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Port Perry Star, 17 Jul 1974, p. 8

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Snr" 3 3 RE 8 " * - PORT PERR Y STAR - Wednesday, July 17, 1974 Top stars Ruddy Meeks Two worthy champions, each in their right, will be on stage, front and centre, when the 'Kawartha Lakes-Ontar- io Open' Fiddle and Step Dance Contests open their doors on Friday and Satur- A BC "WELL" A HEATED'ROOMS ARE NO GREAT FEAT, (WHEN YoU INSTALL THOMSON Heating & Air Conditioning 985-3365 on compete nd at fiddle contest Graham Townsend day. July 26th and 27th. There will be afternoon and evening performances at The Bobcaygeon-Verulam Community Centre. Friday's program begins at 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. -.the same starting times apply to satur- day. Saturday evening's fin- als conclude with a big wind-up dance featuring Frank Leahy's Orchestra. Graham Townsend marks his 5th consecutive yearly visit since the Contest began in 1970. In 1971 Rudy Meeks won top honours, and this vear will be his 3rd consecu- tive guest appearance. Gra- ham won the 'Canadian Open' Fiddle Contest at Shel- burne. Ontario, 4 times. In August of this year Rudy will be trying to make it 3 years in a row. Both of these fiddlers have large followings from among fiddle music lovers. Plan- now to see and hear them during their visit to Bobcay- geon on July 26th and 27th. Perhaps they will play your favourite tune! Haley, Margaret Bard. + v THE ACADEMY THEATRE THE KAWARTHA SUMMER THEATRE «s Presents JOHN HAMELIN The Hand That Cradles The Rock by Warren Graves Directed by Ronald Ulrich with Karen Hamilton, Davina Turvey, Robert Canada's hit comedy of 1972 - a funny delightful story. (air Conditioned) Curtain Time 8:30 P.M. Adults $3.00 -- ror Reserved Seats Phone 324-9111 Previewing Monday next at Haliburton . . . in LINDSAY, ONTARIO Students $1.50 "THARK'* Demonstration and materials -- LUNCH WILL B DRAINAGE DAY '74 drainage, at the farm of - MIKE VANDENBERG. S.E. of Lindsay off Hwy. No. 7 -- just tollow the signs. Wednesday, July 24 10:30 a.m. - of machinery used in field 3:30 p.m. E AVAILABLE -- NRO AT Le ARON WIT A V8 We) Ar Yori M » TN HI £ NREL A bY LIPATR LAY r \{ bo < i v3 NR [ AO NT AS Sheehan iiseinond bind Sedna ane News from Scugog Press reporter' Beth Wil- son informs us that the Scugog Is. Green Thumbs have had two monthly meet- ings under 4H. In the May meeting they discussed how raw vegetables can aid health. Sandra Krieg started the June meeting with the . 4-H pledge. Following the customary procedure of roll call, minutes, and treasurer report they discussed and reported on the progress of their gardens. The girls were reminded that the Home Economist would be coming around on July 17 to see these same gardens. The Island Women's insti- tute will meet at the Hall on Wednesday evening of July 17. Members are reminded to bring 2 articles for the penny sale. We are looking forward to their garage sale one month later at the Centre School. It promises to be very interesting and may list anything from Kittens to antiques. Congratulations to the artist of the flier who sketched members not _nec- essarily Scugog's. I'm sure it will be a real success and lots of fun. On Wednesday evening the "Head" U.C.W. met at the home of Joyce Heayn. The 16 ladies present were pleased to welcome their guest, Mrs. Jones from West Guilford in Haliburton. The group in charge had chosen a Patriotic theme in keeping with "Canada Day." Accordingly Mrs. Helen Redman opened the meeting with an appropriate thought, "We are proud of the heri- tage that is ours." Joyce Heayn took the scripture from Psalm 46. Bonnie Ger- row and Marion Carter to- gether conducted a Patriotic study and Marilyn Tripp read a poem on '""Canada". Letters or cards of appre- ciation were received from Mrs. Badour of the "Friend- ly Visitors' organization and " from Oliver Reader and family for flowers and offer of lunch at the time of Mrs. Association elects new executive Cartwright Lakeshore Ratepayers Association is going through a period of re-vitalization. "An