a aaa | TEER SEEN Nn fe gL ¥ "YY oo SEF SEER] EPR? AHR a 3 y 24 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Mar. 5, 1975 Fh) + bua tckondn Neabodtaiod & eat 4 5. N wi PR H Re --------ar 2 &TAN SU CHR adie anid APRIL hol J »¥ - PES BELAY » XIE IE Fr AS fo . ' ¢ ke TE SAIN TDS as EAL Ey ' Blackstock and area news and views Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wright, Oshawa were recent supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dunsmoor and later evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold McLaughlin and girls. A warm welcome is ex- tended to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Oake and family who moved -- into the Stuart Dorrell house. Mr. and Mrs. Oake -moved from Woodville but have been in Canada from Eng- land less than a yeér. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lar- mer and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Graham attended the Canadian Guernsey As- sociation meetings in Brant- ford last week. On Monday two couples from the Nova Scotian Guernsey Associa- tion visited both the Graham and Larmer farms. Sympathy is extended to- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lee and family on the passing of her father Mr. Bill Koxub in Oshawa. Several of the Purple Hill neighbours paid "their respects to their former neighbour in Oshawa on Sun. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Larmer, Mrs. Richard Van- Camp and Lawrence, Miss Doreen VanCamp enjoyed a reunion with Rev. and Mrs. Ted Colwell attending ser- vice at Roseneath United , Church and afterward enjoy- ing a pot luck dinner and afternoon visit at Hastings United Church. Mr. W. Rahm of Tyrone and Mr. and Mrs. G. Rahm of Greenbank were mid week visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hodge and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Newnan and Mr. and Mrs. George McMaster of Coppercliff, Dr. and Mrs. Jack Marlow en- joyed the weekend in the Blackstock area with the Neil Bailey's, the Ivan Thompson's and the Harold Kyte"s. All of these folk as well as many other local couples enjoyed the mixed bonspiel at the Port Perry Curling Rink on Saturday. Winners at the Senior Citi- zens' Card Party were: - Ladies: first Mrs. Bessie 'McCullough, second Mrs. Reid Cook, third Mrs. Pearl Day. Men's: first Yoeman Luke, second Lulu Faint, third Everett Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kemp and Jeffrey entertained Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kemp and Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Saywell from Oshawa to a birthday dinner party in honour of Mr. Stephen Saywell's birthday. Congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Van- Camp, Jayne and David were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van- Camp for a belated anniver- sary dinner. Mrs. Ruth Wilson has re- turned home from an enjoy- ble holiday in Florida. 4-H, Meeting Four by Anne Kristensen On February 25 the 4-H girls met ath the United Church. We opened the meet- ing with the 4-H pledge. Roll Call was *'A place where the twisted chain stitch could be used". The minutes were "read by Janet Weir. Mrs. Martyn talked of uses for the twisted chain stitch and our free choice article. Mrs. Wil- liams then demonstrated the couching outline and the couching crossed stitch. The girls then went ahead and embroidered the stitches on their sampler. We closed the meeting with the 4-H motto. You are reminded that the High School Library is open to the Public on Tuesday evenings from 7:15 to 8:30 p.m. GREENBANK and AREA NEWS In trying to determine whether March came in more like a lion or a lamb, your reporters decided that some other animal might better fit the description - a fox maybe? The Greenbank Women's Institute meeting will be held on Wednesday afternoon, March 12 at the hall. Roll call: Compose a commercial to sell a farm product. The ladies who took the short course on 'More Sewing with Knits", will show the garments they made at that time. GARY YOUNG PLUMBING & HEATING LIMITED Pumps & Water Softeners a Specialty * BROOKLIN, ONT. * 655-4936 BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Need a Good, Reasonable PAINTER INTERIOR & EXTERIOR also Paperhanging Free Estimates CALL MIKE - 985-2930 SANRIDGE Sand & Gravel L GILBANK Blackstock, Ont 986 1868 250 Queen St., A.). SHEPHERD, B. Comm. