The Annual Ontario County Seed Fair and Feed Show was held in the Town Hall, Beaverton, Ont., on Tuesday March 30th, 70 entries were shown in thé various classes by 22 exhibitors. This is a considerable increase over the last year, when there were 55 exhibits shown by 18 exhibitors. The hay section of the show was particularly. strong with most of the in- crease being . in the hay classes. The official judges were Russell Morrison, Beaverton on the grain, corn and potato classes, Eugene Lemon, - Stouffville, on the hay and silage classes, and Paul Ruth, Associate Agricultural : Representative on the ration ©. classes. "The championships in thd various , classes are as follows: 1. Grand Champlon, Award - donated by Milton Parkin - for the exhibitor 'winning the highest points on wheat, oats rye, barley and corn classes - Stan Feasby, R.R.4, Port Perry. 2. Hay Championship - a ,233 Queen Street - Trains Boats Games. Puzzles FRED'S HOBBY SHOP Post Perry - 985-8035 MODELS - SLO CARS Goode & Son Trophy - Roger Holtby, R.R.4, Port Rerry." 3. Oat Championship > Stan Feasby, R.R.4, Port Perry. 4. Barley Championship - Stan Feashy, R.R.4, Port Perry. / : 5. Wheat Championship - Les Smith, R.R.4, Sunder- amplonship - Ivan . Shelled Corn Champion- ship - Gary Hill, R.R.1, Zephyr. ' 9. Potato Champlonship - Albert Hockley, . Claremont, "The afternoon program was under the direction of president Bill Werry, with 45 farmers in attendance. The guest speaker on the program was Professor Robert Fulkerson, 'Depart. ment of Crop Science, Uni-. versity of Guelph. Professor 'Fulkerson spoke on "Forage -R.R.1, Establishment and Manage ment for\Yield and Quality') In his remarks, he review- ed some of the main-cultural Brand New 1976's 1976 power disc brakes. 139961. Drgge Charger, 2 door hardtopi-auto, V8, p.s., radio, fully vinyl roof, deluxe covers, bias-belted white wall tires, Ser. no. To clear at $4,586.00. interior. Ser. $4,467.00. no. 1976 Plymouth Fury, 4 door, auto, power steering & brakes, V8 engine, radio, bias-belted white walls, blue cloth & vinyl 140001. age, power brakes. 269766. $3,966.00. 1976 D100 Pick-up, slant 6 cyl., heavy duty step bumper, heavy duty suspension pack- Ser. no. windows, 1976 B100 Van, auto, p.s.. p.b., passenger heavy duty suspension, & lots more. Ser. no. 023967. $4999.00. seat, new. ment. 1976 Plymouth Volares, Brand Order yours from $3,667.00 with factory equip- Great Used Car Values -- practices, and discussed some of the forage varieties that are of prime impor- tance. It was indicated that some new forage varieties could be expected on the market within the next year or two, that would be super- ior from the standpoint of survival in our wetter soils, Professor Fulkerson emphasized the need to re- duce the competition as much as ible in. the establishment of new forage seedlings. Where a compan: {ion crop of spring grain is used, he suggested sowing the grain in 14 inch rows, with the result that there would be better penetration of light to the new seedlings. He did indicate that there would be some loss in grain yield, but this would not be as great as might be expect- ed, because there would be increased stooling/ of the grain in the wideprows. This would be attribftgble to the fact that more light would Ipenetrate to the crown of the grain plant. From the standpoiht- of winter survival, Professor Fulkerson emphasized the need to leave a good amount of top growth on our- hay fields in the fall. This has the effect 40f holding the snow ard decreases the amount of freezing at ground level. The speaker was intro- duced by Neil Moore, Soils and Crops specialist, and thanked by Vice-president of the' Association, Gary Herrema. The i? is sponsored each year by the Ontario County Soil and Crop Im- 1975 Dart Sport, 2 door, auto, p.s., radio, vinyl roof, & lots more. 