LL Fellowship Evening a success cups to An excellent turnout made last Wednesday's sixth annual Fellowship Evening another success. The popular annual event, sponsored by Warriner Lodge No. 75, Independent Order of Oddfellows, was held this year at the Port Perry High School cafeteria and saw a good turnout of not only the-public at large, but many prominent local and regional _ officials including Durham Region - Chairman Walter Beath, board of education chair- man Yvonne Christie, and many more, In their tradition of bring- ing in interesting guest speakers representing a wide range of interests and scope, this. year it - was 4 ATE LE DRE Sl bY LAAN ESSN AR EE Ly JN ex:Ottawa Roughrider-Tor- onto Argonaut Bob Rum- ball. -Now a minister who has worked with many handicapped and under- priviledged groups, Mr. Rumball spoke mainly of his work with the deaf. He said deaf people have only recently gained their rightful place in society, and have for many years been considered second class citizens. He blamed the Shek sightedness of government as one reason for the slow progress of legislation to aid the handicapped. "I am sick and tired," he said, "of it being illegal to do things right." He said a lot of the prob- lem stems from an attitude Ex-pro football player Rev. Bob Rumball was guest speaker at the sixth annual Fellowship Evening sponsored by Warriner Lodge of the Independent Order of Oddfellows on Wednesday at Port Perry High School. Main emphasis of Mr. Rumball's speech was about his work with the deaf. Borden Foal-Lac keep up with a growing foals For ant and milking mares and as ii filo) diet for foals. Mares milk production doesn't 'Get Foal-Lac at your Shur-Gain Dealer's. appetite. Help the foal along with Borden's Foal-Lac. It's almost identical to mare's milk but has greater amounts of vitamins and minerals. Foal-1 a¢ is available in powder and pellets in 25 or 50 Ib. drums. Shur-Gain.... value for discerning feeders. WALLACE MARLOW CO. LTD. BLACKSTOCK - ONTARIO 986-4201 of labelling and putting people into categories. "What we forget, is that these are people, and not labels." Proceeds from the Fel- lowship night, awarded annually to a charity, was appropriately awarded to the Ontario Community Centre for the Deaf. The $241.00 was donated on be- half of all supporting organ- izations and the general supporting public. Also recognized at the Fellowship Night . was the contribution made by the Port Perry Fire Hall of the Scugog Fire Department in support of the past six fellowship nights. A plaque was presented to Chief Jack Cook. 34 apartment unit proposed Preliminary plans for a three-storey, 34 unit apart- ment building complete © with underground parking will be reviewed by Scugog Township building depart- ment staff before consider- - ation is given to a proposed zoning change on the pro- perty. The lakefront property in question, located northeast of the Port Tavern on Water Street, had been initially held for proposed senior citizen units. Housing min- "istry representatives lost interest in the property, and are looking for another site in the area. SIDEWALK - Or Patio Slabs 24" x 24" 2.30 24" x 30" 2.85 CONCRETE STEPS 4', 5 8 é' widths Priced from as low as: 321.50 IRON RAILINGS Available for Steps 235 WAITER ST. ~ The Port Perry area is now being canvassed by Port Perry and Greenbank Cubs, for the Trees for Canada program currently underway in the Pine Ridge District. . Through the "Trees for Canada' program, the Boy Scout organization, at the local level, is undertaking the_operation as part of a national project. The Benefits from the project will in time improve the ecology in our commun- ity by "providing food and habitat for wildlife; reduce soil errosion and provide windbreaks. In the District, Pine Ridge the boys will be planting 6,000 trees this year on Scugog Island. Planting date has been set for Saturday, May 7th. Each boy in the Port Perry and Greenbank 18. 10 each 43.25 each DRAMEX Texture Finish 25 Ib. 4.95 6""x6"'x6' . 6"x6"'x3' RB troops will be canvassing the area to get sponsors for the tree planting. A maxi- mum of 30 trees will be planted by each cub, and the canvas is a plea for . local people to sponsor the tree plant, for a definite amount per tree.' Official receipts will be issued to all who donate a PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Apr. 20, 1977 -- 7 oF : plant 6,000 trees total of $5.00 or more, which may be used for income tax purposes. The trees that are being planted will not be used in future for Christmas trees or private gain, but to assist with the ecology of the area. Last - year Canada's 250,000 scouts planted 2'2 million trees on public land. "YOUR LOCAL PAVING CONTRACTOR', Bus: 579-8847 SASSOON CITY PAVING CO. 17 BOND ST. E. OSHAWA, ONT. Res: 985-8149 PARKING LOTS REPAIRWORK DRIVEWAYS FREE ESTIMATES YOUR EST. Open 7 Days - 24 Hrs DURHAM CARPET 'CLEANING SALES & SERVICE 60 WATER ST. PORT PERRY CARPET --HARDSURFACE -- Ceramic Tiles -- 985-3773 CLEANING CEMENT CURBS ORDER YOUR CONCRETE NOW... FOR DELIVERY WHEN YOU NEED IT! -- CALL TODAY -- 985-7391 PORTLAND CEMENT a85-73N 2a 2 80 = PORT PLRRY TEXABOND Spray for Stippled _ Ceilings 50 Ib. bag 9.65 Covers approx. 500 sq.ft.