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Port Perry Star, 23 Mar 1977, p. 12

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12-- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Mar, 23, 1977 I r-- . you my Lord" and the Sr. it's called, and English class films are based. Midwich the range of application of ° v Daily Airport Transportation Choir also sang "Take my students will be reading and Duckoos by John Wyndham; science fiction. life and let it be". A new discussing the literature of Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Brad- The general public is in- arrangements by Eugene science fiction and, in con- bury; 2001 by Arthur C. vited to attend the films and AIRPORT SERVICE Clark. Jr. Church was taken junction, three films will be - Clarke. discussions. Cost is $1.00 care of by Susan Hoag. show in the evenings. Students will be encour- per film or $250 for all EASTERN Next Sunday Miss Marg- The three movies are Vill- aged to read other works by three. ; aret Leach of Uxbridge will age of the Damned, Fahren- 3 OSHAWA 728-1 400 speak of her work in India, heit 451, and 2001 - A Space She has been teaching in the Odeasey. 8 fest hoi iy Helen MacDonald School for shown on Ma an ) ° H LOW RATES - - - DEPENDABLE SERVICE § Girls in Jhansi, India for the second on April 5 and 6, Shur-Gain Protection quite a number of years. and the third on April 12 and The ladies of the W.M.S, 13. The films will be shown mgs . will assjst in the service. at 7:30 at the high school. There will be a Good ~~ Within the English De- : re » Friday Service at Burns at partment, vivid audio-visual : ; 11 a.m, April 8th and Bible Sxberlences Rbien ya for hard-to-kill TITER Study will be April 24th, stimulate crealive writing mastitis-causing bacteria. 7 2 4 We are glad Mr. w. Will be provided, and the in % Hopkins is able to be home Writing and the discussion Mastitis y again from Port Perry Hos- motivated by the Flu and fiom varieties of pital. We wish for him rela rature will pre- 7 w CUSTOM D ECORATOR better health this time. sent an opportunity for the ats Mrs. A. Leaper and son Students to evaluate their nitrofurazone, Ian of London are spending ©OWn environment today, 'to panicilinand f BIACKSTOCK 46986-44117 a few days with her parents out those v ? Mr. and Mrs. E.-Heron. ° mastitis-causing i 4 Not much news this week Society bacteria not f folks, if you would like to SSCy controlled n ? ° ge . . help out with this news ° & Distinctive Decor Services regions \ | ) € column please phone entertain 3 PAINTING - PAPERHANGING - CEILINGS Shing j¢ hereby fhe ca. : continued G " endar, did you hear about } t: A SPECIALTY the man who had a very Jown Hall is just going to be i heavy crop of dandelions in A talented Port i, LS » $4 BROADLOOM - VINYL - DRAPES his lawn and wrote to his young, lalen 0 mal h Ith service h 4 horticulturist friend for Perry High School musician, ani ea H % - CERAMIC TILES O° Steven Hanson, will also i advice? The reply came (0 To te programme Shur-Gain... for the modern farmer. 1 v back "we suggest you learn with Aridi solo Co i / Interiors - Designed - Remodeled - Furnished to love them, Tickets at the reasonable : i 3 : cost of $2.00 for adults . A i Shop at home services STAR reprints soo for students and senior | WALLACE MARLOW CO. LTD. | _ | | it are aval e by y A : Hi Blackstock 986-4477 call 985-7383 Phoning 953043 or at the | BLACKSTOCK- ONTARIO 986-4201 TRAP : call 985- 7383 Port Perry Star office. Scugog Island area news By Mrs. Earl Reader On - Saturday evening March 26th there will be a joyous occasion at the Island Community Hall to honour John Davis and Tom Redman and their recent brides. There will be danc- ing and euchre for all their Island and area friends so _ hope for good weather. Several Island children took part in the musical competition at Sunderland last week and were among those receiving trophies. Congratulations -to---Sandra Pearce who received a trophy for her piano selec- tions. - The Community Hall has given much service this last week with the Road, Build- ers' dinner, the Women's Institute, a euchre' and auction 'as well as a Com- munity