. ' t \ caldaiia build cb by Mrs. Earl Reader It is nice to have Mr. and Mrs. John Beckett home and back into usual activities after their July trip to the West coast. While there John visited with his brother 8 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Aug. 18, 1976 Scugog Island news and views from New Zealand. They hadn't met since 1942. After the Becketts returned, they spent a weekend in Shel- burne at the Old Time Fiddlers Contest. Then the New Zealand brother arriv- PORT TAVERN now serving Srnovggesiord SERVED: 12:00 noon to 2:00 p.m. Monday to Friday 2.95 OIMNIMIES "CLEARANCE ed at their home and they all drove to Rice Lake to visit a sister. The next lap of his long journey takes him to England. It all sounds like a very exciting and pleasant experience. Mrs. Edna Brekke and Laura have moved to Port Perry and are getting well settled. On Sun. Rev. Wylie cont- inued his series on the Beati- tudes and referred to 'their interpretation in various translations. We are pleased to welcome the summer visitors who are attending regularily. We were glad to chat again with Mrs. Stephen of Estavan Sask. who attend- ed with her daughter Bonnie and grandchildren. Mrs. Stephen enjoys travel. In March she and a daughter flew to Australia where she visited a sister she hadn't seen for over 60 years. Lately, you have noticed extra advertising pertaining to the Scugog Shores Mus- eum on the Island. There are indeed good reasons, with all the special weekend attract- ions of demonstrations. Last Sunday was no exception for interest and crowds. However, if you are main- ly interested in displays a week day is good when the guides are not so busy and you have more chance to realy enjoy the items. I try to go every year and find each visit equally enjoyable, with many changes and additions. You just can't help being impressed with the amount of work, talent and time put into it by people who really care. We hear people, who have lived on the Island most of their lives saying they have never yet been in the museum. They seem to prefer distant fields. Perhaps it's like people who live in Toronto but have never visited Casa Loma or Ontario Place. We learn much about the world from large museums but ours is close to our hearts because it is related to local life. A week ago I took my Aunt from Saskatoon in to We're Clearing Our Lot of Both New & Used Cars!!! 1976 PLYMOUTH VOLARE 2 Door Coupe. Parch- ment & Cloth vinyl seats. D78 white wall tires. 225 slant 6 engine AM radio. Brand new. Ser. no. 370115. 14073. 1976 VOLARE Station Wagon Automatic, slant 6, p.s. p.b., air deflector, radio, white wall belt- ed tires. Vinyl interior. Brand new. Ser. no. MAKE AN OFFER. 318, package. 1976 DODGE D100 PICK-UP Big Mirrors, heavy-duty step bump- ers, H-78 belted tires. Power brakes & full heavy duty suspension Ser. no. 321451, 4223. 1976 DODGE B100 "Street Van" Must be seen. Custom package & Captains chair plus many more extras. Ser. no. 012488, MAKE AN OFFER. 76 CORONET BROUGHAM 4 Door Sedan. Brand new & fully equipped. Ser. no. 242972. MAKE AN OFFER. JMR 263 1975 DODGE ROYAL MONACO - 2 door, h.t., fully equipped and air. '4298. TNW 756. 1975 PLYMOUTH FURY STATION WAGON Automatic, p.s., p.b., radio. 17000 miles. '3889. 1975 DODGE TRADESMAN VAN Slant six engine, 32,000 miles. E83936. 3197. 1974 PONTIAC 2 Door h.t., fully equip- ped, HFT 509. PRICED RIGHT $2799. E96982. 1974 DODGE 4 TON PICKUP Automatic, V8, radio. THIS WEEK onLy 2995. 1973 PONTIAC VENTURA Hatchback, automatic, V8, air. DXO 315. sPeECIAL PRICE $2195. 1973 PLYMOUTH FURY Ill 2 Door H.T., V8 auto, p.s., p.b. DXU 041. A BEAUTY $2395. 1973 PLYMOUTH FURY Ill 4 Door, V8, fully equip- 12189. ped. DYH 128. FRN 037. 1973 CAPRI 2 Door Coupe, V6, 4 speed, radial tires. 12219. 1972 DODGE * TON PICKUP Slant six engine, Cam- per top. E83019. 12185. 1971 FORD MUSTANG: 2 Door, fully recondi- tioned. BHW 191. *1949. 1971 FORD RANCHERO SQUIRE - V8 automa- tic, p.s., p.b., Buckets. *1997. J29611. 1971 MERCURY COMET "4 Door, automatic, radio. EAD 232. '1785. 1973 CHEV NOVA V8 automatic. EAH 443 A BARGAIN $1967. 1971 PONTIAC 4 door, H.T., V8 auto- matic. BHO 229. specIAL Price 998. ey] Highway 7 & 12 - PERRY CHRYSLER MANCHESTER, ONT. Phone 985-7329 see ours. She has. seen many, including the one at Midhurst. But she said ours is different and enjoyed it very much, Next Sunday there is a double feature of attractions. A lady and her daughter will be spinning. Weather per- mitting, some will be done outside. Then for the men or any, who appreciate the art of fine carving, Mr. Lawrence Davis from Sea- grave will demonstrate his talents. Several months ago you saw his picture in the Port Perry Star along with some of his productions. Some Island people knew Mr. Davis and saw his work when he lived at Pine Point on a small farm adjoining the McLaren property. He did carpentry for Eatons and they frequently displayed his carvings in their decor. After retiring, Mr. Davis found it necessary to get a smaller place so moved to Seagrave. So come to the museum on Sunday from 2 to 4p.m. The fee of 50 cents is a mere pittance when you compare it with other admissions. We'll need good weather to accommodate the crowd. While we complain about taxes and high labour costs, we are inclined to ignore the amount of volunteer work done in hospitals, welfare, churches, youth groups, museums, on fair boards, library boards, arena boards blood clinics etc. The list is endless. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Love have had their daughter Barbara and her family visiting from New Brun- swick. Terri Reader of Oshawa spent a week with her grand- parents Mr. and Mrs. Earl Reader. Bill Reader of Toronto visited his parental home prior to his third flight to Hawaii. Linda Samells spent a few days with her friend Joanne Ozaduke at the cottage at Madoc... On Sat. the Island Institute sold refresh- ments at a sale in Port Perry. The Island ladies are becoming quite efficient in this field of endeavour and seem to enjoy it. On Sunday the Fralicks had a family reunion picnic at "Grace" Church on the Island. Mr. and Mrs. John Sweet- man returned from a short- ened holiday. Flower Show The annual flower show of annuals and vegetables of tbe Brooklin Horticultural Society will be held at Brook- lin United Church Hall, Wed. Aug. 25 at 8 p.m. Considered to be the big- gest and most colourful show of the year, the event awards prizes to the best specimen, best arrangement, and best arrangement by novice arranger. The show is on the agenda of the regular meeting of the society, and the regular meeting portion of the pro- gram will include a panel of specialists discussing "'Flo- wering Trees, Shrubs and Vines." The experts are coming: from the Toronto Civic Gard- en Centre. : \ The annual show of the Uxbridge Horticultural Society is being held this year on Saturday, August 28 in the social hall of St.Pauls' Anglican Church, Toronto Street, Uxbridge. The show is open to the public from 2 to 6:30 p.m.