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Port Perry Star, 14 Oct 1976, p. 22

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FUL TARE SSL ANAT + a BN Tg AT . oo MN » ATR LILLY aL AY Or - LAR YA T ANY Ww ot LON fg Mie oo ¥ » of 1 AT YAY A! AMV EN CAM Pid oo Af Na LAY SAR PA anh Sy \ A (Pr OR TS at % \ 'A RENA DARgLr OR SL fs LER TN ZA E BREAKERS L398 SRE VODA NASR STR WRI PIATRA WEAR SERA i! A AIRE Sad ERX WARD 22 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Oct, 14, 1976 L - Cancer Society provides News of interest from Utica u u . By Mrs, Jack Crosler A program will follow the Oshawa Shopping Centre Mrs. Taylor, they spent Ye . information material free Service will be held in Utica supper when the Rev. Sellars will be passing through Utica weekend at Algonquin | ark. United Church on Sunday, of the Zephyr-Sandford on Thursday, Oct. 14, at 9:30 They silsnded A Hilside H H . . 0 0 ; ite simple, Oct. 17th at 11:30 a.m. in Charge will show slides of his . a.m. and will pick up pass- urc hs. Judy MacColl, wi Ma rsags quite stple: charge of Mr. Mike Ward. work in Labrador. There will engers at Utica Store. student minister at Cedar wnadien Cantor Society vay Sunday School meets at be special music. We do Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mitchell Grove, Dr. Sisel and later on Education Chairman, of the people practise the Seven y P : . 1 . . M jack Mac: : " 10:15 a.m. _ hope you will come and enjoy.....were..guests-at-- the--Thorn-... MI. .and_ Mrs. gen _.North Durham unit and Mrs, Steps to Health." --.._. : Intosh near Dwight." « Sandy McCully, Vice-Chair- The Canadian bom "A Pot-Luck Siipper, 'spons- the supper and program. dyke-Brooks wedding in .Intos 8 Meyer Ya a. Society's S St to ored by the Epsom-Utica .- Oshawa on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fre eye man, Education, Scugog OaClty's SCien SIPS. "Cow will be held at Epsom All are welcome to the Pine og pg 1a d best of Agincourt. were recent Township Branch, partici Health are: Have a medical WY wil be he'd at hpso G Church Fall Service & ongratulations and bes d Mrs. p Ty United Church on Fri., Oct rove Church Fall Service to icp 00 t Valerie and Robbie - visitors with Mr. and Mr pated in a two-day Education and dental check-up; watch nd beheld on Sunday, Oct. 17 at Ws Bill Brown. Conference October 2 and,3 for any change in your 1Sthservedat5:30 p.m. and = © 5 Fol © oy. from Utica friends. at the Prince Hotel in normal state of health; find at 6:30 p.m. Cherrywood B 2. % Professor MF: and Mrs. Mervyn Mrs, James E. Mitchell, ) : CW will be special guests, bruce Matthews, Professor yj. cannell and Ryan visited Mrs, Jack Crosier, and Mr. Toronto, out about any lump or sore UCW will be spceti 8 . of Toronto University will be y ' i ; Please bring a dish of food yw Mr. and Mrs. Doug MacCan- and Mrs. Ern Simpson were that does not" heal; protect 8 r.a g Along with 300 other : i» P guest speaker. Music will be ts of Mr. and Cancer Society volunteers yourself against too much for the first course and rondered bv the Epson nell of Peterborough on Sun. luncheon guests of Mr. a they attended workshops Sunlight; do not smoke; have something for dessert. A Cent oh ek p Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Mrs. Fred Ballard of Ux- conducted by professional a Pap test; and do a monthly nominal charge will be made enonma 5 - Thompson, Mrs. Jim Miller bridge on Tuesday. 2 health consultants and breast self-examination. at the door. The Scugog Historical and Mr. Wm. Baker return- Thanksgiving visitors dur- PY A teachers. The delegates Mrs. MacColl said, "The Society will present A Walk ed on Saturday from a trip to ing the weekend Vela Mrs. J learned about the most effec- Canadian Cancer Society has: mall and fair displays and a Tiegh, Toronto Roo b northern Ontario where they Sy Hiipeh Yu on Hig tive way to use these mater- a wide variety of learning roster of public speakers." IS. npis hs o% visited relatives at Echo Bay i 2. cho ve A a y Gram ials to educate the public materials available free of Anyone interested in Monday, a a pa and travelled to Wawa, a r. = wil ale a about cancer safeguards. charge for schools, clubs and obtaining cancer education 12 Pott erry ow il > Chapleau, New Liskard and Schofield, 2 ha Ey : "'The: Canadian Cancer any other interested organiz- material should contact the Ot SE Sk ettenmen il € North Bay. Mr. and Mrs. George Harper SN Society has an important ations. We have films for local Canadian Cancer "3 y is atley Mr. and Mrs. Johnston, of on pi Don Suh gX message to tell," said Mrs. youth, adults, men and Society office in Uxbridge or amily. are welcome. : England, who have been Mr. an rs. in pn IN ry RL McCully. "*But in this age of women's groups and pamph- call Mrs. MacColl at Mrs. Viola Campsall of visiting Mrs. Lloyd Taylor for and Sherry, rs. air a3 mass information it is at lets in every language,' she 985-7196 or Mrs. McCully at Uxbridge informs us that a six weeks returned home o Erockisn Si Fi i i id, ** i .357- bus from Uxbridge to the Monday. Last week wit an rs. Jac iller, Miss 30 times difficult to be heard. said, "as well as school kits, 705-357-3591. a Pl 8 er etn Mr Sane i: Bray and Mr. Warren Sut- 74 : i cliffe with the Sutcliffe family tid - on Sunday. Mrs. G. