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Port Perry Star, 25 Sep 1974, p. 4

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PPS i one dad a 7 ~4 a (continued <r on, a he sad. Mayor Lawrence Malcols said council had to make the final decision on any major renovations to the hall but that it should have a recom- mendation from the Parks Board. The Parks board doesn't want council to impose a w ~ i 4 settlement and Mr. Frew fi pleaded with council not to. 3 He said he had enough i telephone' calls about =3¥ council's decision last week ih. to end garbage collecion and - that he would take his tele- phone off the hook if council th decided to impose a settle- ment in this dispute. The senior citizens spokes- man said that it wouldbe a shame to return the money to the government unspent and that the senior citizens AA I. i Cartwright dispute could make a nice job of renovating the building. A member of the delega- tion who is a member of both the stitute and the Senior Citizens Group, said the stage 1s only used once a year. The Women's Institute use the building for their meetings. Mr. Frew said the Parks Board would hold a meeting as soon as possible this week and reach some type of settlement and hopefully bring it back to a special meeting of council on Friday night. The special meeting of council has been called at the request of the Arena Board to look at proposals for a new arena and council has agreed to hold that part of the meeting in camera. Port Perry SAVINGS Lawrence Pharmacy 209 Queen St. News from Seagrave and area Today the newsmen keep telling us that fall is here. It feels like it. Our most startling news of this week was that Mr. Bernard Standish couldn't be roused on Sunday morning so had been rushed to Osha- wa hospital. The report at time of writing is that he has suffered a recurrence of his heart condition and is still unconscious but the doctors think there is some slight improvement. Thirteen girls turned up to join the Seagrave 4H Club last Wednesday evening for the course entitled "A Club Girl Entertains." They elec- ted the following officers. President - Janice Kuypers. Vice Pres. Bonnie Short. Treas., Diane Howell; Press 985-2231 RT X tea : oR PRUE FN Poo SRR BUY 14 BUY 288 at *14.99 BUY 72 REXALL SUPER PLENAMIN COMBO SPECIALS 4 at? 8.69 at * 4.99 get 144 FREE get 36 FREE get 18 FREE SCOPE MOUTHWASH 24 oz. M.S.R. 52. $ 1 69 CRE 15 Vaseline INTENSIVE BENYLIN -DM COUGH SYRUP VASELINE INTENSIVE CARE 400 cc M.S.R. 2.19 ACACACACICIC lo oe Saaeacseseshe LOTION 0 : C; 535 5255 4 oz. M.S.R.*1.95 "1.99 2 ope ope Lyn gn [ gn Loge [oye Liye Loge LoL Plain or Mint 100 MI. M.S.R.*1.49 99° DRY HAIR CONTROL for Men M.S.R. 51.75 7 oz. CREST Toothpaste $139 | us CONTAC-C COLD CAPS 10s M.S.R.*1.79 $119 1.75 BRUT-33 SPRAY DEODORANT "hy ee 3 1 39 | w Joe Loge Loge Lo Loge Legs Loge Loge [ps ge Lg ago Lee 1 9252525252525¢5¢5¢ 2 Loge Loge Lop Lage [oe Lyn Logo Lg Le ALL 1974 POLAROID SUNGLASSES (Plastic and Steel Frames) -- STOCK REDUCTION SALE -- 1 orc CRS 5552525525255 55 e5e5e 525252525 J-- 0 Ea Y / 4 Rexall Hair Care Products: CONDITIONING CREME RINSE \ CONDITIONING CREME SHAMPOO | HERBAL SHAMPOO WITH PROTEIN NATURAL COCONUT OIL SHAMPOO § YOUR CHOICE WITH COUPON yeaa aesesese Reporter, Laura Procunier. Their first evening was spent on flower arrangements. The only out-of-town visit that has been reported this week is that of Mr. and Mrs. Venner who are spending a few days with Mr. Venner's sister in Owen Sound: On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Tom Venner' and family from Mississauga visited at the home place. Miss Marilyn McMillan from Toronto spent the week end with her mother. Mrs. Reta Boe and Mrs. Metcalfe from Bowmanville and Mr. and Mrs. H. Short from just around the corner for Sunday dinner, and had her daughter Mrs. Dowson and Mrs. Reta Brown of Port Perry as afternoon callers. Does anyone remember St ve 'Boundey who lived w:h Mr. and Mrs. Don MacTaggart about 50 years ago? He lives in Toronto and with his wife returned to the old community on Sunday. They called on his old teac- her and planned calling on Bert Wanamaker but appar- ently thought the Wanama- kers had enough company as they were entertaining Rev. J. and Mrs. Roundell and Rev. R Brawn. Mr. and Mrs. Les Third had a big week end. On Saturday evening, they at- tended the marriage of their granddaughter Miss Vicky Third to Mr. Brad Findley in Janetville United Church. Capes are in style again so for this occasion Mrs. Third wore a cape that her grand- mother the late Mrs. Mark Hunter of Scarboro had worn at her grandson's wedding some years ago. And whose wedding was that? Don and Margaret Hunters of course. On Sunday the Thirds were present at the 50th. wedding anniversary reception for Mr. and Mrs. Alf Miller of Unionville which took place at the home of their daughter Mrs. Paul Minguery in Mar- kham. The Thirds made church on Sunday too. Mrs. Phyllis Wray's rea- son for non-attendance at church was 'company for dinner'. They were Mr. and Mrs. H. Warle. Mrs. Alice Moore and Terry Moore from Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Allan"Ashton and family of Sonya were Sunday dinner guests at the Don Beacock™ home. On Tuesday, Don and Marilyn called on Mr. Lloyd Bea- cock in Toronto "General Hospital. We won't do any boasting about attendance at our it to Region wants quick action' Despite objections from Scugog Mayor Lawrence Malcolm. Durham