SAN LY TAN YY lity Sr REI tH nN a th tS lb aN 20 Port Perry Star Christmas Edition. 1972 Lore and Legend Express Mood of Season al legend and lore of the Yule tide. Yet virtually every nation and every home and family, too has its special way ol From home to home, from country to country. Yule cele brations abound. The happy traditions of gift giving. home decorating. carol singing, card celebrating Christmas, and its sending, candle lighting and special memories of Christ- tree trimming express the mas past. merriment of the season Popular folk custms of na tion after nation have been absorbed into the internation- of Carrying in Straw Straw is a, traditional part Christmas celebrations in May a peaceful and cheery Yule be yours. Your loyalty is greatly appreciated. ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 419 -- PORT PERRY Alay your happiness grow more each day . warm gratitude for letting us serve you. IVES GREENHOUSES R.R. 1, PORT PERRY, ONT. Fost a last minute check. Santa wants to make sure every detail is just right so you can have the merriest, happiest Christmas ever! ds MANAGEMENT and STAFF OF PORT PERRY [.G.A. Sweden in probable remem- brance of the first Christmas when there was straw in the manger. While "carrying in the Christmas straw" is a tradi- tion rather than a modern cus- tom, Swedish people still make straw and wooden figures to hang on their Christmas trees. "San Tan, Lou Yin" In Hong Kong, Santa Claus goes by the name of "San Tan You Lin." The Hong Kong department stores employ elderly men who are specially tostumed for the season. Just like Santa Claus, San Tan You Lin is pfesent for the purpose of hoping the youngsters on his knee and listening to their requests for gifs Had Charms In ancient Germany, the Yule log was known as the "Christbrand." One belief held that if the charred log was placed in a cornbin, it would act as a charm to ward off mice. If the weather turned stormy, the Christbrand was quickly brought back: to the fire. While it burned, supersti- tion said, the house was safe from lightning. Log IV's a season rich in brotherly love. Let's share its joys with one and all. JOY and CECIL Newnham nnd Be happy .and full of : " good cheer now and throughout the holiday season. HAPPY HOLIDAYS to -all our customers and friends NONQUON Travel Service Air Merry Christmas Ring out, sing out hearty good wishes for holiday cheer. POPLAR PARK THE BAIRDS Mere' s wishing all of you a very special Merry Christmas! Hoping Christmas brightness lasts all year! Your loyalty is great! BRIAN'S SUPERTEST Across the ages shines the wonder of a Holy Night. May the true meaning of Christmas make your holiday bright. REESOR FUEL and LUMBER