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. : * W.W. Scott, Miss Donna Scott, Mr. Bob Scott, Mrs. od & Marjorie Honey, Miss Jannette Honey, Mr. Bruce Beare, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Beare and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Beare and children with Mrs. Jack Crosier on Sunday. The Storie family were at home with their parents on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Philip 8 ¢ with Mrs. Gordon Day and family of Brougham on Mon. Mrs. James E. Mitchell aid to litter prevention since the refillable nap bottle. with Mr. and Mrs. Walt Mitchell of Oshawa for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Haugen and children and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Mitchell and baby with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mitchell on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bryant of Seagrave called on Mrs. James E. Mitchell recently. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mason have returned from a trip to England. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lowe were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brennard roft. 2 of fan Lowe accompanied ' Mrs. Reynolds to Oshawa one day last week. INVEST NOW!| -|- Remember the days when all pop bottles were returnable and refillable? Your Ontario Ministry of the Environment wants to bring those days back, because there were a lot of advantages to the refillables. Their re-use saved energy and raw materials involved in bottle manufacture. And, more important, people returned refillable bottles. So they didn't become the litter and garbage disposal problem that throwaway bottles and cans are causing today. On October 1, 1976 a new law went into effect. It says that within six months, retail vendors will be required to stock and display in refillable bottles any size, flavour and brand of soft drink they offer in non-refillable bottles. In other words they have to offer you a choice. It also requires that retailers selling soft drinks in refillable bottles must now accept and refund cash deposits of at least 10¢ on smalksizes and 20¢ on large sizes. And the amounts of these deposits must be shown "@ LJ separately from the actual price of the pop. Minist % Victoria & Grey Trust Your Ministry of the Environment inistry Guaranteed Investments thinks that a return to refillable bottles of the Environment Ontario Hon. George A. Kerr, Q.C.. Minister Everett Biggs. Deputy Minister will save energy, help alleviate garbage disposal problems, and reduce the number of landfill sites. It will be a step toward a clean, unlittered Ontario. 10: % e | eo Notice to intact, refillable soft Don Mills, Gravenhurst, " drink containers which ~~ Kenora, Kingston, DEPOSIT REFUND FOR 5 YEARS Ontario you somlly bale." Lonel, Norby FOR REFILLABLE is information is Oakville, n Retailers covered in a notice Ottawa, Pembroke, SOFT DRINK BOTTLES 1 --INTEREST-- Effective October 1, ~ which must be dis- Peterborough, Sarnia, or gum one Ad Wa dO is payable half yearly or 1976, you will be required played by soft drink Sault Ste. Marie, Stoney Protection Act provide thata may be left to compound : to accept deposits on retail vendors. These Creek, Sudbury, cash refund of the full deposit - » h y refillable soft drink con- signs are provided by Thunder Bay, Timmins, will be paid for up to 48 intact BMAERGOMN |< tainers of 10¢ on small the Ministry of the Welland and Windsor and reasonably clean refillable iy "sizes and 20¢ on large Environment and are or by writing or phoning: Sonnets Snany 24. fie period INSURANCE 5s sizes. You will also be available at our offices Environment Ontario carbonated soft drink sol ¥ J 7 required to refund in these locations: 135 St. Clair Ave., West in containers of the Sold Hare AGENCY 2 deposits in these amounts ~~ Barrie, Belleville, Toronto, Ontario M4V 1P5 within the preceding six months, Ll MITED on all reasonably clean, Cambridge, Cornwall, Telephone: (416) 965-1658 «1 a 193 Queen St. Port Perry Phone 985-7306 ---

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