kW el di he a lb eis nim dente Port Perry Star Christmas Edition, 1972 Candles Light the Way J pirougliont the Ages SILENT NIGHT candle features the words and music of the famous Christmas carol. Photo from Hallmark WIBREY CHRISTHIAS As the season of good will comes to us once again, we take the opportunity to bid our friends a Merry Christmas! ELEANORS FLOWERS Christmas Bless SSINGS May the blessings of this JOYOUS season surround you. May your LHe holia: y be merry andyour happiness enduring. GARAGE Althongh it has been sald there was no candle to light the manger in the stable at Bethlehem, still from early times people have placed tapers in windows to light the. way for the Christ Child and welcome Him, In many countries, any- one coming to the door at Christmastime was invited to enter, For some belleved that €hrist Himself would appear at a house with a candle, concealing his iden- tity, to learn the extent of their kindness. Candles have inspired men throughout the ages, linking their bright glow with the beauty of faith. Research by Hallmark can- dle expert John Sinjem re- veals that candles were generally used at Christ- mastime as far back as the 11th Century. Until-the 18th Century they were made primarily from tallow or beeswax. The latter was preferred, as an emblem of Mary's purity, for wax is the product of virgin bees. Many persons believed that bees came from heaven, and it was not unusual for reli- gious institutions to keep swarms of them. According to an early writer, the wax represented Christ's body; the wick, His soul; and the flame His divine nature. The religious symbolism of the candle grew through the centuries after early Christians, huddled in the damp chill catac 5, of Rome, used lighted candles as a source of comfort. New Candle Materials In 1750 a substance from the head of the sperm whale was found to be superior to tallow and beeswax. Later, in 1850, paraffin wax was developed and combined with stearic acid to make candles of the modern type. Bayberry candles with their delicate scent are es- pecially popular at Christ- mas, and they are said to bring good luck to the home. The bayberry candle is uniquely American. Bay- berry bushes grew in great abundance in the new world, and after learning to extract the greenish wax from the wild bayberries, the Pilgrims used it to make candles. Symbolizing Victory In legend, the laurel and the bay have told the story of vic- tory and triumph since the days of ancient Greece. Ivy was the convivial green of pagan holidays, and was supposed to express the joy- ousness of Bacchus. The yew and the cyprus symbolize eter-. nal life. We're singing out our warmest wishes to you for a Holiday richly reward- ing in good cheer and happiness. SWAMP AUTO BODY Doug Robinson - Bruce McCreight BEST WISHES AT Christmas <l0e're hoping the holiday brings you many joys shared with loved ones. It has been a pleasure to serve you. Hank's Excavating GREETINGS Santa's on his way with a sleighful of merry wishes for you, plus a hearty "Thank you" from us, tool JOHN REIGER REAL PORT PERRY REP. -- ESTATE MARION HOPKINS s ¥ 4 EF) | Qc ) Qa y 8 ! 4 ! L 4 3 | & i LS 4 i « WB = i *® »n a. am A v4 | | «Wh ry 2 Ri LS ve