will ask the province to quickly settle its difference with its social workers regarding mileage allowance payments. Some Durham area pro- vincial social workers have refused to use'their cars to make calls on welfare cases because of the dispute and as a result, regional workers have made the calls. Mr. Malcolm said that the region didn't have the right to tell the province to give their employees what they were asking for. He said the region would object to any such provincial interference in matters concerning regio- nal employees. church anniversary either by those from around home, or those from the sister congregations. Neverthe- less, we had a ggod service by Rev. Brawn of Port Perry and the Freeman quartette from Uxbridgé were more than generous with their good music. Next Sunday - all as usual with Mr. Roundell in the pul-: pit. In the evening a S.S. meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken ' Sturman. On October 2, (Wed.) Unit. / 1, U.C.W. will be having their luncheon at 12:30 at the church. On Oct. 7 (Mon.) Unit 2 U.C.W. will sponsor a Sarah Coventry Jewellery demon- stration at the home of Mrs. Don Hunter, 8 o'clock is the time. All ladies are invited to both gatherings. Anyone wishing to get greeting cards would help the U.C.W. by ordering them at the store. Seagrave 1H Club Once again 4-H has started on September 18 at the Sea- grave United Church. This unit is called "The Club Girl Entertains." It is nice to see all the girls from past units and we would like to wel- come Shelly Harrison to our club. The meeting opened with the 4-H pledge. The mem- ber's pamphlet and "Fun with Flowers" were handed =~ oul. The following officers were elected: President, Janice Kuypers; Vice Presi- dent, Bonnie Short; Treas- urer, Diane Howel; Press Secretary, Laura Procunier. The collection was $1.19 and the balance is $21.77. We decided on orange covers for our record books and will pick a name for the club next week. Meetings will continue to be 'on Wednesdays at seven o'clock at the Sea- grave United Church. Achievement day is on December 7th and we are required to bring an exhibit, "a table set for two." " The do's and don'ts of flower arranging were dis- cussed and also flower arrangements for mantel pieces. " During group work we all tried our hand at flower arranging. The leaders helped to correct mistakes. We closed with the 4-H pledge. Laura Procunier Province surprises Region of Durham Although the Ontario gov- ernment turned over addit- ional planning responsibility to the Durham region on August 29, it didn't bother to send a letter notifying the region until August 30. And the letter didn't arrive for another week after that. As aresult, the region isn't prepared to take over the re- sponsibility of reviewing de- cisions of the committees of adjustment and the land division committees of the local municipalities. New rules for tennis court Rules that will restrict play on Port Perry's new tennis courts on Monday and Thursday evenings and Wednesday afternoons were approved by Scugog council Monday night. The rules submitted by the Board of Directors state that there willbe tennis club play only on Monday and Wednes- day from 6 p.m. to dark and on Wednesday from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Another. rule states that only persons over 16 years of age may play on the courts after 6 p.m. Under the new rules, players waiting to play must wait outside the courts or be seated inside the courts. Also, players must limit their playing time to 45 minutes for singles and one hour for doubles when other players are waiting. the rules willbe posted at the courts as soon, as poss- ible. ~~ The Flamingos will play their first exhibition game on Thursday, September 26 in Uxbridge Arena against Port Hope Panthers and a second game the same place against Whitby Young Bruins bn Sunday, September 29. Game times are at 8:15 p.m. AA ANANANANASAA DASA AAS ad Dr. M. Michael, regional director of planning, said it would take at least two months to get the staff prepared if the staff was available. Regional Chairman Walter Beath said that although this matter had been discussed briefly at a meeting of regional chairmans he had in no way indicated that Dur- ham was ready to take over these responsibilities. Councillors objected to the fact that the letter from the province said the matter had been discussed with the regions when it hadn't. The matter was referred tot he Planning and Develop- ment committee for urgent action. Vandals break store windows Two large glass windows at a Water Street Shopping Plaza, were broken by van- dals last week. The plaza, located near Casimir Street, is still under construction. Whitby provincial police said the two windows, which were five feet by seven feet, had a total value of about $500. No arrests have been- made in connection with the incident. Police also report that a Ministry of Transportation and Communication picnic table was stolen from the roadside park area in Man- chester last week. Minor injuries were repor- ted by police in a mishap at Ontario County Road 2 and Highway 7A on Friday at 9:45 p.m. Police said cars driven by Peter Brown, 48, of Scar- borough and Donald Iliffe, 39, or Peterborough were in collision in the intersection. Damage in the mishap are estimated at about $800. Clara Brown, 57, received minor injuries in the acci- dent.

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