'Lic. JWV 393. $3,589.00. . 1975 Coronet Custom, equipped & still under warranty. JRX 864. $3,849.00. 1973 Monte Carlo, factory air. $3,349.00. provement Association in co-operation with the On- tario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Some of the results of the judging are as follows: Fall Wheat - Les Smith, R.R.4, Sunderland, 1st; Oats Stan Feasby, R.R.4, Port Perry, 1st; Barley, 6 rowed - Stan 1st; rs Barley, 2 rowed - Stan slats PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Apr. 14, 1976 -- 35 Seed Fair attracts record mbar of entries % Feasby, R.R.4, Port Perry, Feasby, R.R. 4, Port Perry, - 1st; Shelled Corn - Albert He- witt, R.R.3, Beaverton, 1st; Stan Feasby, R.R4, Port Perry, 2nd; Shelled Corn (High Mois- ture) - Les Smith, R.R.4, Sunderland, 1st; Stan Feas- by, R.R.4, Port Perry, 2nd; Potatoes - Any variety - Albert Hockley, R.R.1, Clarmeont, 1st; _ Haylage or Grass Silage - Les Smith, R.R.4, Sunder- land, 1st; . First Cit Hay (75 percent or more grass) - Roger Holt- by, R.R.4, Port Perry, 1st; Ivan Norton, R.R.1, Good- wood, 2nd; Robert Smith, R.R.2, Port Perry, 3rd; First Cut Hay (75 percent more legume) - Ivan Noiton, R.R.1, Goodwood, 1st; Robert Smith, R.R.2, Port Perry, 2nd; Roger Holtby, R.R4, Port Perry, 3rd; First Cut Hay - Mix Roger Holtby, R.R.4, Port Perry, 1st; Robert i R.R.2, Port Perry, 2nd; S n Feasby, R.R.3, Port Pe 3rd; pent or more legumes) - Roger Holtby, R.R.4, Port Perry, 1st; Ivan Norton, . J loaded, Lic. KFA 831. 4 door, "Second Cut Hay - (50 per- including This week 1973 Dodge Charger, 2 door, hardtop, fully equipped. Just 35,000 miles. 241. $2,889.00. _RR3, Clare ""DON'S CUSTOM - DON'S CUSTOM - CONCRETE FINISHING R.R.1, Goodwood, 2nd; Second Cut Hay - (50 per- cent or more grass) - er Holtby, R.R.4, Port Perry, 1st; Stan Feasby, R.R.4, Port' Perry, 2nd; Robert Smith, R.R.2, Port Perny, 3rd; JUNIOR SECTION: Oats - Lorne Bfitton, R.R.3, Claremont, 1st; * Barley .- rne Britton, ont, 1st; Basement Floors Garage Floors Patios - Sidewalks Concrete Steps <7 ee i First cut Hay - Lorne Brit- ton, R.R.3, Claremont, 1st; Douglas Christie, R.R.4, Port Perry, 2nd; Second Cut Hay - Douglas Christie, R. R.4, Port Perry, 1st; RATION CLASSES ~ SR. SECTION: Dairy Cow - Murray Holtby R.R.4, Port Perry, 1st; Robert Smith, R.R.2, Port Perry, 2nd. - [4] (9-] TTI TITS RESIDENTIAL «| and FARM WIRING 24 hour service | 985-3261 R.R. 2 Port Perry, Ont. (1 mile west off Oshawa Rd. on Conc. 3) - 1972 Ford Maverick G.T.. This week's uncertified special. just $1,199.00. Lic. EAA471. At 1972 Ford. Pick-up, 6 cylinder, auto, camper cap. clean. $2,495.00. 1972 Vega, fully Lic. 2 door, immaculate shape. AUC687. $1,495.00. Lic. Té6 254. 3-speed, radio, 1972 Maverick, 4 door sedan, 6 cyl., auto, radio, 48,000 miles. Lic. EYZ800. To clear at $1,976.00. $1,287.00. JVS $1,295.00. 1971 Dodge Polara, 4 door sedan, vinyl roof, radials, certified. Lic. FBDS571. 1971 Pontiac Catalina, 4 door hardtop, V8, auto, p.s., vinyl [se } PORT PERRY CHRYSLER Phone 985-7329 Highway 7 & 12 MANCHESTER, ONT. --