ww We offer congratulations to the Lions Club of Port Perry on the event of their - thirty fifth birthday. Metric System On Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. R. Davison was hostess to the Nestleton W.I. The President Mrs. W. Welts, in her usual charming manner welcomed the ladies. The Opening Ode was sung by the ladies, accompanied on the piano by Mrs. L. Malcolm. It was decided that expenses incurred by the 4H club for materials, gifts etc. shall be shared with the Nestleton W.I. as we have members attending, it is only fair that we pay our share on an equal 'b asis. It was pleasant to see our eldest member Mrs. M. Emmerson in attendance in spite of the inclement weather. Mrs. H. McLaughlin read a poem entitled "The Size of Your, Heart". This was beautifully read as it was written. Mrs. S. Firlit read a 'poem, "So Many Things," which was enjoyed by all. Mrs. A. Beacock read an item titled 'A Cigarette Talks To A Girl." Many items were on the agenda, some of which were set aside until our next meeting. The highlight of the afternoon was a '"'short course" given by Mrs. Welts concerning our impending change in the present system of measurement. The metric system shall be the "in thing" within the next ten years. This system is already being used by hospitals, pharmasists, etc. When this metric system is fully adopted here, we shall be able to export many of 6ur products 'to countries that use it. As of now we could not export many Canadian items as they would not be of use where the metric system is used. Look at a new thermometer, you will see that it is in the metric system. There are many things to learn, but we were informed that it will be easy to adjust to. I'm a little dubious, but as the present system changes so shall we. This is progress. I personally will be terrified to order my chicken food as the space I have is limited and I may wind up with enough feed for all the area chickens as well. In closing, Mrs. B. Heaslip thanked our hostess, after which the ladies recited the "Mary Stewart Collect and the W.I. grace. Miss Ruth Proutt and her committee served a delicious lunch. Instal Officers On Tuesday evening in the hall in Nestleton, Court Lady Snowbird held installation of new officers. Vistors for the occasion were District Dputy D. McReelis, High Marshall, E. Balson 'and Assisting Fraternal Director, Mr. N. -- PE Hill of Brantford. After a short regular meeting at which it was decided that we send our annual cheque to the fund for cancer research, the ceremony began. Our President Anne Lee, bid a warm welcome to our guests. The District Deputy assisted by the High Marshal performed the installation ceremony. Four new officers shall now resume their duties, in their perspective offices. S. Day, Chaplain; J. Bolan, Conducter; M. Bobel, Warden; I. Train, Inner Guard; G. Vleiger, Outer Guard.' The best wishes of the visiting dignitaries was bestowed upon the Court. Mr. N. Hill spoke briefly on the many deeds accom- plished by the Canadian Foresters. The President thanked our guests and bid Norm Hill a safe journey home as Brantford is a long drive in fog. A penny sale was held during a buffet prepared by the girls. It was an impressive and enjoybale evening. Reeve L. Malcolm and Mrs. G. Malcolm attended the Good Roads convention at the Royal York in Toronto last week. Week end visitors at the L. Malcolms were their daughter Bonnie and fiance Mr.- J. Bilton. This young couple will be wed in April. We of the community extend wishes for good health, complete and lasting happiness and God's Bless- ing in their journey through life as man and wife. I am pleased to report that Mrs. Daisy McNeely "has returned home after her stay in hospital. May continued health be hers. Mr. and M rs. R. Davison of Nestleton visited with their son Douglas and his wife in Peterborough on Saturday. Neil and Scott were happy to see their Grandparents too. The win- ter has a way of minimizing visits to loved ones. Mrs. D. Day of Caesarea is in hospital under going tests. Good luck Sandy. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Williams had as a supper guest Mr. G. Finnie on Thursday. In the evening Mr. and Mrs. R. Larmer, Burketon also visited. Little Miss Karen Michelle Doyle wishes to announce that on Sunday, Marc 11, she is to be baptized in the United Church. Rev. V. Parsons shall officiate. Johnnie and Carol Doyle the proud parents of this lovely doll have asked Mr. and Mrs. N. Lee to be Karen Michelle's Godparents. If you haven't a cold perhaps you may see the 'Lady of the Hour" while Mommie and Daddy take pictures. May this child walk gently down the road of life and may God guide her all the way. The Bud Trains have recuperated after the "in- PLUMBING - HEATING Sewer Connections QUALITY WORKMANSHIP E 985-2581 ART PETROZZI cident" in their lives. Irene said she wanted a néw wall anyway, Little Tom and Jerry, twin sons of the J. Fowler's of Caesarea, celebrated their sixth birthday on Saturday. Mommie gave. a party in their honour. Other than the expected tummyache, all went well. Mommie survived too. Mr. J. Allen and fiance Elsie Erkelens of Toronto visited with tthe W. Bolans. Jack is a brother of J. Bolan. The wedding is to be in the manse at Blackstock with Rev. V. Parsons officiating. We wish Jack and Elsie many years of happiness. Nestleton, Caesarea and Who said that love is reserved for the young?? By the time this is published 'they should be up north, far | up north, I hope, because if they aren't then your correspondent had better be. Prize winners at the "Forester's dance on Sat- urday evening were as follows: Door Mr. and Mrs. J. Chaplin of Port Perry, Spot dance Mr. and Mrs. J. Rowett of Caesarea. N. Johnstone and Beacock Hardware donated these prizes. Though not members of the Foresters, many people donated salads etc. to help make this evening the success that it was. It is nice PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, March 14,1973 -- 7 - "ite ' . v A Sits Yih Ema a a ii RB Llp A area news to live in a community where a helping hand is extended so willingly. Signs of Spring? I have seen countless buds on the trees, little girls skipping rope, small boys playing marbles with red little fingers. I watched a lone groundhog as . he surveyed the surrounding terrain for a premature feast of fresh greens. I looked out my kitchen window to see a racoon circling our apple tree. I have witnessed the obnoxious sight and listened to the nerve shattering buzz of reincarnated flies. They rest all winter merely so they are in good health come the sunshine, and then they live up to their well earned reputation as pests. With this beautiful weather we are experiencing, I wonder which will be the most disappointed if cold weather returns . . the children, the animals, the fly or us. Just thoughts... If you see someone without a smile, give him one of yours. I have witnessed nothing as revolting as a pretty young face with profanity spoken through soft lips. 1-D-A DRUG STORES Boot Polish, Wash Clothes, Tooth Brushes, Bath Soap Your choice See our great MIX & MATCH SPECIAL for $100 Instant Loading IDA QUALITY COLOR FILM S5grain 100 BAYER ASPRIN TABLETS 69° ASA TABLETS 500 88° 5 grain CONTAC - C COLD CAPS Reg.*1.59 10's with 1 oz. Trial Size Cough Control" 99¢ MAGNOLAX 16 oz. Reg. or Mint. ¢ Sugg. List $1.69 3 3 POLISH Sugg. List*1.79 PEARL DROPS TOOTH CREST TOOTHPASTE 91° Reg. or Mint Cc Family Size Sugg. List *1.39 FLASHCUBES SYLVANIA Sugg. List *1.77 SYLVANIA MAGICUBES Sugg. List *2.40 40-60-100 Watt Pkgs. of ¢ Operation 2 bulbs Sugg. List *6.95 I ~ LIGHT BULBS 8-10 hr. 99* 3 cubes $1 39 3 cubes $ 1% _ |foronly . 7 for only DEE TEE DEE TEE - 140 oz. "VAP AIR" VAPORIZER $4188 each PORT PERRY'S LAURA SECORD STORE see flyer for complete listings! BRUTONS I-A: DRUGS 985-3548 985-251 ~