. ment; to Reverend Reeves for his words of comfort to our family; to the men of the Canadian Legion who attended the graveside; and to Brignall"s Ambulance Ser- vice who were always so thoughtful and considerate of his comfort no matter what time of day or night they were called. Mrs. Edward Thompson and Family. Births BUCKLEY--At Bracebridge Hospital, to Keith and Janice Buckley, (nee Janice Wilson! Manchester), a son. At Rest PROSSER, Mildred Mae -- At the Community Hospital Port Perry on Sat., Oct. Tth, 1972, Mildred Mae Repath, dearly loved wife of Gerald Prosser, dear mother of Jo- anne (Mrs. E. Munro) Queens: ville, Gayle (Mrs. E. Cooper) Oshawa and Judv of Thorn- hill; also survived by 5 grand- children, loving sister of Al bert and Harold, both of Micsicauga. & the late Allan Repath. Funeral Service at the Chapel of McDermott: Panabaker. Port Porrv on Tues., Oct. 10th at 2:00 p.m. Interment Glendale Memorial ARTEX Hobby Products for Christmas supplement and supplies. Phone Mrs. Jean Wilson. 986-5115. 4--0Oct.11 ANNUAL BAZAAR C.W.L. will hold their annual bazaar in the Catholic Hall Saturday, October 28th, 2 to 4 p.m. Home Baking, Sew- ing, Fish Pond, nearly new toys, tea tables. Free Draws. 3--O0ct.25 on Page 21 of this issue. NOTICE Liberal Re-Election-Campaign Lunch at Conway Gardens on Wed., Oct, 18th at 12 noon. Norman Cafik, M.P. is the speaker, Tickets are $2.00 per person. -Phone Miriam CHRISTMAS BAZAAR NOV. 25th, 1972, at Anglican Church, Port Perry. Gifts, Home Baking and Tea. ° BUS oe DeNure . CALIFORNIA & MEXICO 25 days - Jan. 22nd & Feb. 19th, Phone Mrs, J. Robert: son 985-2598. , Price 985-2882 or Georgia Brendon 985-3156, COME TO DINNER Blackstock Recreation Centre Thursday, October 19th at 6:30 p.m. Price $1.75 "Lun- cheon is Served". Sponsored by United Church Manse Committee. Draw and bazaar followed by progressive euchre, prizes and light re- ANYONE interested in play- ing Broomball attend a gen- eral meeting Sunday, October 15th at 2 p.m. at Port Perry ALL CANDIDATE MEETING for Ontario Riding candidates in Ashburn Community Cen- tre, Wednesday, Oct. 18th, 8 p.m, freshments. BOY SCOUT Arena, Coming Events BINGO - Thursday, "October 12th at 8:00 p.m. at Legion. Hall-+Xackepot <5160.00 in 50 humbers . Special $5.00 per line and $10 full card. RUMMAGE SALE Guides & Brownies Rum- mage Sale, Friday, Oct. 13, 1972, 9 am. - 3 p.m. Scout Hall. Bring Rummage to Scout Hall Thursday, Oct. 12, 1972 between 7-9 p.m. For Pick-up Phone 985-3216. 2--O0ct.11 TURKEY SUPPER Grace Church, Scugog, Wed- nesday, October 18th. Set- tings at 5, 6 & 7 p.m, Adults $2.00, children under 12 $1.00 (preschoolers free). For tic- kets call Mrs. Maurice Fra- lick, or Mr. John Beckett. DISPLAY OF -- CRAFTS - NEEDLEWORK OIL PAINTING October 21st BY Louise Patterson Handicraft i Guild AT St. John's Presbyterian Church, Port Perry = 1 p.m. to 8 p.m, (Some Articles For Sale) 3--O0ct.18 HOT LUNCHEON Friday, October 20th, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. St. John's Presbyterian Church. } Tickets $1.50. 3--0O0ct.18 TURKEY SUPPER At the Oddfellows Hall, on WED., OCTOBER 25th, 1972. Settings at 5:00, 6:00 & 7:00 Bi Adults $2.00. Children 1.00. Tickets available rom Rae Webster 985-3062. 