organiza- tion which primarily had cottage owners as members will hopefully also be joined by permanent residents in the area. According to the new pres- ident, Bruce Walker, a membership drive is now underway in the areas of Shingle Landing, Caearea, Rowan Beach, William's Point, Scugog Beach and View Lake. "We want all interested to join Mr. Walker said, after all we are all concerned about the future of the area, whether we are permanent residents or are enjoying the benefits of the area prim- arily during the summer." A meeting was held at Caesarea on July 13 electing the new officers for the year 1974 - 75. Elected presi- dent was Bruce Walker; past president, Murdo MacGre- gor: vice president, Ernie McMeachin; sec-treas., Grace Walker: recording secretary, Norma Thinnel. Another general meeting will be held in Caesarea Community Hall on August Reader's decease. There. was also a letter enquiring about quilting groups. During roll call, comments or suggestions were made on' church suppers. Marion Carter offered to assist Reta Wilson on the .visiting and flower commit- tee as Camie Samells wished to withdraw owing to uncer- tain health. Mrs. Alva Thompson ex- pressed thanks for the 45th anniversary card she and Clair had received. As there will not be a meet- ing in August, Amy Smith had extended an invitation to the members to visit her home for a swim in their pool and a picnic lunch. So July 22nd was chosen. Please arrive sometime after lunch and bring whatever you wish for a pot luck lunch after the swim. We shall cater at Black- stock on August 10 for a wedding for the daughter of Marie and Lloyd Clark now of Port Perry. Then August 14 has been set for our Chicken Barbecue at 'Grace Church" more information later. It was moved to give a donation of $25. to the Mis- sion and Service Fund ac- companied by a private don- ation in memory of Edna McLaren. It was proposed that the 3 U.C.W.'s of the . Pastoral Charge have a joint meeting in September. Jennifer Pearce, Sandra Pearce and Linda Samells expect to attend Camp Quin- Mo-Lac. Cedar Creek news Mr. and Mrs. Victor Laroc- que are home from attending his Uncle, Jack Larocque"s' funeral at Field. they also visited their son-in-laws and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Grant Beacock at New Liskeard. Martin den Boer has returned to Maryland Uni- versity after a couple of weeks visit with his parents Mr. and Mrs. John den Boer. - At the Cedar Creek poll At the Cedar Creek poll last Monday, Mrs. Lucy | Utica Store 10 % off all items PROPERTY SOLD e-- Wilson was D.R.O., Mrs. Dorothy Catton was Poll Clerk. Scrutineers were Bernice Hunter, Mary Trem- blay, Doug Buller, John Greenwood and George Kil- patrick. The vote was Bowerman, 78; Cafic 99 and Lishman 35. No spoiled ballots. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Carson and Brandon of Guelph visi- ted Mr. and Mrs. John Greenwood on Sunday. George Kilpatrick visited his cousins, the Misses' IDUIDATION "starting Monday, July 22nd at Clara, Edith -and Laura Brown in Toronto on Tuesday. Mrs. Marie Kestle atten- ded the Fifth Internation LaLeche League Conven- tion" in "Chicago from July 11th to the 13th. Mr. and Mrs. Ron John- 'son left Friday evening for a two week visit with Ron's brother in England. David and Arrieanne den Boer were home from Toron- to for the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John den Boer. with Nem mmm The 'Kawartha Lakes - Ontario Open' Ra ---- HDDLE and STEP DANGE GONTESTS 2 f= KS \ UA a apie > n \9t RU DY ME ye Canadl iio P10 1973 \ / ! Vgmti==>" -- - BOBCAYGEON - In The Community Centre FRIDAY & SATURDAY - JULY 26 & 27 1P.M.TO4P.M. and 7 P.M. TO 12 P.M. DAILY A * GALA DANCE Tl * SPECIAL DOOR PRIZES - - FOR TICKETS - Write To: FIDDLE CONTEST TICKETS Box 85, Bobcaygeon, Ont. y); Friday $2.00 - Sararday $3.00 - Combination Ticket $4 74 Tickets Also Available At pert \ RZ GM. Hughes Real Estate 2. fred Bobcaygeon & Fenelon Falls Sw. Joe's Hairstyling & Barbershop. Bobcaygeon » Picken Antiques. Bobcaygeon " Ww . | €

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