nw uN i Epsom News Plan community barbecue, s by Jean Jeffery Another busy week has just: ended with everyone coming "and 'going 'hether and yon (yonder) so fast it is hard to keep count. Anyone interested in Beef Barbecue? ' One is planned for Epsom Community, Saturday, August 22. There will be a planning meeting at W. Kerry's on Thursday evening. Everyone in the Epsom-Utica area is invited to come. If enough are interested we will make it into a Sports Day too. Core, we need your help and co-operation, I was speaking to Mrs. Underhill on Friday. She had just returned from a visit with family and friends in England and was present at the Queen's Jubilee Par- ade, Mr. and Mrs. A. Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Watson enjoyed a trip to Rockford Lion 'Safari one day last week, Thursday was Sports Day at Epsom School and Fri- day was Awards day, ' Next week we will try to have the names of the lucky winners. This Awards day had a different twist as a teacher was to receive an award for nine years faithful service, _ untiring in his efforts for perfection in the classroom and also on the playing ground. Now our respected - teacher, Kenneth Smart, is leaving us to go to "Cornish School" in Port Perry. Mrs, Barbara Simmonds read a poem with highlights of his life so far then several children presented him with a lawn umbrella and a shrub, money to buy a tree for his lawn and a plaque to fasten on it when it grows big enough. The tree, by the way, will be planted at his home in Port chance of error. New Deadlines > For Advertising Commencing with the first issue of the STAR in July, new advertising deadlines will come into effect. This has become necessary due to the increased volume of advertising, and the shortage of make-up time available on ° Mondays in our ad department. Effective Monday, July 4, 1977, all classified advertising must be in the office by 3:00 p.m. and display advertising by 12:00 noon. This new deadline on Mondays will enable us to spend more time on the ads and help eliminate the We hope that these new deadlines will not be of any great inconvenience to our customers. Perry. Ken seems pleased and surprised at- the honour: shown him. Ken's wife and son were present and some pictures were taken, It was nice also to see his brother . Robin once more. The Church service at Utica was taken by the Rev. Archie Scott, After the service Mr. Barry Bushell presented Mr. and Mrs. Scott with two etchings by the artist, Chris Chown, of Pine Grove. The Epsom and Utica churches were depicted. Then at the picnic dinner Mr. and Mrs. Scott cut the cake baked in honour of the Anniversary of the 45th Year since his Ordination. We are so glad _the Scott's are not moving After our - too far away. { picnic "dinner the Baster family were very surprised when Allen Clow made a little speech and they were presented with gifts from the Church (Mrs, Baster is a Steward), the Sunday School (Paul is the Superin- tendant). Cathy and Julie also received a momento. After the dinner Shirley and Paul had their picture taken holding the cake baked in their honour, wishing them "Good Luck" in their new home in Holland, where Paul is being transferred by the Phillips Co. We will " miss them so much. The vacancy will be partially filled by Pauls sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Potter who will be moving into their home. We do welcome them to our community. ports day Shirley and Paul would like to thank everyone for the lovely gifts they receiv- ed from community, Church and Sunday school. = They appreciated them so much. There will be no church on Sunday, July 3rd at Epsom or Utica but Sun. July 10th we hope to have Mr. Donald Darrell of Hamilton as speaker. The churches have chosen him as minister and hopefully waiting for approval from the Presbytery. Services at Epsom during July and August will be held at 9 a.m. alternating. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Benns and family were with Mr. and Mrs. Card for Sunday supper. Another S.0.S. The ladies of the Epic choir group would appreciate donations of uniced cake for the Strawberry Social at Utica Hall, July 9 at 8 p.m. These folks are working very hard to prepare an interesting programme. The proceeds will to go Epsom and Utica United Church, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ashton . were luncheon guests with Mr. and Mrs.' Ken Catherwood on Tues- day at Oshawa. The couples club had their monthly outing on Saturday and enjoyed the time at the Tapscott cottage at Camer- on Lake. Betty and Nor- man Tapscott, Earl and TT TT TT PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, June 29, 1977 -- 23 Elizabeth Taylor were co- hosts and hostesses. . Poor Shirley and Paul were late. They were working so hard at home they didn't know the hydro had been off dur- ing the night so arrived an hour and-half late. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Taylor visited friend and relatives and enjoyed our beautiful scenery in the Gravenhurst are for several days last week. Mr. Gerald Jeffery .has returned to London after visiting Mr. and 'Mrs. Gord. Jeffery for the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Paul B: ster and girls enjoyed a picnic at the home of Paul's parents at Richmond Hill on Sunday afternoon. OFFICE: 985-8216 Announcing a new ... INSULATION SERVICE DUE TO THE INCREASING COST OF FUEL,IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU HAVE SUFFICIENT INSULATION IN YOUR HOUSE. "IN-CELL-ITE"" CELLULOSE FIBRE IS THE MOST PRACTICAL INSULATION FOR A NUMBER OF REASONS: eApproved by Central Mortgage & Housing Corporation - No. 8067. oHighest Thermal Resistance Value. OResists Fire & Vermin. oNon-Toxic & Non-Irritating. o Light in Weight. ©@ Economical & Clean. © Easy to Install. CALL FOR A QUOTATION AT NO CHARGE AND NO OBLIGATION. TRIPP'S INSULATION SERVICE - RESIDENCE: 985-3563 UXBRIDGE SPRING WATER DAYS Sidewalk Sale THURSDAY, JUNE 30th and SATURDAY, JULY 2nd Come on over and grab some of the Terrific Bargains offered by the following stores: DAVIE PHARMACY HOMANS DEPARTMENT STORE UXBRIDGE PRO HARDWARE STRAWBERRY THREADS LORI LYNN ELLENS HOUSE OF FASHION HOUSE THINGS "MAC TACK and ~ DRY GOODS GREY MAC BOOK STORE TIM HARSHAW CLOTHIERS HOMAN SHOES : DENIM DEN SIDEWALK SALE STORE HOURS Thursday, June 30 - 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Saturday, July 2 - 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.