J] rs LJ 1 4 Remember When..? 25 YEARS AGO Thursday, July 20, 1975 The other day on Milner's farm, Scugog Island, Ralph Milner picked up a stool of rye wheat with 97 stalks grown from a single kernel of seed. The stool was four feet tall. Monday evening a boat burned to the water line along side the Port Perry wharf. Mr. Frank Honey was check- ing spark plugs on the motor in replacing an ignition wire to a plug, a spark ignited gas fumes and caused an explos- ion, blowing K. Bateman and Frank Lyle irito the water. Frank Honey had three fingers badly burned and Frank Lyle received slight burns. New telephone rates will be ineffectin Port Perry on July 22 according to A. A. Gilles- pie, Bell telephone manager. Individual residential line will go up from $2.40 to $3.00 and business line from $3.10 to $4.50. 15 YEARS AGO Thursday, July 21, 1960 According to a report from Ontario County Assessor Gordon Hepditch, the popul- ation of the County had increased by 3,000 during the year 1958-1959 or from 64,882 to 67,959. The population of Port Perry in 1959 was 2,210, Uxbridge 2,311, Reach 2,896, Scugog 388. The Ontario County Junior Farmers won the Quinte Dis- trict Junior Farmers Annual Field Day Trophy and the Provincial Junior Farmers' Association Quinte Track and Field Champions trophy in Peterborough, Saturday, July 16. A petition by more than 30 residents in the Chalk Lake - - Glen Major area in Uxbridge Township has requested that Council should zone a defined district as greenbelt to pro- WINTARIO . TICKETS for the JULY 24th DRAW - available at the PORT PERRY STAR INVEST NOW! Victoria & Grey Trust ® Guaranteed Invesiments YL % 5 Years INTEREST is payable half yearly ot nay be left to compound. EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED 191 Queen St. Port Perry Telephone 985-7306 tect the holdings of the pre- sent property-owners. 10 YEARS AGO Thursday, July 22, 1965 A letter signed by N. W. Heayn with a petition enclosed was received at the last Port Perry Council meet- ing, protesting a site on Simcoe Street North for a possible lagoon in connection with the proposed sewage system. Port Perry Council has requested that a represent- ative from Ontario Water Resources Commission be present at a future meeting to discuss the drilling of another well. It was learned that a test hole would cost about $1,000. and a new well about $15,000. Sharpshooters who use insulators on municipal utility power lines for target practice face stiffer penal- ties. The Ontario Legislature has increased the maximum fine from $20.00 to $300.00. The Legion sponsored Squirt ball team won the Markham tournament by defeating Richmond Hill 7-6 in the final game. A Pah 7. he Gl TE Jit Commends Mayor's stand His Honour Malcolm, Mayor of Scugog Township, Township Office, Port Perry, Ontario. Lawrence Your Worship: Re: Proposed Penitentiary - Port Perry area. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the stand you took in council on the above subject.. It is most gratifying to know that we have a Mayor who has the courage of his convictions and who is willing to put the wishes of the people ahead of any personal views that he might have. May we again say many thanks. Yours very truly, H. Frank Sheldon, President. St. Christopher Cottagers' Association. Editor's Note: It is not normally the policy of the STAR to carry Thank You announcements as letters to the editor or on news columns of this newspaper. Such declarations are usually con- sidered as paid advertising ie Bl een uth ioc ---- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, July 23, 1975 -- § Reader's Viewpoint | Questions the benefit of Region Dear Editor: This is a letter to Cart- wright township citizens. I wonder how many of you have been having the same' thoughts that I have since I received my tax bill with the large increase. Just what benefit has regional gov- ernment been to us. I live in Blackstock and I can't think of anything. So why the large increase in taxes? We are having an addition added to the public school. And that is good. Now the expense of four or five portables will be alleviated. But no, I'm wrong. The portables stay. The kinder- garten pupils, who have been taught in a separate building and are carried in the Thank You column of the classified section. It is only due to the emotional nature of the issue that we are making this exception. Mr. H. Frank Sheldon of Don Mills is the president of the association. ESTAT are to be moved to the new addition. The building they 'have been taught in, even though it is very substantial looking, is getting old. And the (powers that be) just love closing buildings and moving to new ones. But what Kind of planning is it to spend thousands of dollars of the taxpayers money for an' addition and still have to keep the portables. Well, there is no sense in having the taxpayers money lying around idle. Probably in a year or so it will be decided the school is out- dated and the portables should go. So therefore a larger school will be built and the present one closed. By that time we will have forgotten about the increase in our taxes this year and: another increase will be the accepted thing. Of course it isn't just Cartwright we have to help. We are in the big region of Scugog. As for Blackstock, don't mention putting'in cul- | CUSTOM BUILT HOMES BY LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER The first phase of "Kent Estates", consisting of 16 custom homes in an attractive setting, is now complete. We invite you to make an appointment to see one of the three remaining homes in this beautiful subdivision. PORT PERRY - 985-3439 is the exclusive agent for KENT ESTATES COME, OR CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT TO SEE ONE OF THESE BEAUTIFUL HOMES OSHAWA - 728-9544 =] = E E £ E E E E Es g £ g Eg E = = : = Eg £ = E : g : = E 8 = 8 = : = g g g 1 = E = 8 E = E Eg E Eg LL 8 | E = g g E Eg 2] £ g E E E E E g Eg E E Eg Eg Eg g Eg g S Eg Eg E = £ gE E 2 : = -] E E -] g g = Eg g gE -] = E = E E g g 8 g g E Follow the signs along Lilla Street to Port Perry north, Turn east on Beech Street. Kent Estates offer you e PAVED & CURBED ROADS e SODDED BOULEVARDS e STORM SEWERS e TREED LOTS e UNDERGROUND HYDRO TIE BB EE TT eT TC k verts and doing some ditch- ing along the roads. Any excess water from rain or sump pumps runs all over (continued on page 6) Should use 'Crown land' Dear Sir: A lot has been written about the Penitentiary but my situation is much differ- ent from what I have read. I have no disagreement about the Penitentiary. The location is my greatest con- cern. The government owns millions of acres known as "Crown lands". Why don't the government use their own land for Peni- tentiaries and airports and leave the homes and occupied lands alone? Youmay haveresentments about this but what was this -- area like a hundred years ago. E. G. Michell. j | {] nT oN Ba rrr X N Tot LY a ole ERAN vi IE A Tar - Fe FEO LS ANT Rh 2) > ot od 25 ATR a Fe CA PAL ge GR; Fo CR Lak