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Port Perry Star, 3 Dec 1975, p. 15

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= GM RH A . y WO GET LA ATLA RRR i § fu PRA , 3% hs TAN Za y pl By Mrs. J. Kelly In last week's news I am very sorry to have missed the names of Shelly McMahon and Cindy McColl . who also won provincial hon- ours at Achievement Day. Congratulations girls! Mr. and Mrs. Tennyson Samells were last Wednes- -day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilson, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Tippet, Be- linda 'and Susie moved over the weekend from Black- stock to an apartment in Toronto. Our best wishes go with them. Winners at the Tuesday evening Senior Citizens' card party with 20 tables were: Ist Russell Larmer 84, 2nd Nora Foley 83, 3rd Pearl Day 82, 4th Ethel Goble 81, 5th Gerard McMahon 80 and 6th 'Yeoman Luke 79, Low Ella Venning. His many friends will be pleased to know that Mr. Larry Hoskin is home again for a short stay with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoskin. He was a Sunday guest of his sister Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Graham and family. Larry who has just spent six months in Europe will be leaving next week for Lake Louise. . Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brack- enbury of Kitchener were Sunday . guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Taylor and - Betty Jane. They all were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and, Mrs. JK. - Noble at Uxbridge. other guests were, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Kester and family of Zephyr. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace "Marlow went to Florida early in November while the Arthur Baileys left Sunday morning for their winter stay in the sunny south. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Say- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Dec. 3, 1975 -- 15 Blackstock area news well of Oshawa entertained their nieces, nephews, broth- ers and sisters to a lovely dinner on Saturday evening. About 40 guests attended this delightful family gathering. On Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Larmer, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larmer, Mr, and Mrs. Richard VanCamp and Mr. and Mrs. Gérald Kelly attended a dinner and even- ing at Solina Hall as a Reunion of former Y.P.U. members of oshawa Presby- tery was held. : Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Van- Camp entertained his mother and father to dinner on Sunday with the evening spent at their home on th occasion of Mr. and Mrs. VanCamps 43rd wedding a- nniversary. Congratulations. Recent visitors of Mrs. A. Fowler were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis from Hamilton. 'Mr. afid Mrs. Bob Bryans went to Lansing, Michigan to "visit with Mr. and Mrs. Art Essery and their Country and Western Band. Mr. and Mrs. Essery were formerly of Courtice and now live in St. Cloud, Minnesota. Steve Bryans spent the weekend in Bowmanville with his cousins Bobbi Ann, Lorri and David Fairey. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Short- ridge and Bill along with Shelia Russell of Richmond Hill visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Price and family at Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Samells attended the Bow- manville High School Com- mencement when their granddaughter Joan receiv- ed her Honourary Gradua- tion Certificate. She is at- . tending Centennial School of Nursing. Following dessert and hot beverage in the Christian Education Centre, the Gen- the Citizenship and Social Tawa eral UCW meeting was open- edat 2 p.m., Nov. 25th by the president, Jean Adams, who read a poem entitled, "Thanks". Marian Carnaghan led the worship, reading from Mark 12 and Luke 10, relating the story of the "Good Samari- tan'. The hymn, "In Christ there is no East or West', was sung, the offering was received and dedicated. Marian Larmer then intro- duced the guest speaker, Mrs. Alan Dickson, who is OE SO at es a ee oo, Action and Friendship and Visiting Convenor of the Osh- Preshyterial UCW 'Executive. She chose as her theme - ACTION - and made us think, in various ways, of action we could or should take - using the quote "Given a situation, if you don't make a decision, you already have." The room was divid- ed into four sections and we a x i on i A were asked to go to one of RH these, depending on how we oa a felt about a variety of given statements. Thus we learned each others thoughts and could see how we often could work together on problems. A number of social and community concerns were discussed by all as we thought of "our neighbour". Contemplation, prayer, and then ACTION is needed in any situation. Bob-Anne closed her mes- sage by reading an appropr- iate peom, "The Jericho Road". Our thanks was ex- pressed by Eileen Mec- Laughlin who presented her with a gift. During the business por- tion of the meeting an invita- tion to attend the evening ¢ Unit meeting on Dec. 1 was extended. Candle making is to be demonstrated. AM SHARP PORT PERRY PLAZA = will be open i MONDAY to FRIDAY fh TIRE 9:00 - 9:00 p.m. 8 SATURDAY DOWSON'S 9:00 - 6:00 p.m. until Christmas '| RED & WHITE | FREE PARKING FOR OVER 300 CARS LEER TANS Er 1 rE TER Pe [FAS

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