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Telephone 985-7031 985-2751 Port Perry, Ontario. RELIABLE "PLUMBING & HEATING For Information Phone Bert Faber a H. F. GRANDER Superior Aluminum Phone 985-3743 WINDOWS & DOORS -- 3 Week Delivery -- Ornamental Shutters - Custom Made - All Your Aluminum Needs. CROFTS Driving School Zenith 75900 or 705-786-2982 -- Call Collect -- | Electric Motor Rewinding and Repair MITTON ELECTRIC Tel. 668-2670 208 Chestnut St. East, Whitby, Ont. V-Belts and Pulleys | Bearings Chain and &prockets Ontario Land Surveyor 30B Water Street South PORT PERRY, Ontario | Phone: (416) 985-3600 [DON MYERS CONSTRUCTION | EXCAVATING -- DRAG WORK PORT PERRY -9B85-3142 Walter J. Brown CARPENTRY RENOVATION ODD JOBS Phone 985-3259 Prince Albert, Ont. TIMMS GARAGE COLLISION REPAIRS SPRAY PAINTING FREE ESTIMATES Saintfield 985-7515 Ron Rankin AND SONS General Contracting Plumbing - Carpentry - Electric - Phone 985.7679 'YHygrade Fuels 3197 Danforth Avenue, Scarborogh, 24 Hr. Burner Service - After Hrs. 1-705-324-9649 Agent: Arvice Fisher Port Perry: - 985.7951 193,117). 4 B CENOIISA CINE Sales & Service LHIRGLE Comfort Specialists 'R. S. THOMSON HEATING 985-3365 Robert F. Cooke Drywall Services Nestleton 986-5196 Butt & Son 24 HOUR SEPTIC TANK SERVICE Raglan, Oshawa 723-1042 Joe Buckley Masonry, Britk, Block and Stone Work Cottage Raising - Foundations - r Painting - Eavestroughing - Roofing BUCKLEY MASONRY Oshawa 579-1179 or 579-2542 Alterations Custom Built'Homes by EE ---- STICHMANN HOMES LTD. ( PN bw i gt A Bl Cag) 3 R.R.3 Port.Perry 985-2454 EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED General Insurance -- Port Perry - 985.7306 RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL - INTERIOR - EXTERIOR + DECORATING paperhanging - painting - spraying Special Decorative Finishes for Cement and Blocks BRIAN S. JORDON - PERSONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE BLACKSTOCK 986-4477 INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR Textured Ceilings & Walls FREE ESTIMATES Phone: 985-2778 Calvin Moore Port Perry Star PONTIAC BUICK LIMITED PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Oshawa 655-3365 Port Perry 985-7309 _ nights Mr. and Megara Em- pringham, and Mrs. Doug Empringham visited with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Arch Empringham on Sunday. Friends of Miss Lynda Diceman are invited to a shower in her honour on Monday, March 10th at 8 p.m. at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Diceman. Mr. and Mrs. John Mann attended a fondue party with friends at West Hill on Sat. _evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Innes were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Doug Lunney of Whitby on Sunday. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Lee on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Smith, who recently returned from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Palmer and son Rob- ert Drake of Tokyo, Japan. Also visiting with the Lees on Sunday were Terry, Mark and Scott Howsam and friends. ' Mr. and Alan Empring- ham of Agincourt were Sat. guests of -Mr. and Mrs. Archie Empringham. Con- gratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hunter on the birth of a daughter on Friday, Feb. 28th, also to the proud Grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hunter. their first Grandchild. Garry Lee son of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Lee has return- ed to his employment at Trout. Creek. Many local students will be participat- ing this week in the Sunder- land Lions Club music festi- val. Mrs. Campbell Stone of Sunderland spent Sun. Mr. and Mrs. William ne' and family. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cookman were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Innes and Mrs. Lizzie Cookman of Sunderland Mrs. Minnie Lunney and Merlin of Little Britain. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Studin- sky of Guelph were weekend . guests of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hunter. The Scout, Cub and Brownie Mothers had an attractive display of lamps, plaques, and novelties last Wed. afternoon and evening at the hall. Many thanks to those who helped with the "display and the tea. Miss Janic Stone of London and Miss Jill Stone of Toronto were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Stone. Prize winners at Friday euchre were ' as follows: Ladies, first Jessie Foote, second Phyllis Clarke third Mildred Thompson, draw Lillian St, John. Mens: first Dennis Thompson, sec- ond John Somerville, third Jim Gibson, draw Hardy Noble. Anyone having news for next week please . call 985-7421 or 985-7712. / two new, ¢ <@ ? 4 _