id ER a " . Seagrave News With this last news budget for 1972 we extend to all our sincere good wishes for a pleasant Christmas and a happy New Year. We Seagravers are in- clined to rush Christmas a bit so even now we can report that Mr. and Mrs. Don Beacock and sons joined the rest of the Beacock clan for Christmas dinner in Prince Albert on Saturday. Then on Sunday the Neil Wanamakers had Christmas dinner for all the Seagrave, Oshawa and Port Perry Wanamakers and Miss Sha- ron Sweetman. Alson on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Short, Mrs. Gladys Short and Miss Shirley Short had a Christmas dinner with the Gary Twiners in Mark- ham. We don't suppose for a moment that this ends their celebrations. Our U.C.W. Christmas party on Wednesday night can be regarded as quite successful with between 50 and 60 local ladies in attendance. The early part of the program consisted of a devotional with a Christmas background scene conducted by Mrs. B. Wanamaker, Mrs. Boe, Mrs. R. Puckrin, Mrs, K. Sturman and Mrs. Ron Crosier. Mrs. Abraham, Mrs. Nobbs and M rs. Tobin furnished special music and the audience joined in with the carols. Later there was more music by this ladies trio, readings by Mrs. Bea- cock and Mrs. Barr, games conducted by Mrs. Bruce, contests by Mrs. Belair and a play led by Mrs. Rae Abraham, Mrs. Beacock and Mrs. Watson. When lunch time came Santa put in an appearance and handed out the exchange gifts. On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. B. Warnamaker were guests at the snowy Jeffrey -- Demara wedding in Grace Church, Scugog and the reception at Club Annrene. Mr. and Mrs. W. Farrow, Miss Jean Perrin and Mr. "Bill Morley of Newcastle called on Mrs. Clements on Wednesday. Miss Ida Wray has re- turned to her old home down on-the eleventh and will be staying with Mrs. Phyllis Wray and her sons. Rumour has it that Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lloyd will be leaving our community, having sold their farm, we have no details. Friday's storm played havoc with Christmas Con- cert plans. A nice tree was in place and everything was PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Dec. 20, 1972 -3 ready but the affair had to be postponed until Tuesday night. The christmas Pageant and White Gift Service were separated this year and many wondered what it was all about. The younger generation conducted most, of the latter service this year by taking the readings, stories, music ete. S.S. classes brought in their, offering envelopes and the gifts were presented as. | usual. Attendance was only fair due to the Sunday snowdrifts and gifts were not as numerous as usual. The whole thing lasted only 40 minutes and there was no S.S. Well it was a good day for finishing up that Christ- mas card business anyway. On Friday night the Hi-C carol singers will be taking to the road again. Watch for them. Regular services next Sunday. A Soda aaa aaa Men's Two Pant SUITS POSS $99.95 SPORT SHIRTS $7.50 Men's SPORT JACKETS $49.95 $12.50 WINTER COATS ; $22.50 / $25.00 - ~~ McGREGOR SOCKS $1.25 to $2.00 WINTER BOOTS $10.95 to $17.95 A.W. BROCK DD ON SF:W SASL" BOB ASH NO) 39 3 time to splurge! A Lite SOMETHING EXTRA Hor CHisihnies Ladies Cardigans $5.95 : Pullovers - WHERE GOOD FOOD IS ON THE MENU EVERYDAY e ©o o While in town doing your last CHRISTMAS SHOPPING do drop in to Emiels Place. A good place to "Eat and Meet" Phone 985-2066 We will pe closea on Sunday, Dec. 24th & Christmas Day Open Boxing Day For New Years we will close on SUNDAY, DEC. 31st & NEW YEARS DAY $8.95 $4.95 - $7.95 SLIP & PANTY SETS $2.35 - $2.98 BOXED PANTY SETS $2.98 Shoe Bags $1.59 Ladies Gowns $2.98 to $4.95 Purses $2.98 to $7.95 Wallets FISHER-PRICE Animal Scramble... $7.50 Mini-Bus............$4.75 Jolly Jalopy.......$3.25 Corn Popper -...... $4. 50 Chubby Cub......."$7. 501 a 88c GGG HSSOGGEHEGHOGHGSESS SOOOCOOOL OOOO SSS Oooo SSSS GOSS SF I ol GOGH HHHSHOSOSHSSSS