; 1 ; I ) & | RJ oe News from Seagrave area While most of our citizens have been busy catching up with the spring work some have been busy moving. The Ward. family didnv= stay long with us and have now gone to live on the Stan Thomas farm east of Green- bank. In their place on Seagrave's main corner are Mr.a nd Mrs. John Warren and family from Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Les Sturman and family lately of Canning- ton are now in their new home at McNeils Corner. The Robert Virgins have left our community and the place on the 12th corner is \ now occupied by the Parsons family. Another bride-to-be Miss Jill Dowson of Port Perry was showered last Wednes- day evening. Her mother Mrs. Reta Boe and her sister Janice had a gathering at the Boe home. Several local ladies were present. The Graham-Billings wed- ding took place in our church on Saturday and we have been told it was a lovely affair, attended by about 75 guests. Neighbours -- Bea- cock Foster, Standish, Jones. and Dowson were among them. The reception Canadian Cancer Society Thanks THANK YOU On behalf of the Port Perry Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society, your Cam- paign Chairman, Arnold Roach, would like to extend appreciation to the Cap- tains and Canvassers generously of their time and as a result put the April Campaign over the top. to those who contributed so generously to help continue the fight against Cancer. Listed below is a break- down of the area contributions. who gave so PORT PERRY "CARTWRIGHT 1974 TOTAL $2,107.15 REACH TWP. iii, $1,770.85 $1,318.00 SCUGOG TWP. oii, $ 308.00 Business, Organizations and Special Donations $ 596.00 $6,100.00 BROOKLIN SPRING FAIR SATURDAY, JUNE 1st, 1974 BROOKLIN COMMUNITY PARK 10 a.m. - Parade 1:30 p.m. - Official Opening (by Regional Chairman Walter Beath) 1:30 p.m. Horse Racing 2:00 p.m. Dog Obedience Show 3:00 p.m. Horse Draw Competition 8:30 p.m. Dancing in Arena grand-, was held at Latcham Centre. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Topping of Montreal spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scott. On Saturday Mrs. Scott and Mrs. Topping were guests at the marriage of Mr. Doug Scott and Miss Dorothy Lucyk of Colmbus at the Greek Orthodox Church in Oshawa. Following the ceremony the bride and groom made a special visit to grandfather Roy Scott who wasn't quite able to attend. This couple plan to live in Port Perry. On Friday evening the Sweetman family held a reception at Latcham Centre for the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Gord Sweetman. There was quite a crowd of close relatives and a few other couples at this party. These included the B. Wanama- kers, the Ken Sturmans and the Belairs from Seagrave. We are quite sure that Mr. Fred Balling would rather be at home driving his tractor but he hs been resting in Port Perry Hospital lately. An old friend Mr. Wes Crosier has been there too. We wish them both well. Mr. and Mrs. B. Wana- maker had Sunday supper with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Reynolds in Port Perry. The Scotts had a call from Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Gray of Barrie on Sunday. The Frank Tobin family of Blackstock had a Sunday visit with Mr. and Mrs. John Tobin. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Rodd of Greenbank were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Foster on Sunday and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Heayn dined with the Beacocks after the anniversary. Unit 1. U.CW. had a meeting at the -Abraham home on Wednesday evening to plan for the June meeting' which will be held on Thurs- day. June 13th instead of on the second Wednesday as usual. Mrs. Little of Little Britain will give a demon- stration of flower arrange- ments at that meeting. They also mentioned having a noon luncheon in October but don't worry about it yet. Unit 2. met at the Wana- makers on Thursday eve- ning. They plan a Tupper- ware Party at the church on Wednesday, June 19. Both units made plans for busy Saturday, June 1. Just one week ago there was a front page article in the Toronto Star about the lack of interest in many Sunday Schools. This we can believe after our S.S. anni- versary this week when even some of our office holders weren't there. Services were withdrawn at the other appointments