TRAE el, 22 PENA ge AR oye A A A AR EN 8 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Sept. 10, 1975 Expect 150, 000 will * T0 ALL RESIDENTS OF / - . * EY : 3 . attend Plowing Match RST | | This year's Canadian and world match has been held in World Plowing Match will Canada. The first world " .. most likely set a new atten- matchwasheld in Cobourg in : : 2 L dance record. A figure of 1953, and 10 years later, - / . 150.000 was disclosed Thurs plowmen from around the : ) : 7 : : d RRR a aga To All Residents of Scugog: AE ay 4 y. after, "site. just north of Windfields The speakers at the Thurs- ~The Scugog Chamber of Commerce has been accused by some people of only being i Fans. day press and exhibitors day the dollar in this reception centre issue. This is completely untrue, as our constitution Speaking to the about 400 all stressed the importance of _ states that our aim Is for the 'Social, Economic and Civic Welfare of Scugog" and for the representatives for the press a sound and healthy agricul- past.twenty years havé been fairly successful in those areas. Below you will find the ¥ and exhibitors were Durham ture. . answers to a lot of the questions being asked by residents of Scugog. We, the directors, of . 5 ¢ Region Chairman Walter Competitors in the inter- the Chamber unanimously agreed that the proposed reception centre would be a benefit to % Boa Pusey Sharan tlie ] event i nid Sly this community for many reasons too numerous to state in this advertisement. We Committee Chairman Robert the first three days of the strongly feel that our council was elected to make the decisions for us, the people, and Timbers, and Environment match. The Canadian cham- should vote yes on this issue if they themselves feel that it would benefit this community. Minister William Newman. pionships will be held on the To conclude if there are disadvantages (and to date no facts have been found) would they A huge tent city covering third day as well. diminish with the Reception Centre being located in Uxbridge? (Uxbridge voted. in 100 acres will include dis- The final two days, Friday - principal to approve the Reception Centre in their area). i plays of "ageigultural squip- rs when the If we want law and order then morally we must be willing to provide a place where : a Vv } lustrating modern life on a the plows. Plowing for the offenders of our rights are rehabilitated so they can return to soda . © ° Canadian farm. This will be international and Canadian » Fs ours Sincerely. the largest tent city ever willrunfrom about R.E. Drew, President, erected for a World Plowing 2:30 p.m: daily while the Scugog Chamber of Commerce Match. ~ world competitors will be i : EL TE ras giteimss I. It will be the third time the plowing furrows-from about Jif = a rome tide ; 0 tn 1 d rma QUESTIONS . ANSWERS ) ' i i . t policy to hire as note 1. Would any local benefits come from 1. tis present governmen nT le e Ce building the Reception Centre or from local tradésmen and buy goods locally ' New regulations in age of the issue pub- goods required for operating it? wherever possible. the Election Act will lished closest to the |} = 2. 1 : ilable 1 2. 100 of the total 180 would be available (80 only permit campaign election date, the Star i How many jobs would be available"jo 0 . isi : : residents? brought in). advertising for a will be printed and : . . period of 21 days, or published on Tuesday, | Wl 3- Whatyearlygrantwould be payed to the 3... This will depend on assessment and mill more specifically from Sept. 16, rather than township? eT . rate each year. (approx. 80 to 100 August 21 to midnight the usual, Wednesday, . z thousand) September 16, 1975. September 17. 4. How long will prisoners be at the 4. 6 to 10 weeks. To conform with the Advertisersjwanting Reception Centre? < new regulations and space in that parficu- : ? - 5 make it possible for lar issue are asked to 5. Would prisoners receive passes? . Mo. Pass ae i; Issued after 6 the political candi- submit copy earlier PE dates to take advant- than usual. 6. What would stop governments from 6. This is up to our local council as building adding another facility? ) permits would be required. 7. Where would it be located? 7. The Government has stated that they . ° ' would not want recreational or residen. " n S U e r | O r + tial properties. Our council would decide . . ' on possible sites. REEL ~ ° . . C / Al U m | nN U m 8. Why this area? 8. Majority of. prisoners sentenced each I ' = / year in Ontario come from within a 50 ~R.R. 1, PORT PERRY (Corner Con. 88& Hwy 12) ~ § ; Co mile radius of Toronto. oC 9. Will Real Estate values decrease close -9. No proof of this from other Institutional - SIDING - WINDOWS - FASCIA to centre? areas. " SOFFIT DOORS 10. Will insurance costs rise? 10. No. 1¥. Would it addya burden to our roads and 11. No. Only employees and children would TROUGH school budget? require schooling and that would be 12. What would stop the Government from . payed through taxes like the rest of us. -- REYNOLDS DEALER -- changing the Reception, Centre to a 12. Nothing, except it would be very costly. 25 Year Written G t prison? BO rs pelymnige ee ; 13. Do they ever go down? Remember that 13. Would the grant lower our taxes? Scugog has to collect $180,000. per year © IN : § * after the next three years to cover the -. decreasing Provincial grant to regional - ht » municipalities., This equals 10 mills on every tax bill at the present assessment : . : level. Golf ( Ou rse 14. Would the Reception Centre put a 14. The Reception Centre would not need burden on soft services? soft services such as arenas; parks; etc. - : .Garbage would have to be an internal i MANILLA, ONT. 'matter as we have a limit on the amount " . MEN'S OPEN picked up from regular collection. 15. You can't trust Government? 15. This question has a frightening angle. If (4 If . we can't trust the peole we elect then 0 _ democracy is in trouble. If this were true oH PHONE YOUR MAYOR OR COUNCILLOR we waquld be tarring our own representa- Tournament : tives. (4 farmers, 1 R.N., 1 bookkeeper, 1 : AND LET YOUR VIEWS BE KNOWN! minister) with the same brush. Saturday, EA « Sept. 20th LAL Pons LAWRENCE MALCOLM, Mayor - 986-5527 TEE OFF - REG. ROSE 9:00 10:00 (Regional Councillor) - 985-7278 * WU a.m. BOB KENNY ,. ; C in - - ' ENTRY FEE - %6.00 » (Councillor at Large) - 985-2210 : ; NEIL HUNTER JERRY TAYLOR Trophies for Low Gross, Low Net (Councillor Ward 1) - 985-7456 (Councillor Ward 3)- 985-3038 and Special Prizes. BOB BRINKMAN DON FREW (Councillor Ward 2) - 985-7673 (Councillor Waid 4) - 986-5568 » L] ~ EVERYONE WELCOME -