- Us VS - Ve @ Laide sation atid dude tel dawn Cam od SX oo PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Dec. 11, 1974 -- 9 Of Facts and Fantasy 2 a Bh (i House or Howars Lec -------- by Reta M. Berrill 4 . CIR OPEN Hyancinths for the Soul : bry i" $ EV ERY NIGHT "TILL { The Great Depression we.call it now, But there wa a eally nothing great about it for anyone who was there a nd we were there. 11 Picking up our daily newspaper we can find many a, ages of Help Wanted, ads. Even as we read more and N \ ) Q \) © KEA nore about problems of unemployment. Yet, looking A. ack to that other time we recall when one single ad. A , ne position to be filled, would bring a block-long ine-up of hopefuls. What a difference! Pb RE is dL 0 Monday to Friday 9:00 A.M. t0 9:00 P.M. Saturday 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. ~ - Sr tae I en wl, Sa we we wo ~~ A RE NE SC ON ~~ or a life of luxury either. Just a job; a way to pay for ur bed and bread. No one could afford to support a ponger even if one would submit to sponging. Work as not a dirty word, though 'often the work was dirty literally) and any honest work was taken, because ust to stay out of debt was by far the current, greates mbition of the masses. This demon touched everyone and rested on many. hat the people did was mostly, to make do or do ithout. Not everyone had a radio. Some had cars and ouldn't afford to use them. Telephones were taken ou r disconnected. Everything -- cut to the bares : necessities. : Any person of middle-age or past it has his own emories. And some can even joke about it now. The : monotony, the weariness and futility. As we heard one :man exclaim when reminiscing "I was so hungry for : meat that to see a cow would make me drool." : Oh, there was a welfare system, but there was also : a thing called Pride that kept getting in the way of it. : And welfare was not given to the young unmarrieds. : Although we knew one couple who were accused of etting married so they could qualify. And with this flood of rememberance comes : another little story from those shadowy years. : In a school classroom on the outer edge of a : scattered city-suburb a little girl was noted by her : teacher as becoming more and more listless until -- one : day she fainted -- of hunger. With great foresight and tact this teacher took up a i collection (nickles and dimes) and presented it to the parents. A family, stricken early and hard, but clinging tenaciously to the remnants of their indepen ence. G ' The following day it was a radiantly happy- child ey that announced, they'd had the best supper! And IN FURNITURE there'd been enough money left-over to take them all to AAS the show. ) : Her teacher was aghast. Such ingratitude! A . T.V. = STEREO show! When the four people could have eaten for another day, or more. The story was widely spread. HURRY - SALE PRICES APPLY ONLY TO IN STOCK MERCHANDISE. BRAEMORE French Provincial LIVING ROOM We Goofed -- We're Overstocked No one disagreed with her, and many unkind comments were uttered. But after many years of life and many lessons in ving, we say.it differently: Perhaps this had been their getaway-route in better times, cure for a sagging morale. And they were ware that such prosaic food as beans and brown bread ould as readily appease the primitive hunger as a portion of fillet mignon. While their greater need was, to escape and forget for awhile, a worldful of wants and woe. Perhaps too, they'd been attuned to that great Persian Poet, Sadi, who, some hundreds of years before had recognized a like need when he wrote, "If of thy mortal goods thou art bereft, And from thy slender store two loaves alone to thee are left, - Sell one, and with the dole buy hyacinths to feed they soul." 5% : » WH y fe oul O53 RIN 5 3 | WITH THE HIGH COST OF FEED YOU CAN'T ; 2] ENE TPR (Rey 7. cat AFFORD TO WASTE IT! POLDENVALE (CANADA) LTD. OME - WESTINGH OFFERS THE ANSWER WITH A No Loss Feeding System FOR EVERY SIZE HERD. BARN OR FIELD INSTALLATIONS. ALSO AVAILABLE EQUIPMENT. FOR INFORMATION CALL 188 300, 241 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY (Dealer Inquiries Invited)