Blackstock News U.C.W. The December meeting of the afternoon unit of the U.C.W. met at the home of Flora Samells with 18 mem- bers, 8 visitors and 2 children. Florence Larter opened with a Christmas verse after which several Christmas hymns. Margaret VanCamp conducted the worship opening with a poem "The Star that shone Over Bethlehem™ continuing on the Christmas theme ending with offering and benedic- tion. Visiting ladies that were raised in three dif- ferent countires, Germany, Holland and Denmark told of Christmas customs in their country. The .. January General meeting will be January 9th while the af- ternoon meeting will be January 15th at the home of Alma Taylor. Mrs. Adams gave a reading "Let's Grow Too, Old" to conclude a lovely Christmas meeting. Ladies Auxiliary On Monday, December 11 with 10 members present the L.A. for the Brownies, Guides, Cubs and Scouts met at the Recreation Centre, Blackstock. Mrs. Welts, President wel- comed the ladies. The min- utes from the last meeting were read. Margaret Duivestyn, treasurer, gave her report of bills paid and balance in the bank. There was a training night for the New Group Com- mittee at Camp Samac. The L.A. request the return of unused Cub and Scout scarves as they can be used again. As a request by the ladies for a report of the activities during the sum- mer, Mrs. Welts showed the ladies the Olympic Flags made by A and B Packs for entering in the Cuborree. A pack won 3rd prize and B Pack won 1st prize. The Group Committee has planned to have an annual "Scouters Dance' at Black- stock the first one to be on January 27, 1973. Tickets are $5.00 per couple. A band has been arranged and also a buffett lunch. The ladies discussed and will supply salads for the buffett. Margaret Duivestyn has taken over the position of sending out cards from Riet Post so cbntact Margaret now, please. A crest representing Dur- ham to be placed on the boys' uniforms was also discussed. If you have any ideas please let us know. A crest representing Dur- ham to be placed on the boys' GOING OVERSEAS You'll Need A PASSPORT PHOTO Contact Peter Hvidsten 985-7383 PORT PERRY STAR . members and 5 uniforms was also discussed. If you have any ideas please let us know. The ladies picked 3 draw- mgs from a folder sent to Mr. and Mrs. Wells by Mr. George Charland, Akela of Ist Newcastle Pack. The boys had visited the Wells' bird farm and in appreci- ation had sent their drawings of the birds. The 3 drawings will be awarded a prize each. The meeting ended with the Mizpah and coffee was enjoyed. A note - The lingeree Party held by the L.A. at the Caesarea Community Hall, Nov. 19 was a fine success. O.N.O. On December 14, the 0O.N.O. girls met at the home of Joan Grove with 31 visitors present. The minutes were read and adopted and a treasurer's report given. Thank you cards were re- ceived from Heda Mazzar- ola, Thomas Wotten, Claud- ette Borman, Marie Medd and also a letter from the T.B. Society. The girls have agreed to cater to John Arbuckle's wedding on March 24. The New Year's Eve Dance was thoroughly discussed. All the girls brought a gift for their Mystery Sister. Talia Moore was our Santa giving out the beautiful gifts along with a clue for us to guess who it was. After the gills were unwrapped, we had the, draw for next year's Mystery Sister. Joan and her group served a lovely lunch of make-your-own sand- wiches coffee and Christmas Cake. Her many fIriends are sorry to know that Grace Vlieger was rushed to the Hospital Thursday evening but are pleased to know that she is better. . On Saturday evening Misses Betty Bradburn, Kathy Morton, and Marg Fielder were in Oakville where they had dinner with Mary Fran Bateman (nee Grills). Afterward they at- tended the performance of the Messiah. The students of CHS anx- iously awaited the results of their examinations that we completed two weeks ago. First term report cards were received by the students and their parents last Wednes- day. On Thursday parent- teacher interviews were held in the afternoon and evening. Thanks to Mr. Payne and his industrious art class CHS entered a box train in Port Perry's Santa Claus parade last Saturday. Also CHS has been busy with preparations for their upcoming annual Christmas Dance. ot ' 0 nT aa A *, ' a wo i BN SS aaa. v Blackstock W J PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Dec. 20, 1972 -- 23 Handicraft Guild The Lord's Prayer. Amusing and interesting letters were read from Mrs. Patterson The Christmas meeting of the Blackstock Women's In stitute was held in the Township Hall on the eve ning of December 6 with an excellent attendance. The meeting opened by singing the Ode and repeat ing the collect Our president then ex pressed a warm welcome to everyone present. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Thank you notes were read for gifts presented by the Institute and received at About twenty-three mem bers of the Handicraft Guild met in the Presbyterian Church Hall at noon on Wednesday, Decembd 13, where they all enjoyed a delcious pot luck luncheon So many and varied were the dishes that all though of calories were forgotten Immediately following lunch, Mrs. Baker acting "Mrs. Santa" assisted by Mrs. - Robertson gave out gifts which were admired by enjoying the sunny south. Mrs Kay Smith are the nominal ing committee. Mrs. Melba Owen and Mrs. G. Myce Donald will be next month's hostesses The turned over to Sandy Sinclair i sR IBYAYY Miss Kent who is DeYonge and Mrs meeting was then who very ably and patiently Commencement by oul standing students of our all High School. The President, Mrs. Na- The roll call provided a ples opened the meeting with laugh when each member told of a sleigh-ride incident from thier childhood days. A very timely and amusing skit "Putting up the Christ- mas tree," was given by Mrs. Huggins. Background music by several of the ladies described the usual problems of the yearly task Everyone enjoyed a pro- gram of Christmas music given by the pupils of Gladys Thompson. The program was brought to a close by the reading by Mrs. P. VanCamp of the familiar "Twas the night before Christmas." A chorus consisting of Mrs. K. Samells, Mrs. Huggins, Mrs. H. McLaughlin, Mrs Taylor and Mrs. Thompson sang Christmas Carols. showed us how to make a silver foil mobile or parcel decoration Now Is The Time To Order Your WINTER Money on DX Premium Quality Fuel Oil Call Collect 668-3381 DX FUEL OIL CALL US TODAY . FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE Mrs. Gi. Strong TOO LATE IT'S NEVER to brighten christmas your from... OCCASSIONAL CHAIRS priced from as low Good selection of... COFFEE & END TABL Queen St. Port Perry