3--0ct.18 MASQUERADE DANCE Sponsored by Seagrave Brownie & Guide' Mothers, October 28th at Club Ann- rene. Advance tickets on EUCHRE - Saturday, Oct. 14 at 8 .p.m. Oddfellows Hall. Sponsored by Maybelle Re- bekah Lodge. Admission 50c. Prizes, and lunch. - em AT HOME low, Blackstock, will be at home to their friends and relatives on the orcasion of their fiftieth wedding anni- versary, October 28th, 1972, 2-4 p.m. and 7-9 p.m., at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Gwenyth and Ivan Ivan Thompson, Nestleton. Best wishes only please. 3--0ct.25 HOT LUNCHEON & PLAQUE PARTY October 25th at 12:00 p.m. Seagrave Church. Sponsored by Seagrave Brownie and Guide Mothers. HOT TURKEY DINNER The Sunderland U.C.W. will be serving their annual hot Turkey Dinner, with plum pudding and all the trim- mings, on Wed., Oct. 25th, beginning at 4:00 p.m. until all are served. Adults $2 00. Public School Pupils $1.00. 2--0ct.11-18 WALT DISNEY'S "NIKKI", Wild Dog of The North, will be shown in the United Church Auditorium, Friday, October 20th, 7:30 p.m,, Saturday, October 21st, 2:00 p.m. 2--O0ct.18 TEA & BAKE SALE Wednesday, November 22 at 2:30 p.m. at Manchester Church, sponsored by the U.C.W. Excellent home bak- ing. 3--O0ct.11, Nov.15-22 NEED MUSIC? IY for a WEDDING 4 DANCE PARTY etc. Call 985-3089 LS Mr, and Mrs. Wallace Mar-|- APPLE DAY October "FREE" - Your own snow- mobile repair parts & acces- sory catalogue - "Save up to 30% - Just mail your name and address to "Direct Dis- tributing Inc, P.O. Box 1178, Hull, - Quebec, Canada. A Complete selection of parts & accessories to choose from, No matter where you live, RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS for the home and farm. Your dealer A. L. Sutcliffe 985. 7844. j « HOLSTEIN HEIFERS BEEF STOCKERS Young - & started calves Call Keith Page Uxbridge 852-3923 FOR SALE -- Spacious older home, combines original charm with - conveniences - beamed ceiling, broadloom, hardwood. 4 bedrooms, 114 baths, plentiful kitchen cup. boards. Detached garage. Corner lot,> Trees Close to shopping. $5,000.00 down. Phone 985-3305, T.F. BROADLOOM -- Oshawa's Lowest Prices on: #1 Broad- loom ----- We specialize: in New - Home Installations. Guaranteed Lowest 'Possible Prices. . Armstrong: Sports Limited, 2101 Simcoe StioN.,, Oshawa. 7232808. ~~ i ! .3mos.--Nov'8 NEW and USED: vacuum makes, FYE, CHAS pick. up and 'delivery. 985-7704 evenings. 5--Sept.27 MERCURY OUTBOARDS, Mercruiser, stern drives, Grew . & Springbok Boats, Can, Exploere trailers; All accessories. Gord's Marine, Claremont, 649-2007. CONTENTS from Model home, chesterfield and mat- ching chair, dining room suite, bedroom suite, desk, bookcase stereo & T.V., broadloom rug 9x12, coffee and end tables, etc. etc. All items like new. Phone Osh. 13 ana 14 awa 728-3473 TF. Tea and FAIRVIEW LODGE ANNUAL Wed., October 18th at 2.00 p.m. Bazaar Port Perry Figure Sunday, 6 WEEK SESSION Cost $15.00 Bob and Linda Hunter Cemetery, Woodbridge. sale. 2--0ct.11-25 P:Hyvidsten after 6p.m. POWER SKATING ~ FINAL Registration Date HOWARD HALL 985-2272 Skating Club Oct. 14 Register Now with LE you'll always recive fast service. 4--O0ct.24 Ty \ For Sale ® L Q ® v » . 3 - * 5 ® 3 $ [ 4 4 ¢ v3 {] ® " » ° [Y »

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