so they could attend. So what? We had 9 people from Greenbank and 4 from Pinedale. It is to be hoped that we can improve on that on the next two Sundays when our services are withdrawn. Mr. Bob Heayn of Prince Albert conducted most of our special service quite accept- ably and sang a solo as well. The choir had a couple of anthems and the kindergar- ten class were scheduled to sing but were pretty weak. They were however quite entertaining. No services next week. Go to Greenbank. A question we would like answered is why would the police have a car which seems to have heen abando- ned. sitting on the main road for more than a week? The Meeting of the Mot- her's Auxilliary of the 1st Scugog Cub and Scout Pack was held at the home of Mrs Anna Breznikar on Tuesday, May 14th. Those present were Mesdames Anna Brez- nikar, Barbara Garside, June Harris, Elva Kerry, Dini Page and Joan Rudkin. A very busy month is. ahead' and there was much to dis- cuss. A Rummage and Bake Sale is to be held at Man- chester Hall on Saturday, June 1st and all contribu- tions of Rummage will be accepted at the Hall on Friday, May 31st. between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. All mothers please do not bring baked goods until Saturday morn- ing. There will be somebody at the hall after 10 a.m. on the 1st and the mothers could use as much assistance as possible for the sale which will commence at 12 noon. On Sunday, June 2nd the boys will be holding their Church Parade at the Utica Church. The Service com- mences at 11:30 a.m. and it is requested that parents have their boys at the Utica Store at 11:15 a.m. sharp. All parents and members of the Boy Scout and Girl Guide organizations are welcome. Saturday, June 8th is the day of the Cuboree to be held at Blackstock Park. All pa- rents. please have the boys there by 9 a.m. sharp. All are' cordially invited to attend this occasion with the boys and it is hoped there will be a good turnout On June 15th the Group Committee will be taking the 20" COLOR TV A bia family size picture compact size cabinet in American Walnut color Zenith - the quality goes in before the name qoes on mn grained *499% J [ PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, May 29th, 1974 -- 13 bovs to the African Salar This is a very exciting place and gives the boys a chance to see wild life in natural surroundings, so il is hoped that there will be a good turnout for this day. It is regretted that itis not possi- ble to take the families of the hoyvs but the cost would be prohibitive after taking into consideration the cost of hiring an extra bus and the cost of entering the Safari. The next Paper Drive which should have been held on June 15th has been post- pooned until Saturday. June 22nd. The rsponse to the last Paper Drive was most en- couraging and it would seem that a Paper Drive every 6 weeks will be very sucess- ful. June 21st - 23rd is the Scout ~ Cub and scout mothers meet Camporee This is to be held al Vines Woods and the Registration Fee is $2.00 to be paid on the 21st at this location. Have a good week. end boys As an experiment the next meeting of the Mother's Auxiliary will be held at the Manchester Church on Mon- day evening, June 10th at 7 p.m. This has been decided upon in order that the Mothers who work during the day may participatge in the Meeting and as the boys will be meeting at the Hall at this time, will all eviate the problem of babysitting. As this will be the last Meeting until the Fall the attendance at this will determine whel- her or not evening meelings should be held in the future. FIRST AID DISPLAY by Bob Heayn, left and- Charles Olliffe, during the inspection last week. Jim Clement is the cadet they are seen working on. When the sun goes down... "the TV comes on! If you want to view the best in color, you should be watching a ENITH color TV a Alearo The ALEXIS + Model E445W Zeer | Algo STEREO COMPONENT STARTER SYSTEM Features 20 watt peak power stereo amplifier EM AM Stereo tuner Diailite automatic tun ng scale selector, Built in 2 1000 speakers e BERMUDA « E4001W 2 speaker matrix *189% If you can't afford to buy a ZENITH COLOR TV why not ask about our Rentals. WE ALSO CARRY ELECTROHOME AIR CONDITIONERS NORMAN'S ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE 1218 Simcoe Street North - Oshawa, Ont - Phone 579-2411