Dance. The "Head" UCW is now in the midst of planning its Art and Craft Show for Sat. April 23rd. If you have some interesting items to show or demonstrate, please phone , Mrs. Clarence Carter for information. The School winter break has tempted more residents to travel south. The = Scugog Island Women's Institute held their March meeting at the Hall on Wed., the 16th with Reta Wilson's group "Citizenship and World - Affairs' in charge. The roll call was answer- ed by ten members who . were in favour of bus trips to the Erland Lee home; Parkwood, Oshawa; Grav- enhurst and Haliburton for a group activity this summer. The motto was given by Ann Chandler "Peace will come when--" Correspondence was receiv- ed from Prov. Pres. Mrs. Maluske re Tweedsmuir competitions, and a thank you was received from Norma Crowell. May 14, Saturday, willbe 4-H- Achievement Day at Trinity U.C., Uxbridge 'For Knits Only." Dist. Director, Elizabeth Stichmann, reported she had attended a Director's meeting on March 7th at Brooklin. June 6 to 10 is W.I. week at Erland Lee home from 9:30 to 4:30. On Tues., May 24, at 9:15 a.m, we will be going to Brooklin U.C. for our Dist. Annual Lunch is $3.00 and we are asked to donate again this year to the white elephant and bake table. Elizabeth reminded us that this is the meeting our treasurer turns in the "talent money' and "pennies for friendship". On April 29 at Latcham Centre at 8 p.m. we are _invited to view slides on South America by Mrs. Lewis presented by Honey- dale and Shirley W.1.'s at at charge of $1.00 each wich will go toward their talent money. Our President, Betty Ann Freeman, took pleasure in presenting a spoon 'rack to one of our 4-H girls, Carol Wood, who has attained County Honours and is con- tinuing on with her 4-H work, April 20th will be our Annual meeting and the President requests all members be present and Conveners and Officers ~have--their - reports ready. The roll call will be the paying of dues. Helen Hortop's group 'Family and Consumer Affairs" will be in charge of the April meeting. Reta Wilson then gave us an account of conditions in Russia today which sparked a spontaneous discussion among our members, Reta closed this part of the meet- ing with a humorous read- ing "My mother cooked to music." A delicious lunch of hot cross buns, cheese, honey and Christina Prentice's delicious maple syrup, was served and a social time _ was enjoyed. Betty Reader Public Relations Officer Ashburn By Mrs. R. Heron _Chapter 2. The Jr. Choir sang an anthem "I praise The second annual Mudcat Bonspiel for Junior Curlers of the Port Perry Curling Club was held Monday at the club. The winners are, from left, Doug movies, A "Science Fiction Unit" film, the students will read the 'novels upon which the ography. A perusal of the authors available . in our library will give -an idea of .. z Larmer, Blair Graham, Craig Larmer and (seated) Sharon Bailey. g The Rev. Wayne Smith, i' 0 associate secretary of the » a I. . ¥ | 0 PETER BARKER ee Board of Congregational 0 Life was the guest minister cience IC ion | ms a as u of Sunday in the absence of ee = a 5 : p : : 1 : Rev. McEntyre who is on - S ating, the. creative see what patterns and the same authors and to J Denture Therapist holidays. imagination pf students in trends have developed in read further science fiction 3 Rev. Smith works out of the fields of i stu mathe: society, to consider the [iterature, 0 church offices and works matics, science, engineering potentiality of these aspects In other subject areas, it Hd 111 Dundas Street West 0 with many churches across and the humanities is the to be projected into the is hoped that ihjexs reference 3 WHITBY ' 668-1464 ho Canada. His sermon was main aim behind an English future, and to develop their will be made to science 0 T h entitled "Congregational department experiment at investigation and analytic fiction. The library has 0 ' ! Life: Where is the reality" Port Perry High School that processes. compiled an excellent Bibli- HH HH EH EH EE, taken from the book of Acts, will take students to the Prior to viewing each

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