6 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, June 18, 1975 R: H. Cornish students let their presence be known at the Durham Elementary Teachers' Association Track and Field finals meet at Civic Fields in Oshawa, June 4, not only winning firsts but setting all-Durham records. George Burnett (standing, left) set a new Durham record for Boys, 12 years, shot put of 13.02 eters. Tracey Denby (seated, left) won first place in the 800 meter race and setanew record of 2:33.8. Mary Baxter set anew record for the 400 meter event for 13-year-olds of 1:05.0 and placed first in the 200 meter race. Mary was also named the outstanding 13-year-old girl athlete. Standing with the athletes is a proud physical education teacher, John Hinch. Brett Oostermann of Greenbank Public School also set a new record of 8:85 for the triple jump (10 years). Mike Barton of Cartwright Public School, also, placed second in the 800 meter (11 years) event. Epsom and area news Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thornton of Port, Perry called to visit Mother Cawker. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Jeffery of London called at the Jeffery home for a short visit last Monday. Mr. Eddie Maynard of Schomberg and his sister, Mrs. Wally Robinson of Cal- gary, called on their aunt, Mrs. F. Munroe and other relatives in the area. Don't forget to come to the United Church 50th Anniver- sary party on Sunday even- ing, June 22 at 7:30 p.m. A programme will be given by the Sunday School Children. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mac Donald of Toronto spent the weekend at there cottage here. Miss Darlene Christie of Toronto spent Father's Day with here parents. Mr. Herman Cook and Mr. Lionel Drew were also supper guests with the RADIAL TIRES STEEL BELTED WHITEWALLS BLEMISHED WITH WARRANTY SIZES; FR70 - GR70 HR70 HR78 LR70 14 ¥39.90¢a -15 *39.90 ca -15 *46.90 ea - 14 $46.90 ca - 15 %49.90¢a BELTED RADIALS /~ GR78 - 15 We also buy cars for wrecking. AUTO PARTS and WRECKING RR4 PORT PERRY PHONE 985-3132 *32.90 ea Christie's. The Munroe families and Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Mec Knight attended the Crosier picnic at Stouffville on Saturday. - Mr. and Mrs. G. Jeffery called on Mr. and Mrs. John Moore in Oshawa, Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Al Christie were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lynde of; Ashburn on Monday after- noon, A.very good attendance- wise congregation turned out for worship last Sunday morning. In fact, it was pleasing to note visitors pre- sent. Rey. R. Brawn deliver- ed an interesting message and the choir did their share vocally. One enlightening feature of the service was when, com- paratively new residents of our village, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bidgood presented their infant baby, Elaine Margaret to be baptized by our minister, Rev. Brawn, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Green- wood were guests at the vows of her sister, the Todd-Hall wedding, which took place at "Parkwood Place' in Oshawa on Saturday. Mr. Clarence Jeffrey, Regina, Sask. is visiting many homes including his brothers and wives, the Albert, Howard and Grant Jeffrey's, also a niece, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Irvine. Mrs. H. Jewell has return- ed from a few pleasant days visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. Maurice and other relatives Prince Albert area news Beacock attended the inter- esting evening arranged -by the eight Units of the U.C.W. in Port Perry United Church Recreation wing. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jeffrey were Sunday visitors 4 with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jeffrey at Millbrook, where brother, Clarence of Regina, is visiting at present. One evening recently, Mr. and Mrs. L. Beacock had Mr. and Mrs. G. Franklin, Brook- lin, Mr. and Mrs. J. Holtby and: Mr. and Mrs. F. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith HOUSING -RENOVATIONS - ADDITIONS 36 yrs. experience - 20 yrs. in business ALL TRADES LICENCED Ron Rankin & Sons 985-7679 or 985-3776 0000000000000 00000 OOOO NAR = hi hl fl assisted by the Grandfather in Montreal. enjoyed Sunday dinner with * of the baby, the Rev. J. King, Last Tuesday evening, their daughter and husband, B.A. Mesdames Love, Snelgrove, Mr. and Mrs. Don Leslie and Offering collected by Terry Robinson, Jeffrey and family, Seagrave. Hodgins and Bryan Beacock. S.S. Supt. Mr. Roy Robertson ( 3) and teachers conducted a an graduation ceremony of which you will hear more ? later. } How about reserving the ® ¢ date, June 25th, when the U.C.W. sponsor a turkey sup- per. Tickets available from . any member or phone, 2602 or one of our representatives ms % C J. Y. BUKTAW Unite seep In mind UCW. | will be at the SAN MAN MOTEL, Highways 7 church parlors Thursday and 12, Manchester, on JUNE 25th, 1975, between afternoon at 2 o'clock. 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. We all extend many years " of happiness to John and Gladys Love {nee Bent), who Many businesses including: were married in our church - : Saturday afternoon. Agriculture ¢ Manufacturing poe He Messed a Tourism « Construction Brain have been released e Professional Services from the hospital following LR EEE Tela t=] dle Ja OM ATA Yo) [FE] [= their experience. ; The following visitors and Retail Trades, . attended our church service and were entertained at the have obtained loans from IDB to acquire land, home of Mr. and Mrs. buildings, and machinery; to increase working Douglas Bidgood and baby capital; to start a new business; -daughter. Her parents, the and for other purposes : iy Ag Fy res need png tor a Die [sl1ge]sTe LX: 1 nd Mrs. P. Bidgood: a CLA REL RU DIR Ce Xo oI E: TTA M1 e sewhere (o]}] FEB Mrs. A Tubb reasonable terms and conditions, perhaps IDB A Miss M. Tubb, Mr. and Mrs. £anhelpiyou. D. King and Jennifer, all of Oshawa. . On Sunday, Mrs. Helen Jewell joined a gathering of relatives at the home of Mr. [ and Mrs. A. Fielding of Manchester where a thirty- TET - fifth wedding anniversary was arranged honouring a sister:in-law, Mr. and Mrs. P. 22 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA, ONT. Hurst of Midland. \_ Telephone: (416) 576-6800 ' J El OA DAO E oe HEATING ® RESIDENTIAL E « E © RESIDENTIAL e REPAIRS £ £ oe COMMERCIAL £ E ® FARM © WATERLINES E E quarobic Home Sewage Systems £<« E Q . B £ ) : a ) 5) O\ Septic Tanks a E Holding Tanks Sewer & Water Hook-ups = | GENE i Ea £ E g E =