"o--_ ICICI ICICICICICICI sty 4 ICICICICICICICICICICICIC ICICI IEICE An excellent program on Citizenship was presented at the November 3rd meeting of Nestleton W.I. at the Community Centre. * After the opening exer- cises, Mrs. G. Heaslip gave a hearty 'welcome to the 19 members and visitors pres- ent. She read.from "Home and Country", a poem "Rule of Three". iy The Secretary, Mrs, J. Wygerde 'read the minutes and gave an encouraging financial report." Correspon- dence included an invitation to 4H "Achievement Day, "Focus on Living" at Cour- tice High School. A letter was read from Scugog Social cussion it was decided to carry on our usual Christ- mas Cheer boxes in our own community. Bring donations to December meeting. Court Lady Snowbird re- quested that we donate toward a chair lift for the Community Nursing Home, Port Perry. It was decided to give $50.00 to this worth- while project. < Members were thanked for their efforts in regard to the recent District Fun Fair hosted by Nestleton. It was the most successful held to date. The Roll call "What does Citizenship mean to me?" - was well answered. Pride, 9 C EZ --) rm A rN ol A AN FPN CP iy CH CERN RNA TA DSR OE ire NDS and wartime sacrifice were mentioned. The poem, "This is my own, my native land", was quoted. Mrs. Bruce Heaslip, Citi- zenship and World Affairs Convener presented the fol- lowing program. Mrs. Stan McNeely gave a memorable Motto on different types of "Love". Mrs. W. Jackson read "The Need". . Mrs. Bruce Heaslip presented "A tale of two glasses - wine and water". She then gave a paper on "Three kinds .of Citizens - Positive Negative and Irresponsible". The Positive set a goal for them- selves and are honest, con- cerned, ambitious, diligent, informed, helpful and get _ behind worthwhile causes such as W.I. and Service Clubs. The Negative citizens have a chip un their shoulder dnd' are their own worst enemies. They must learn to accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative side of their nature. In conclusion, Mrs. G. Turkey shoot The Caesarea Firemen's Association was given per- mission to hold a turkey shoot at the Caesarea Fire Hall property on December 4th. Representatives of the association told Scugog council Monday night that provincial police have been contacted, and that they saw no problems with the shoot, providing complaints could be kept at a minimum. 552 52525252525 2525252525¢525¢5255 55S ES TOMO OCC 5255S AAMC ICCC CITI CICIC nn a nn nn ne an Len Le a pp wp Ln 525s PORT PERRY STEREO & C.B. ~ LAKEVIEW PLAZA - HWY. 7A & WATER STREET ee TT Ten Te TT Te TT TT Te ke To Te Tee fT eT Tn TT eT TT TT eT ee Ve TT nT eT ee Tn ee eT OCC EP ee we we ew ee ee wl CCI . onto, - Nestleton Women's Institute Thompson read the life story of Dr. Robert Salter, surgeon-in-chief of the Hos- pital for Sick Children, Tor- He is best known for the congenital malformed hip operation which bears" hisname. A world renowned orthopedic surgeon he has operated on over 12,000 chil- dren. Born in Stratford, Ontario, he struggled hard to get his education and is a fine example of a Canadian Citizen. After singing O Canada and the Institute Grace, a delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Stan McNeely's group and a social time enjoyed. Arena (continued) group be contacted and asked to appoint someone to do the monitoring, and that the ministry then be contac- ted about the arrangement. A broomball group and a .dog obedience school is using the arena now, and council said the appoint- ment and subsequent sub- mittal of the ministry of labour should be carried out as soon as possible to avoid inconveniences. Attend W.I. Mrs. Thomas Bell, Port Perry, Ontario South Dis- trict delegate, Mrs. Fred Warren, Port Perry, Honey- dale Branch delegate, Mrs. Russell Pogue, Port Perry, Scugog Island Branch dele- gate and Mrs. Sam Cawker, Nestleton, Central Ontario Area Public Relations Officer, attended the Wo- men's Institute Convention held in the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, November 4th and 5th. The ladies reported an excellent two days - the various convenors etc. por- traying so clearly the many fields of endeavour in Womens Institute work in the Educational field, car- ried out so successfully year after year. Dr. M.B. Dymond of Port Perry was the outstanding guest speaker for the Thurs- day evening 'Banquet' his topic - 'Leadership'. In 1977 the Central Ont- ario Area will be celebrat- ing 75 years of achievement in Women's Institute activi- ties and extensive planning is in the offing for a tremen- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Nov. 10, 1976 -- 15 Council rules no deal on business tax break "Scugog Township Council refused to allow a reduction in business taxes to North- end BP gas station operator Paul Flieler. In a letter before council on Monday, Flieler claimed" his Lilla Street business dropped off sharply with the Lilla construction project, and demanded he be com- pensated by a reduction in business taxes. He said that the gas stat- ion had to be closed for about a month during the summer during the road widening, resulting in "a considerable loss in income and business". Council viewed the request with some sym-: pathy, but felt that allowing ' such a reduction would be impossible. The only way such a thing could be done is through an outright grant from the township, and that would be setting a pre- cedent. "And where would that end?" asked Coun. Don Frew. A chocolate bar a day..... A chocolate bar could save your life, states an Ontario Provincial Police report. "Hunting and hiking accid- ents increase each year despite the efforts of respon- sible organizations who strive to educate John Q. Public. The Ontario Provin- cial Police are gravely con- cerned with the increase of persons who 'are lost or injured while hunting and hiking." Ontario Provincial Police Commissioner Harold H. convention dous celebration. assuredly it will inspire the large membership to great- er and renewed effort. Jack Cracknell 357-3657 Les Cracknell 432-2440 Spoke Graham states that statistics show hunting and hiking accidents increase during morning and up to the lunch hour. After lunch, there's a sharp decrease and then the accidents rise again, reach- ing a high level at sunset and just before dinner time. There is no doubt that these statistics demonstrate to some degree at least, that fatigue has and will be res- ponsible for many bush accidents. High protein and carbohy- drate foods such as chocolate bars and cheese should be carried by hunters and hikers. Eaten during mid- morning and mid-afternoon this type of food would help restore lost energy and com- bat fatigue which results in accidents. Vw Buildings Addit ions Ponoaaiions FREE ESTIMATES St. Clair PAINT & WALLPAPER The Paint & Paper People MIDTOWN MALL OSHAWA, ONTARIO 576-2431 985-8365 CCCI pap pp a a pp pn nw 525252525252525¢ 5252525258 SC SC pot TT Te TTT 60505050525052525¢525¢5¢ MAGIC TEENIE GENIE ORGAN 7 s1195, ORGAN WORLD 143 Scugog Street LAKEVIEW PLAZA Make Music with Two Fingers (Lessons Available) SC ae NRE ON SEE ly . Se AM PRP A Ta a Se Las <7 a pt Pr LA rw er Le RGR ea ar « TI, NY Ay ox